Status: Updating very very slowly due to school.

Your Love Is a Lie

Chapter Three

~Next Day~
This time I came without Anthony. When I got there we just hung out. Nick then told me he had something to tell me so we went into one of the bedrooms and we talked.

“Becca, I don’t know how to tell you this but-” Said Nick not finishing his sentence.

“Nick you know you can tell me anything,” I said knowing it was serious seeing as he
didn’t use any of my million nicknames.

“Well uh… I-I don’t really like Anthony,” He said.

“May I ask why?” I asked.

“Well he just doesn’t seem like he deserves you, you deserve so much better,” He said shyly.

“And you know all of this by last night?” I asked.

“Well yeah he just kind of gives me that feeling, ya know?” He explained.

“Well I’m sorry but what do you want me to do?” I asked.

“I don’t know,” He replied.

“Do your brothers feel this way too?” I asked.

“Well yeah, kind of,” He replied.

“Ok.” I said kind of awkwardly.

After that we joined everyone else in the living room area of the hotel room. I started to think while we were watching a movie and realized that all the feelings I had for Nick a while ago were all rushing back.

’Oh great!’ I thought.

I think I may still be in love with him, but oh well, I highly doubt he feels the same way at all. I excused myself from the movie and walked out of the hotel room to call Anthony.

“Hey babe what are you doin?” I asked when he answered.

“Um uh nothing,” He replied sounding kind of out of breath.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

“Yeah babe why do you ask?” He asked.

“Baby who is it?” Said a female voice in the background.

“Who is that and why did she call you baby?” I asked kind of knowing what was going on.

“That was uh, nothing baby, just nothing,” He replied.

“Sure as hell doesn’t sound like nothing to me! You’re cheating on me aren’t you?!” I asked yelling at him.

“No baby, I’m not,” He said.

“Save it Anthony, WE ARE OVER! Goodbye!” I yelled at him.

I walked back inside looking very upset. Nick took one look at me and quickly got up and ran over to and hugged me.

“What happened?” They all asked.

“H-he cheated on me!” I said about to let the tears fall.

“Shhh, let it all out its okay.” Nick said comforting me.

Nick led me over to the couch to sit down and he just let me cry on his shoulder as long as I needed to.

“Well I just talked to our tour manager…,” Said Kevin not finishing his sentence.
“And?” We all asked.
“Well... I asked him if Beccabear could go on tour with us since its summer...,” He said still not finishing his sentence.

“And?” We all asked eagerly.

“And he said yes,” Kevin said.

“We are not going to let her stay here and be sad all summer because dickface cheated on her,” He added.

“Woo hoo!” Nick said.

“Hey guys do you mind if I spend the night, I don’t wanna go home and think about today’s events?” I asked.

“Of course we don’t mind sweetie you know you’re always welcome here,” Said Mrs. Jonas.

“Thank you,” I replied.
~1 Month later on tour~

“Becca wanna go on a walk with me?” Nick asked.

Once again I knew it was something serious because he didn’t call me any of my nicknames.

“Sure,” I replied.

We were at a pit stop so we walked out of the tour bus and started walking and talking about random stuff. He suddenly stopped, the sun was setting. He looked at me and I looked at him.

“I asked you to come with me for a reason,” He said.

“Oh yeah? And what reason is that?” I asked somewhat teasing.

“I asked you to come with me because well…,” He said pausing at the end.

“Well?” I asked waiting for an answer.

“Screw it because well this,” He said and gave me the most passionate kiss of my life.

“What exactly was that supposed to tell me?” I asked surprised and kind of breathless because it took my breath away.

“Well it was supposed to tell you that I love you,” he replied.

“Wait you love me or you are in love with me?” I asked.

“That I’m in love with you, and I have been since, well, forever,” He said.

“I’m in love with you too.. And I have been since forever,” I said.

He kissed me again only this time it was a bit rougher. There was only one problem…I had one secret that I would take to my grave, I was bulimic and anorexic. What he did know was I had OCD, what he didn’t know is how severe my OCD was. Cutting is known as an OCD behavior, and yes I am a cutter.

~Nick’s POV~

‘I can’t believe she has been in love with me for as long as I have been in love with her. This is so amazing.’ I thought to myself as I kissed her.

My hands were roaming up and down her back and sides as I kissed her.

‘Man do I love her curves.’ I again thought to myself.

I never wanted to stop, I could kiss her all day but I knew I had to stop. When I did our foreheads touched and we were both breathing a little heavy. I looked deep into her eyes, they were the most amazing shade of green I have ever seen, what I noticed though was she had little spots of red in them. Now that, I thought was cool, you couldn’t see the little red spots unless you looked closely. Finally after about three minutes of looking deep into her eyes,

I said, “I love you more than you’ll ever know.”

and kissed her on the forehead and we started to head back to the tour bus.

‘Wow this girl is so amazing.’ I thought.

Once we got back we just hung out.

“Hey Becca, do you wanna go out with me on Friday?” I asked her.

“Um uh…” Becca said.

~Becca’s POV~

“Um uh…” I stated.
‘Shit how am I supposed to hide my secret from him now? He’s probably going to take me to dinner.’ I thought. ‘Well I guess I could excuse myself to the bathroom after dinner.’ My thoughts continued.

“Uh sure, I’d love to,” I finally answered.

“Great, 7 o’ clock?” He asked.

“That’s sounds great. Formal or casual?” I asked.

“Formal, yet casual at the same time,” He replied.

“Okay,” I answered.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well you guys gave me four comments when I only asked for three.
Although I do wish more of my ninety-nine readers would post a comment. (hint hint)
Since you guys have been good here ya go!
Thank you guys for your comments.