Status: Short Story!

Finding True Love

Chapter 12

I woke up the next morning and it was raining. The sun wasn’t shining into my room…the only sound that filled the air was the rain pouring down onto the roof and the ground. I looked over at my night stand and saw it was 5 in the morning but then there was a note too.

You know my flight’s at 4:30 and I just couldn’t wake you. I even tried but after a few seconds, I decided not to. I’ll be back before you know it. I promise to call when I land. Thank you for the good bye present last night, I love you.

I blushed just at the thought of last night. He was gone…now all I could do is pray for his call. I got up and made some tea downstairs as Adam followed me. I gave him so food and patted his head, before sitting on the couch in the living room…everything was so quiet and I felt lonely. I heard the whistle from the tea pot, minutes later and I got to it. But then I heard knocks at the door and saw it was only 5:30.

I wrapped myself in my robe and answered the door as I stuck my leg out to make sure Adam wouldn’t go past. There standing in front of me was Nick. He was kind of drenched from the rain and before I could ask what he was doing here, he beat me to it,

“It’s supposed to be happen today right? Well I cant sleep and I’m here,” he said and I just smiled and nodded.

I stepped to the side to let him in and Adam went right up to him, sniffing his hand before letting him pet her. She was a little tense though, probably because she smelt Elvis on him.

“Come on, I’ll give you some clothes,” I said and led him upstairs and into my room. I gave him some clothes he left her once and he changed in the bathroom before heading down stairs with me.

We both sat in silence at the dining room table. “Nick…what really happened Friday and Saturday that got Joe all jealous?” I asked suddenly and I noticed he shifted in his seat.

“I’d rather not say if you don’t already know,” he said, avoiding my gaze.

“Nick…please? I really have to know what happened,” I said.

He looked up and looked me straight in the eye and I knew he was about to cave…but then the lights began to flicker. Then they shut off for a few seconds and when they turned back on, so did the tv…onto the news channel.

“…was caught in a massive storm cloud and vanished from sight for a few minutes and then lightning struck it and it went crashing down onto highway 92, nearing the border of California and Arizona…turns out the pilot was given the wrong coordinates and he began going the wrong way, so he began to turn around when the cloud swallowed the plan whole…”

That’s where Nick lived…if he was driving when this happened, I don’t even know what would’ve happened. There was a pause as the anchor woman was getting news from her ear piece and her jaw dropped.

“Oh wow…umm…I just got word…it was Flight 36...”

“No,” I whispered.

“The famous Joe Jonas of the Jonas Brothers was the plan heading to Australia to film a new movie when the lightning struck his plane…there has been no word of survivors…all we know is the crash caused great chaos on the high way and we have enforcements doing their job…our prayers go out to all of those families out there…” Nick turned off the tv before she said anything else.

We stood there in silence. I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t change it. I collapsed onto the couch and just sat there as Nick stayed standing. His phone started ringing and he answered it slowly.

“Hello?” he said.

His voice was shaky and mono tonal. I heard his hysterical mother on the other line, asking him if he was alright because she was worried about the plane crashing onto the highway while he was driving. She already found out. She was walking downstairs for her morning tea as well and that’s when they had a shortage and she called Paul down. Then the tv turned on and that was how they found out. They had called Kevin and Danielle to let them know so they were heading over now and Nick told them we would be over soon as well. Then he hung up and it was dead silent again.

He turned toward me and got down on his knees in front of me. “I couldn’t prevent it,” I said.

It was then, I realized I was crying. I felt like such a baby. I never cried…then all of this happened…and I don’t stop. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close as I cried into his shoulder and he cried into mine.

“It’s not your fault,” he said, doing his best not to cry, but failing miserably.

Once we pulled ourselves together, we walked over to Denise and Paul’s and we found out there, that…Joe didn’t make it. I sat there on Nick’s bed, two hours later, with Nick sitting beside me. We sat in silence, with the company of each other our presence. Nick and I were the kind of friends that could just sit side by side in silence and just know what the other thinking and not have an awkward silence. There was nothing else to do now…right?
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