Rolling Off Your Tongue

Movies and Daydreams

It wasn't even halfway through the movie -- which I was yet to figure out the name of -- my eyelids became heavy, and closed. It seemed like too soon, the sound of ringing made it's way through the air, at a high pitch, causing me to jump. Taking in my surroundings, I felt Mikey's hand resting on top of my head, and noticed that everyone was sitting in the same spot where they had been before, save for Gerard, who was laying on his side, however, now was reaching for his pocket, to pull out a small cell phone.

"Hello?" his voice was slightly raspy. Maybe he had fallen asleep as well. I imagined myself curled up beside him, sleeping like a kitten. "Quin? How'd you get my number?" now he sounded a little irritated. Perhaps he was having a good dream. Thinking about it, now, the last time anyone from Bert's band had called, Gee and him had gotten in an argument, and someone had called to get them to stop. Maybe they were in a fight again, since Gerard had been rather unenthusiastic about inviting Bert. "Yeah, I'll be right there..." he muttered lowly. His wide eyes turned to me, as he rose to his feet, and I felt my heart skip a beat. Something was wrong. "I've got to go... I'll meet you at the concert," was all he said, before rushing out the door.

For the rest of the movie, I wasn't sure what was going on, even when I was watching. All I could think about was the look on my friends face as he hurried out the door. Whatever had happened wasn't good. That's all I knew, and it was killing me to know only that. I hated being left out of the loop. Maybe Bert got in another bar-fight. Gotten a bloody nose and a black eye? I wanted to know!

After another hour passed, I decided that this had to have been the longest movie that I had ever watched, yet not watched at the same time. It still wasn't finished, and the woman on the television was shouting something that I couldn't comprehend due to lack of paying attention once again. It was my brains fault. Yes, it had to have been.

Finally, after the woman died, and some man showed up at her grave, who I didn't know,the movie ended, leaving me confused. I didn't even know how the woman had died. Apparently, it only mattered when the grave showed up, but now I felt empty for lack of knowledge. Either that, or it was because I was hungry, which is what I was going to go with. It took me a few minutes before actually moving, because I realized Mikey had fallen asleep on me. He was using my head as a pillow. Luckily, a comforter was barely in arms length, and I switched it with myself before standing up.

Matt and Ray were still staring at the tv, probably too lazy to get up and either locate the remote, or take out the video and waiting for the other person to do it. I grabbed a twizzlers package off of the counter, and put one halfway in my mouth, scurrying out to poke Mikey in the chest. "Mwae uhp," I insisted, speaking through the food, hoping it wouldn't fall out of my mouth. Luckily, it didn't. The younger Way moaned, and turned his head into the pillow. Apparently, Ray had located the remote, as the next second, a soft 'thwack' could be heard, and the remote control hit my boyfriend in the face, before falling onto the couch, causing him to suddenly jerk up, and stare at me with wide eyes. Instinctively, I pointed at Ray, "he dwid it!" At this point in time, I realized I had yet to eat the twizzler hanging out of my mouth, and took the chance to do so now.

"No I didn't!" Ray lied, a smile on his face.

"Likely story!" I crossed my arms. The clock made a soft chiming sound, and Matt rose to his feet.

"Concert," he yawned, shoving his hands into his pockets, "that movie was boring," was the only comment received from him, before he made his way to the door, "ready?"

We all nodded, save for Mikey, who was rubbing his slightly red cheek. Ray and Matt made their way out the door, and I grabbed onto the Way's hand, pulling it away from his face to lightly peck his sore cheek, before leading him out the door to the van.

Once we got there, we had to set up, and I took a peek out to the crowd, as a tech fiddled with Matt's drumset, to see a mass of people, yet there was no Gerard to be seen. We couldn't preform without the vocalist. I went onto tuning Pansy, my guitar, and sighed when I had finished, as the vocalist had yet to show up.

"...Where's Gee?" I looked at Matt, who shrugged. "We have to go on soon, or we're going to have to cancel..." at that minute, familiar heavy footsteps scurried to us, and Gerard was standing there. His eyeliner was smeared a little nearing the ends of his eyes, as if there had been water streaming down it when he was putting it on. That made me realize something. "Gee, why were you crying?" I murmered, staring at his red eyes.

Gerard just shook his head, and put on a fake smile to respond, "it's nothing, Frankie. Nothing you need to worry about... Now... we have to play now, or people are going to be pissed..." he muttered, before stalking onto the stage. Matt had gotten ahead of him, and hopped onto his seat. I hadn't even realized that Mikey had already gone onto the stage, and Ray was making his way on, with me trailing after him.