The Balance Of The Night Side

A New Task

Sitting on top of the roof in shadows, I watched as the humans went by. I wasn’t going to hunt them – not tonight. My thirst was quenched for now. I was sitting in complete darkness. I could jump and have one off the streets before anyone would notice. They were so helpless. I looked up at the sky, and noticed it was close to the full moon. The werewolves would be out soon.

I sat there and watch the humans scuttle by. I did this when I needed to think. It was quite calming, sitting up here. This was one of my favorite roofs. I breathed in the scent of the night, then decided I better move. I’ve been sitting here far too long, the sun would be up soon, and I was too old to be out in that long.

I got up and jumped to the roof behind me, and dropped down into the alley way. I started running, towards the edge of town. You ask why I don’t transfigure? Yeah, right. That skill is HARD. I’m good, but I find that practice a waste of time. The edges of town were darker, so it was easier to go steadily faster here, were no human would see me.

I started seeing the light at the horizon, but I wasn’t worried. I’d be there soon enough. A couple minutes later, I saw it. The mansion where I live, owned by my wonderful leader, Kimerich. I reached the front door just as the sun was started to peak over the land. Walking in, I saw he was still up, sitting there, waiting for me.

“Kiara. You were out late. I need to talk to you before you go to your rooms,” he said.

Whoops. What did I do this time? “Yes?” I said as innocently as I could.

“I need you to watch that new girl, Shannon. She just got bit a couple of weeks ago, but she shows promise. I might have found my replacement,” he said, smiling.

Oh. I sighed. Well, at least I didn’t do anything wrong. “I’d be happy to. So you finally found someone?” I asked. He’s been looking forever. Almost litterly.

“Yes, I think. You know I would choose you,” he sighed for theatrics, “but you know you are not part of our house.”

“I know. And I am thankful every day you let me stay here. Is that all? I’m a little tired,” I said, sliding towards the stairs.

“You may go. I will speak to you later.”

I ran up the stairs to my quarters. Great, he’s making me his personal babysitter. I ran into my “sitting” room, and flopped on the couch. I hated being stuck in all day sometimes, it became quite boring. I turned on my sterio and thought about the girl I would have to be watching. I thought about starting next week, but then wondered why I would need to put it off, so I planned on going the next night.

I settled in on the couch to read books and surf the web until the sun went down.