Status: Frozen.

Crying Skies, Lonely Nights

Prologue-Knocking on Hell's door

“Run, D, run.” a raucous voice whispered in my ears.
My heart bumped faster every second, my body trembling. I was weak. My feet weighing me down, I ran through a mirror. Pieces of glass flew towards me, lacerating my skin.
Blood dripped from my arm, a puddle forming close to my feet.
“Hey, D. Long time no see. Is she alright? Or did you get mad at her, and kill her too?” the body of an old colleague emerged from the puddle.
His hand strangling me, he looked at me with a sarcastic grin on his face.
“I asked you a question. You think you’re too badass to answer me? Just because you’re alive? I bet you won’t be that badass, in Hell.” With a screechy laugh, he exploded, leaving me bathed in blood.
“Run, D, run. We’re waiting for you!” the same raucous voice said again, louder.
My teeth slowly turning into fangs, I dived my head into the puddle of blood.
While my air ran out, my arms and legs were quickly disappearing. My vision fading, scales covered my body, which was now diminished. With a loud scream, my tongue split into two, and I fainted. I had transformed into a snake.
The continuous sound of a crisping flame woke me up. A strong smell of something burning entered my tiny nose. I slowly opened my weak eyes, trying to recognize the place I was in, but all I was able to see was the blurred trembling fire. I creped through the place until I reached a barrier; a door. With a sudden wave of gargantuan pain, a human arm started forming from my back, and with its hand, it knocked on the door. The arm then started to burn and quickly turned into ash.
“Who is it?” the raucous voice questioned.
I tried to speak, but nothing came out. I waved my tail instead, creating a bit of noise. With extraordinary hearing, it answered my low call.
“Oh, it’s you, D.”
With a squeak, the door opened, unleashing a wave of heat, and an even stronger odor of burned things. All I could see was fire, yet again.
“You knocked on the right door, you know? Please don’t mind the heat, you’ll get used to it along the years. You, knocked on Hell’s door, and, buddy, nobody leaves Hell after they come in. And it’s not because of the fun.” His laugh echoed through the whole place.
I didn’t dare to look at him while he grabbed me and threw me against the wall. Slowly sliding I fell on the inferno of flames. The fire engulfed me completely and suddenly, everything disappeared.
I was there, sitting on my bed, sweating a lot. I stared at myself in the mirror.
“This dream…You know it shouldn’t happen anymore.” I murmured.
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The title of the chapter is an alusion to a title of a song and a movie as well.