Status: Short Story!

Finding True Love

Chapter 15

The second time I woke up, Nick wasn’t around…neither was Joe. It was 7:00 in the morning so it was still a little dark outside. There was a little sticky note next to my alarm clock.

I wanted to make sure I was out before Joe got back.
I’ll text you soon

Love Always,
~Nick J

I starred at the note…I read it once…twice…three times…what the hell am I doing?! I groaned into my pillow. I stood up and walked out of my room in my pajama pants and spaghetti strap tank top. I turned to walk into the kitchen but I jumped and let out a squeak because Joe was standing there, by the stove with a pot of boiling water.

“Holy crap Joe… you scared me…I thought you weren’t coming back until later today,” I said gently as I walked cautiously in his direction.

“I wanted to surprise you” he said with a mono tone and he didn’t look at me. We were quiet. “What’s going on between you and Nick?” he asked and I felt my heart stop.


“You heard me LJ,” he said sternly.

He wasn’t yelling…yet. “Nothing’s going on between me and Nick,” I said with an even tone. I hated the fact that I was good at lying.

“I saw him leave LJ! He left at 5:00 in the morning!”
“We were watching a movie last night and he fell asleep!” I defended.

“If that’s what happened, why not stay the morning?!

“I don’t know! Maybe because he figured you’d act like this!” I yelled back. He was frustrated and angry and…I didn’t want this happening.

“I’m going to the house,” he said and when he said it he meant out house for when we get married.

I stayed there while he walked around me. But when he got to the door, he opened it and I ran like the speed of light and wrapped my arms around him.

“Please…don’t leave,” I whispered.

I felt him relax a little but his tone was still hard, “Why shouldn’t I?” he asked.

“Because I love you and I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have tried to hide it from you but I didn’t want you acting like this and I thought it would be better this way…I was wrong,” I said.

He hesitated but shut the door. Then he turned around so he was facing me and he hugged me back. “I love you too,” he whispered and I started to silently cry.
Today I did hang out at home…but not alone…Joe was with me. We were talking...talking about our future…I tried to keep from crying…

“LJ…you know I love you…and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I want to be with you forever…” Joe please don’t do this.

“But I don’t feel like it’s right…we cant be pretending anymore Lilly…I love you more than anything…but that means I want you to be happy and I want what’s best for you…being with me, isn’t what’s best for you…”

“What are you saying?” I whispered.
My eyes shot open. It was 6:00 in the morning, I shot up in bed and looked at the calendar. Where was Joe?! I shot out of the bed and saw a little sticky note on my door.

I had a meeting today since I didn’t take the Australia movie deal. See you later.

There’s no way you can stop this. It has to happen. Just remember I love you and I always will.

Love Always,

He knew. “Oh my god…” I whispered. He knew! He knew and he still left! Tears flew down my face. “I’m going to stop this,” I murmured and ran down the stairs.

I ran outside in the cold rain, in my pajamas still, and got in my car. I know where his meetings take place, I can still catch up…if it’s not too late already. My phone started ringing and I answered.

“Lilly Jane where are you?!” Nick’s voice filled my ears.

“He knew Nick! He knew this was going to happen and he still left!” I cried to him.

“Okay Lilly you have to calm down, where are you?”

“I’m heading to the place where you guys always have meetings and stuff…I’m putting a stop to this”

“What do you mean…”

“I love you Nick,” I whispered before hanging up.

I started to speed a little. Lilly stop! You cant stop this! a voice yelled at me…it sounded like Joe’s but I chose to ignore it. “I can stop this and I will stop this…I wont let it happen again…it cant happen again” I said and ended in a more hushed tone.

I continued to drive in the pouring rain…then I saw his car at an intersection sitting in front of a red light. I sighed in relief…but that sigh got caught in my throat when I saw that he got out of his car in the middle of the roads to look inside the hood of his car. I didn’t care about the fact that I was in the middle of the road, I got out and started walking toward him.

“Joe!” I shouted over the rain. He looked up.

“Lilly?! What are you doing?!” he shouted.

“Please…just…” but before I could finish my breath was caught again when I saw the truck speeding his way…he didn’t see it though.

“Joe! Move!” I screamed as I started running toward him.

He looked at me for a second and then to his right…and he looked like a deer in head lights…metaphorically speaking…he was a deer in head lights.

“No!” I screamed and it was the highest pitch scream I’ve ever heard tat came from me.

I ran so hard, it felt like my legs were about to come off and I was going to start flying…but that never happened. Instead…I ran faster…and I pushed myself harder and then…it all happened so fast. Joe’s face close to mine…the truck fling head on for us…Joe yelling my name…then…nothing.

♠ ♠ ♠
it might be a little confusing
but if ur confused just PM me :)
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im pretty sure we're coming to end in the next chapter
not sure yet
guess ull find out ;D