Status: *sigh*.....I'm a HORRIBLE typist, so I won't be updating very frequently....

Yoru to Akatsuki

Kill or Kiss?

Lin slowly opened his eyes. He groaned as he tried to sit up, unable to move too much.
“Don’t overexert yourself!!!” Haruhi cried, gently holding Lin’s chest down. Lin stared at Haruhi for awhile before rubbing his eyes in disbelief.
“S-senpai?!” Lin gasped, recalling that morning when Haruhi, Haruki, and Fuyuki had been ‘checking them out’.
“Haruhi, we should’ve just left him here instead of helping take care of him…it’s a hassle,” Haruki groaned, entering Lin’s bedroom with their dinners. Haruhi stacked up extra pillows so Lin could sit up. “Eat up, kid,” Haruki tossed a plate onto Lin’s lap, nearly spilling the rice.
“Th-thank you…” Lin replied, glancing between the practically identical faces. I’m…seeing double… He thought.
“This one’s yours, Haruhi,” Haruki handed another plate to his brother. As they ate, Lin became more and more nervous. His eyes were glued to Haruki’s, which glared evilly right back at him. Just when Lin felt he was about to cry, Haruhi held his face and pulled Lin closer.
“Senpai?” Lin questioned, Haruhi softly placing his lips onto Lin’s. Haruhi held Lin close, gently parting Lin’s lips for a deeper kiss.
“Wh-what’re you DOING?!” Haruki cried, *holding back a nosebleed with all his might. A strange green liquid dripped from Lin and Haruhi’s intertwined lips. The moment they separated, Lin plopped back onto his pillow, unconscious. “Ah…poison, am I correct?” Haruki sighed with relief.
“Yeah…he’ll be out for a few days…long enough to recover almost completely,” Haruhi answered with the same degree of relief as his brother.
♠ ♠ ♠
Lin: *gasp* I remember that!!!! Hey, Medimorpha, why don't you finish the story???
Me: I'm still halfway through the story, even though I have 37 handwritten pages!!!
Haruki: In other words, she's lazy.
Haruhi: *nods*
Me: TT^TT shut it........I'll type more later to catch up with the writing.......