Sequel: Where Did We Go Wrong
Status: Completed. Everyone check out the sequel "Where Did We Go Wrong"!

I've Been Waiting for You to Make Your Move

Chapter 18

“Renae, maybe you should just break up with Malfoy. That way we don’t have to sneak around anymore.” Fred asked.

“I don’t want to break up with Draco.” I whispered.

“By all means we can still keep this secretive. It’s more fun this way.” He laughed.

I woke up to Audrey and Jasmine talking. Ugh, why couldn’t the dreams just stop? There was one sure way they’d stop, probably the only way.

“Morning Renae,” Audrey smiled.

“I had another dream…she’s so going to get it.” I sighed.

“Maybe it’ll stop when a certain amount of days are up.” Jasmine suggested.

“They’re going to end tonight.” I got up, out of bed.

“Are you sure about this Renae? You’ll have another detention to look forward to.” Audrey reminded me.

“One more weekend of detention is worth giving Pansy a piece of my mind. She probably expects it too.”

“Well can it at least wait until after breakfast? I’m hungry.” Jasmine whined.

I laughed, “Yeah I was thinking after lunch today.”

I got out of my pajamas and into my Slytherin robe. Audrey, Jasmine, and I walked down from the dorm to find Draco sitting on the couch with Crabbe and Goyle, “Renae, can I talk to you?” Draco asked.

“Sure,” I agreed, “You guys go on, I’ll meet up with you after.” I told Audrey and Jasmine.

Draco looked at Crabbe and Goyle and they left like they knew what he was thinking. When we were alone in the common room he decided to speak, “I’m sorry,”

I’m surprised he’s apologizing. I’ll just play dumb anyways, “For?”

He sighed, “For giving you crap about your dreams. I didn’t know Pansy was the reason for it. Even if she hadn’t of been you’re right, you can’t control your dreams. I just got…I got jealous.”

I knew this was hard for him to say, “Draco, you have nothing to be jealous about. I don’t like Fred like that. I only like you, believe me. Pansy is going to get what’s coming to her anyways.”

“Revenge?” He smiled.

“You could call it that.”

We walked to the Great Hall for breakfast. When we got to the Slytherin table it seemed like everyone figured out it was Pansy’s fault for everything and went back to hating her instead of me. I saw Daphne sitting with Millicent and Pansy, she didn’t look too happy about it either.

Was I really going to ask Daphne Greengrass to sit with me? Well she did tell me the truth about Pansy. Why would she rat Pansy out if she liked her? Hopefully it wasn’t one of Pansy’s plans, but I ignored the idea and hoped it wouldn’t end up badly, “Hey Daphne,”

She turned around, “Oh, Hey Renae.” She smiled.

“I was wondering if you wanted to sit with me, you must be sick of that.” I motioned towards Pansy.

“S-sure,” She quickly stood up and followed behind me.

Audrey and Jasmine were already sitting down with Crabbe and Goyle. Goyle and Crabbe sat on one side of Draco while I sat on the other. I motioned for Daphne to sit down next to me, “I invited Daphne to sit with us today.” I explained.

Audrey and Jasmine didn’t look too thrilled about the idea, since they assumed she was pure evil like Pansy. At least they behaved themselves around her.

Just over breakfast I learned that Daphne isn’t anything like Pansy. She just got mixed up with the wrong Slytherins…which isn’t hard to do. Maybe people who stop judging her like they judge Pansy and Millicent now that she’s with the good Slytherins.

After breakfast I had Potions. For the second time I couldn’t pay attention in class. I was too busy imagining the taste of sweet revenge. I’m pretty sure the only reason Snape didn’t call me out on it was because I was in his house.

When class was over I took a chance and guessed that I could find Harry and Ron down by the lake. I walked down there by myself hoping it wasn’t a wasted trip. I spotted a red head with a boy with glasses and knew it was them.

They must have been talking about something important because when they heard me coming they jumped, “Hey guys…” I said.

“Oh Renae, it’s just you.” Ron sighed with relief.

“Were you two talking about something inappropriate?” I wondered.

“We were just talking about…Voldemort.” Harry whispered.

“…What for?” I was curious now.

“I keep feeling like he’s coming back this year.” Harry looked worried.

“Oh I don’t think so…” Truth be told, I hadn’t given it much thought.

“Well something just doesn’t feel right about the Triwizard Tournament.”

The whole tournament thing was weird, but I think Harry is just blaming Voldemort because of his past. I still feel bad for him, “Well something defiantly is strange about how you got entered, but isn’t involving…him a little extreme? I mean he couldn’t have gotten into the castle or anything.”

“It’s just a feeling,” He replied.

“Well he can’t be to blame for everything bad that happens….”

“Well I’m not the only one he’s after.” He snapped.

“What do you mean?”

Harry looked at Ron, making me fear what he knew, “He’s after you too.”

My heart sank, I wasn’t sure if I should feel frightened or not. Why would he be after me, that’s ridiculous. He must be kidding, “Real funny Harry,”

He looked serious, “I’m not kidding, and I’m surprised you haven’t heard by now.”

“…No I haven’t heard. Care to fill me in?” My voice cracked.

“It’s similar to my family. He killed my parents then tried to kill me but couldn’t. He killed your dad because of the relation with Dumbledore. I think he’s planning on trying to kill you so there’s no one else with Dumbledore’s blood….”

Why couldn’t this be a dream made up by Pansy? I’d much rather prefer it to be. I couldn’t accept this, even though it did make sense. Harry and I had one thing in common, Voldemort wanted us dead.
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It's been about two months since I've updated.
Hopefully most of you haven't given up on me, I'm just suffering from writer's block.
I feel like I got a lot of good stuff into this chapter.

Comment please :)