Status: Updating very very slowly due to school.

Your Love Is a Lie

Chapter One

“Why do you ALWAYS talk about them? Ugh!” Anthony, my current boyfriend said.

“I’m sorry but they were my best friends from childhood. What do you expect me to do?” I replied.

“I expect you to accept the fact that they probably don’t even remember you and be a normal person and forget about it,” he replied.

“Well I’m sorry, I’m not normal. I mean I am going to see them for the first time in God knows how long tomorrow!” I replied excitedly.

“Yeah, yeah I know,” He said.

~FF to the concert the next day~

“God, I can’t wait!” I said.

“I know. You have said it about a million times already,” Stormy, my best friend said.

There was one person in front of us and then we were next. We waited about 10 minutes and that person was done, so now it was our turn.

“Hi Nick,” I said.

“Hi what’s your name?” He asked.

“Becca,” I replied.

“I had a childhood friend with that name,” He replied.

“Maybe he does remember,” I thought. “Maybe I’m her,” I replied.

He looked at me strangely probably trying to see if I looked anything like her.

“Wait, what’s your last name?” He asked again.

“It’s me Nick,” I replied.

“No way! Beccabear?” He said in disbelief.

“Hi Nick,” I replied to reassure him that it was me.

“Oh my God. What happened to you? You're beautiful, not like you ever weren’t, but wow!” He replied and hugged me tightly.

I smiled shyly and blushed. “Thanks.” I said.

Joe and Kevin both looked at Nick with questioning looks on their faces.

“Guys this is Becca,” He said.

“Nice to meet you Becca,” They both said.

“No, guys this is Becca you already met her,” He said again.

They then looked at him like what?

“THEE Becca, you know, Beccabear,” He replied.

All of a sudden Joe and Kevin’s faces lit up like a light bulb. “No way!” They both exclaimed.

“Yup,” I said.

“Oh my God!” They said and both jumped over the table and ran over and hugged me tightly. I laughed slightly.

“Wow, they all remember,” I thought.

“I can’t believe its you,” They all said.

“Yep, its me,” I replied.

“So Beccabear, what’s new?” Nick asked using my old nickname.

“Eh, not much really, I have a new boyfriend,” I replied.

“Great, she has a boyfriend,” Nick thought.

“Well, I have to meet other fans, so could I have your number and we can maybe meet up and talk?” Nick added.

“Yeah sure,” I replied and wrote my number on his hand.

“Thanks,” Nick said as I walked off to get in line to get into the concert.

~With JB signing more autographs~

“You're still in love with her aren’t you?” Joe asked.

“N-No! what would make you think that?” Nick asked back.

“Yep, he’s still in love with her,” Joe said to Kevin.

Nick just shook his head and continued to meet more fans.

“We should get the number from Nick and hook them up,” Joe said.

“We can’t, remember, she has a boyfriend!” Kevin said reminding Joe.

They both sighed and shook their heads.

“Well what do we do then?” Joe asked.

“We wait, and if they're meant to be. Fate will take its course,” Kevin replied.

“Okay,” Joe said like a disappointed kid who couldn’t get the puppy in the pet store window. They all continued to sign autographs until the line was gone.

~After the Concert~

They were on the tourbus on the way back to the hotel. They all were tired so they didn’t talk much.

“So Nick, when are you gonna call her?” Joe asked.

“Probably tomorrow,” He replied.

“Ah, pkay” Joe said.

“Well I’m goin to bed, night guys,” Nick said.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well this is the first chapter lets see how it goes. I edited this chapter a little bit because chapters 2 and 3 have spaces between everytime someone talks so thats why it may look longer.