Status: Complete

Don't Forget


To say that Missy disgusts me is the understatement of the year. She makes me want to gouge my eyes out just so I don't have to look at her anymore. We were in a fancy restaurant and she was wearing the skankiest dress I've ever had the displeasure of laying my eyes on. It was white, skin tight, and had slits all down the side. And Kevin is somehow attracted to that? I don't get it. I also don’t get why some girls wear so much lip gloss. It’s kind of gross. What’s even grosser is Missy transferring all her lip gloss on to Kevin. I closed my eyes for a second so I wouldn’t have to see. David squeezed my hand under the table, he could sense that I was uncomfortable. Even he seemed slightly disgusted as Kevin wiped pink sparkly goo off his lips with his napkin.

“Please don’t ever wear that much lip gloss,” David whispered in my ear.

“I don’t even like lip gloss,” I whispered back and David smiled.

“What are you two talking about?” Missy asked suddenly, “It’s, like, wicked rude to whisper.”

“I was telling him that this alfredo is amazing,” I said and pointed to my bowl.

“No you weren’t. What do you think I am? Stupid?” Missy hollered.

“I don’t think you want me to answer that truthfully,” I informed her.

“You’re a bitch,” she hissed.

“Better than being a whore,” I replied.

“I’m not a whore. You are,” Missy shot back.

“Wow, what a comeback,” I said sarcastically.

Missy looked she wanted to jump across the table and kill me. Maybe she would’ve if Kevin hadn’t put his arm around her shoulders to keep her in place. David had placed his hand on my thigh, silently telling me to calm down.

“She’s gonna be the death of me,” I whispered to him

“What the fuck?” Missy screamed, “Didn’t I tell you whispering is rude?”

“Yelling in the middle of a restaurant is worse,” I told her.

“And what? You’re little miss perfect? I highly doubt that,” she laughed.

“At least I don’t start fights about absolutely nothing,” I said, a bored tone in my voice.

“You know what? Say one more thing and I swear to God, I’ll kill you,” Missy threatened.

“First off, don’t take the Lord’s name in vain. That’s just not cool. Second, I can take you. Bring it on,” I smiled confidently.

“Um,” Kevin jumped in, “Just a thought, but I don’t think the people who work here want to be scrubbing Missy’s blood out of the carpet. So Kevynn, please take a chill pill.”

David and I both started laughing uncontrollably. Kevin just completely dissed Missy and she’s too blonde to realize it. She looked rather confused. Kevin started laughing too which only upset Missy more because she was totally out of the loop. She grimaced and shoved her chicken around her plate with her fork.

“Double dates are so fucking overrated,” she mumbled.

“Don’t swear,” Kevin said exasperatedly, “How many times do I have to tell you that?”

I scrunched my nose in confusion. He had reminded Missy more than once not to swear? That didn’t sound like Kevin. He didn’t like girls with potty mouths. He told me once, way back when, he’d never date someone like that. I went back to picking at my alfredo, but watched Kevin from the corner of my eye. A chocolate brown curl had fallen into his eyes, and he brushed it away. Those stupid curls get me every time.

Sunlight streamed through the window and pierced my closed eyelids. I groaned involuntarily and blinked a couple of times. Kevin’s arm was draped lazily across my waist, his body pressed against mine, and I was unusually warm. Not that I minded or anything like that. I squirmed in Kevin’s grasp, turning until we were face to face. His breathing was deep and even, and his unruly curls were splayed across the pillow.

He looked so peaceful that I couldn’t bear to wake him. A few stray ringlets had fallen into his eyes and I pushed them away. He moved, ever so slightly, but was still asleep. I rested my head on his chest and listened to the steady thump of his heart for a while, until I felt his grip tighten around my waist.

“Good morning,” I said softly, leaning up to look into his beautiful hazel eyes.

“Morning baby,” Kevin replied, his curls tickling my collar bone as he placed a kiss on my neck.
♠ ♠ ♠
[x] Kevynn’s outfit
[x] Missy’s outfit

Sorry for taking so long. *dodges flying objects* I'm gonna update once more tonight and hopefully twice more tomorrow to make up for my slowness. Also, I need your help so go read the journal that I just put up and pick the story you want me to write next. Thanks!
