Status: Updating very very slowly due to school.

Your Love Is a Lie

Chapter Seven

~3 Days Later~

I once again was in her room I fell asleep in her room the night before and then I felt a slight squeeze on my hand I looked up and she moved slightly.

“Becca?” I asked hoping she was awake.

“Mmhmpha.” She said and her eyes fluttered open.

The doctors took the feeding tube out a day ago so I’m guessing she probably had a sore throat. I stood up and gave her a hug, she felt so fragile. I gave her some water and went to tell everyone she was awake then I went back into her room.

“How ya feeling?” I asked.

“I have a sore throat,” She replied. “What happened to me and where am I?” She added.

“Well first off you’re in the hospital as to what happened… you passed out and we brought you here,” I answered.

“Um ok but that doesn’t tell me why I have a sore throat,” She said.

“Well you have a sore throat because they had you on a feeding tube until a day ago when they took you off of it,” I answered.

“Psh, why did they have me on a feeding tube I’m fine,” She said like it was no big deal.

“Becca, we know you’re bulimic and anorexic,” I said.

“Oh,” Was all she said.

“Why?” I asked.

“Why what?” She replied.

“Why did you lie to me? Why are you anorexic and bulimic?” I asked.

“Which one do you want answered first?” She asked back and sighed.

“Why are you bulimic and anorexic?” I said.

“Because I’m fat,” she stated flatly.

“Okay, now why did you lie to me?” I asked.

“Because I knew you wouldn’t understand although you would try to,” She answered.

I got up and asked her to scoot over so I could lie down next to her. She turned on her side facing me. I caressed her cheek.

“You never were and you never will be fat. You will always remain perfect in my eyes,” I said looking straight into her eyes.

Her eyes welled up with tears and I just laid there with her and held her. I let everyone else see her once I spent a good half hour with her. The doctor said she could go home tomorrow, they wanna watch her for the night. So once again I stayed the night in the hospital.
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I know I have neglected this story as well as my other one. I am so so sorry for that, I'm going to try to get back into writing again. So tell me what you think?