It's Pretty Hard to Beat the King

Served Alive

Everyone knew, what they had to do. They only didn't know when they were gonna put their plan in action.

Their plan is , to find the masked murderer, and murder him the way he murderer everyone in Saylor Lake. But they wanted to make in more painful.

Sounds easy, right?

Well they have no idea where he is. Partly because the goverment is being quite useless. Hiding details. Saying that there was no Saylor Lake. The government is lying, because the government is scared that the murderer would com after the president. Though, who needs Dubya in the white house? [a/n Dubya is G.Bush]


"Think I'm sane? Think I'm safe?" Murderer asked his collection of heads. The head's didn't answer.
"You are insane, and I dount you are safe," said a little girl.
"What are you doing here?" He spat.
Irgnoring his question"Well, I see you killed again. You've been a bad boy," She said quietly as she vanished in thin air.
"No! Wait come back!" The murderers cries went unheard.