Status: Updating very very slowly due to school.

Your Love Is a Lie

Chapter Two

Chapter 2

~Next Day~
Nick picked up his blackberry and called Becca.

“Hi Becca its me, Nick,” He said.

“Yeah I know, I recognize your voice. What’s up?” I replied.

“Well, I was just wondering if you wanted to meet me at the Starbucks on the 16th street mall, ya know, to catch up on life?” He asked.

“Yeah sure. When?” I asked.

“Uh, can you be there in an hour?” He asked.

“Yep, I’ll see you then,” I replied.

Nick woke up his brothers and told him he was going to Starbucks and asked if they wanted anything. He then left to go meet Becca since it was going to take him an hour to get there anyway.

~At Starbucks~

I looked around to try to find him and there he was by the cash register ordering. I snuck up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder.

“Hey Nick,” I said and he jumped a few inches in the air. “Sorry.” I said apologetically.

“I’ll have a venti java chip frappachino, a venti vanilla bean frappachino and a quad venti caramel macchiato, “ He said to the cashier person. “Hey Beccaboo,” He said using my other nickname.

“Who’s the quad venti for, Kevin?” I asked even though I knew the answer.

“Yup.” He replied. “You know how much of a hardcore caffeine Starbucks fan he is,” He added.

“Yeah I know. That boy could have Starbucks for breakfast, lunch and dinner,” I said.

He laughed a little and we went to go sit down as soon as we both ordered and got our drinks. We sat down and talked for about 20 minutes then he offered to take me to the hotel with him, he was staying in the Adams Mark Hotel. So I went with him.

~At the Hotel~

“Hey guys,” We both said when we walked into the room.

“Hey,” everyone replied.

“Oh my gosh! Is that you Becca?” Mrs. Jonas said.

“Yep it’s me,” I replied. ’Well at least their mom definitely remembers me,' I thought to myself.

“Oh my gosh c’mere sweetie, it has been so long,” She said and gave me a hug.

“Well then I’m guessing I don’t need to introduce you two.” Nick said.

“So sweetie what have you been up to all these years?” Said Mrs. Jonas.

“Not much, I have a new boyfriend,” I replied.

“I see,” She replied.

“ Um Nick, whose that?” Frankie said.

“That’s Becca, she’s one of our old friends,” Nick replied.

“Hi Frankie!” I said shaking Frankie’s hand.

Well we all got to get to know each other again. It was getting late so I decided I should go. Nick told me he’d be here for about a week or two when he walked me out of the hotel.


It was late; I stayed at the hotel with the boys for practically the whole day, so I went to bed. I would probably see the guys again tomorrow and probably introduce them to Anthony.

~Morning of the next day~

It was 9:00 a.m., so I got up, took a shower and got dressed and ready for the day. After I was done my cell phone rang. “Hello,” I answered the phone.

“Hey babe, what’s up?” Anthony replied.

“Not much. Hey do you want to meet the guys today?” I asked.

“Sure, why not?” He replied.

“Okay cool,” I answered.

“Well can I come over for a few?” He asked.

“Of course you can!” I exclaimed.

I hung up and then as I was about to put the phone down the phone rang again, this time it was Joe.

“ Hey,” I said into the receiver.

“Hey. Are you going to come over today?” He asked.

“Of course, but can I bring my boyfriend with me?” I asked.

“Sure, we’d love to meet the guy,” He replied.

“Ok, so I will be over in about an hour?” I asked.

“Yeah that’s fine,” He replied.

~With the Jonas family~
(Joe’s POV)

“Hey Joe who was that?” Asked Nick.

“That was Beccabear, she will be over in about an hour and she is bringing her boyfriend,” I replied.

“Oh joy,” said Nick sarcastically.

“Ha-ha, just try to be nice,” I said.

“Hey I am always nice!” Objected Nick.

“Hey guys, what’s up?” Kevin said entering the room.

“Beccabear will be over in about an hour with her boyfriend,” I repeated what I told Nick.

“Cool,” Kevin said.
(End Joe’s POV)
~FF An hour~

*Knock* *Knock*

“Hey Beccaboo!” Said Nick.

Nick is the only one allowed to call me that, by the way.

“Hey Nick,” I replied. “This is my boyfriend, Anthony,” I added introducing him.

“Hey dude,” Nick said giving him the whole shake, hug thing guys always do.

“Hey,” Anthony replied.

We walked into the hotel they were staying in for two weeks.

“So how did you two meet?” Asked Joe.

“Oh, we met at school, and we’ve been together for a year,” I replied.

“Oh cool,” Said Nick.

We stayed as long as I did the night before, just talking.
♠ ♠ ♠
I would like to thank my first two commenters, un-touchable and NJ_Lovebug.
As you may have noticed I'm not all that great with grammar so I apologize.
Comments= faster updates maybe this time we can get to 3? I am definately a comment whore because i like to know what my readers think of my writing, it helps me improve. So far I have two comments, twenty-three readers and five subscribers.
Thank you for taking the time to read my story!