Status: Complete

Don't Forget


“Remind me again why I’m here?” I asked, twirling slowly around the fire pole.

I was on the set of JONAS. The boys were filming and they had invited me along. I wanted to say no, I practically did, but my mom had other ideas. Hence why I am now walking around a pretend kitchen. Nick, Joe and Kevin had just filmed a scene where they poured cake mix all over a bunch of home movies and were currently covered in flour. I thought Kevin looked rather handsome flecked with cake mix, but I wasn’t about to say so out load.

“Because I’m your best friend and you love me and don’t want me to be bored out of my mind in between takes,” Joe smiled.

“Hey what about me?” Nick cut in, “I’m your best friend too.”

“You’re both my best friends. Now don’t you have a show to make?” I laughed.

“Chelsea’s in the next scene, we have to wait for her,” Joe explained, and I nodded.

“Did somebody say my name?” A cheery voice called out.

Chelsea was pretty. She had a friendly smile and wavy blonde hair. The boys gave her hugs and quickly got back to filming. They were remaking the videos that their characters had destroyed. It was funny but since they were shooting, I had to hold back my laughter. Chelsea was a great actress as well, and for a moment I felt almost envious.

“You’re Kevynn, right?” she asked, bubbly and excited.

“Yeah,” I said and stuck out my hand.

I almost fell over when she ignored my outstretched hand and engulfed me in a hug instead. “It’s nice to meet you,” she smiled.

“You too,” I replied.

“We should totally hang out after this,” She suggested before going to back to filming.

I watched as they finished up the scene they were working on and smiled to myself as Chelsea spilled eggnog down her shirt. I had noticed that three girls had been standing by the edge of the set for a few minutes and I couldn’t figure out why. The boys had never mentioned that they were expecting anyone. The tall blonde seemed to have her eyes glued to Kevin and it made me slightly uneasy. On either side of her stood a shorter girl, one brunette and one blonde. As they finally finished filming, Chelsea threw a dirty look in the tall blonde’s direction.

“Missy!” Kevin said excitedly, once he noticed her.

Missy? What kind of name is that? Kevin wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her cheek. I wanted to throw up. I wanted to believe that they were only friends. However, when Missy ran her fingers through his unruly curls and smashed her lips into his, I knew they were more than friends. Kevin’s cheeks turned pink as he wiped her lip gloss off with the back of his hand.

“I can’t stand her. Even Nick and Joe think she’s a bitch,” Chelsea told me.

“Why?” I asked, my eyes narrowing in the oldest Jonas’ direction.

“Because she thinks she’s the queen of the world and everyone else is beneath her. She even treats her friends like crap,” Chelsea informed me.

“Who are the two girls?” I wondered out loud.

“Nadine and Leah. The only people who are dumb and spineless enough to put up with her,” my new friend laughed.

Chelsea had to leave so I occupied myself with chatting with Joseph. Kevin seemed to have disappeared and I’d be lying if I said that it didn’t bother me. Eventually, of course, it was time to leave so Nick, Joe, and I walked to the parking lot. Missy was leaning against Kevin’s Jeep, and he was leaning into her. I really didn’t want to watch them make out.

“I hate to break up your little face sucking festival but I have stuff to do and places to be,” Joe said obnoxiously.

“Sorry,” Kevin mumbled, pecking Missy lips one last time before sending her on her way.

He started the car and Nick and Joe hopped in the back before I could do anything about it. I was stuck sitting next to Kevin the whole way home. Yay! Please note the sarcasm in that. It was awkward and silent. Not even the radio was on. I wanted to reach over and turn it on but I wasn’t sure if Kevin was the kind of person who didn’t like other people touching his car or not. I silently thanked God when we finally pulled into my driveway, but apparently I did so too soon. He followed me to my front door.

“What do you want?” I asked without looking at him.

“I’m sorry,” Kevin said softly, rubbing the back of his neck.

“For what? Making me believe you still cared? Neglecting to mention you have a girlfriend? Or is something else I don’t know?” I hollered, trying not to cry.

“I didn’t mean to kiss you,” he whispered, and my heart broke, “I shouldn’t have done that. I’m with Missy.”

Kevin walked back to his Jeep but I stood, frozen, at my front door. Because it wasn’t the first time he told me he didn’t mean it.

The sun was particularly bright in Wyckoff that morning. I forgot to bring sunglasses. Kevin was taking Nick, Joe, and I out on Zabriskie Pond for the day. He’d even rented a boat. We were all excited. Joe was practically bouncing off the walls. The only bad thing was the life jackets. That shade of orange isn’t flattering on anybody.

“Where’d you put the bait?” Nick asked as we all got settled on the boat.

The boys had brought fishing poles with them. They set them up as Kevin anchored the boat in the middle of the pond. Nick and Joe stayed in the stern with their backs to Kevin and I while they tried to catch something. I was sitting in the bow of the boat, dipping my fingers into the cool water of the pond.

“Kevy,” the oldest Jonas said suddenly.

His voice startled me. I hadn’t been expecting it. I whirled around coming face to face with Kevin and teetering dangerously over the edge of the boat. His arm snaked around my waist and held me upright. His face was just centimeters away from mine. His hazel eyes bore into my brown ones. And then it happened. He pressed his lips into mine and it felt as though there was a Fourth of July celebration going on in my mouth.

“I didn’t mean to kiss you,” he mumbled as he pulled back, “I shouldn’t have done that. You’re only 14.”

I narrowed my eyes and looked over his shoulder. Nick and Joe were oblivious to what had just happened. They were still trying to catch a fish. I leaned up and crashed my lips over Kevin’s again and his grip around my waist tightened. I played with curls on the back of his neck until Nick began to holler excitedly.

“I meant to kiss you,” I whispered as I walked to the stern of the boat to see what the boys had caught.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this took so long, but I had a little bit of writer's block on this chapter. Hope you enjoy. Comment!
