Musical Insperation


Music is a prime component in my life. If some tried to take it away from, well let’s just say mad wouldn’t cover it. I would be depressed and furious at the same time. In fact I love it so I started a band. We call out self’s Vintage Lightning. Our band practices were pretty intense.
“Come on guys! You can do better then this. I know you can! Do it again” That is our band manger Lily. She can play just about every insterment, and she is one heck of a critic and really good at finding out about band gigs. She is also about 5’4 with flaming red hair and gold eyes. At first she showed up to a few shows in our beginnings, then she started talking to our drummer, telling her what she was doing wrong and right rhythm wise. Our drummer’s skills got dramatically better, and she was really good in the beginning. So we all started talking to her, and then she suggested that being our manager. It wasn’t an offer that we could very well turn down. We, of course, accepted, and we have been getting better and getting yelled at ever since.
“Yes Lily,” we all chorused. Then we played the song again.
“That’s a little better, keep at it guys.” So we played it again. And again, and again, with lots of positive critism. Oh well. I guess this is the price of being the best.
You know what, being the best is some of the hardest work I’ve ever had. Lily pushes us to the excstent of our abilities. Both music wise and stage presence wise. You would be surprised at how such a tiny person could be so fierce and hard. For weeks we’ve been working so hard for one of the biggest gigs yet. To perform before Meg & Dia. They already have two albums out, and this could be a huge break for us! So although we understood why we were being pushed.
“Alright guys. It’s late you should go home and go take a steamy shower then straight to sleep. The steam will help your voices. We have a big day tomorrow. No matter what, I’m proud of you guys.”
“Yes Lily,” We said. That was a very rare compliment.
“Ok. Good night.” It was about 9 at night. We had only had breaks for resting our vocals and for eating. Lily monitored that too, the eating I mean. Not overly so, but just things like what would make it hard for us to sing. We practice at my house, so I went upsatiars to let the steam build up in the bath room then I ran down stairs cause I thought I heard a voice. And crying.
“Lily?” When I got downstairs I saw Lily crying her eyes out. “Are you ok?”
“Wh-what? Yeah, I-I’m fine,” she said.
“It doesn’t look like that,” I said carefully.
“It-it’s just that you guys are the best thing that ever happened to m-me. I was just the loser at school until you guys made me your band manager. I-I was just the band geek a-and no one liked me. T-then they saw me w-with you, and they d-didn’t tease m-me anymore. T-they left m-me alone. You guys are my only f-friends. A-and what if you get the g-gig and don’t- don’t want me around any- anymore? W-what if they offer y-you a better manager?”
“Oh Lily! You should have told me! Listen, we could never in a billion years find another manager as amazing as you. Sure, you’re tough on us, but that helps and strengthens us! If they want us to leave you, we would turn them down and let them settle for second best, because we won’t”
“Thanks Annie! T-that means a lot.”
“No problem. I mean every word of it. Listen, do you want to stay here? Make sure your favorite singer and bass player gets plenty of vapor and sleep,” Lily laughed.
“OK. Go, I can hear the shower running.” I smiled and ran upstairs.
After I took a quick shower I got dressed in my P.J.’s and wrapped my hair up in a towel. Then I quickly ran downstairs to help Lily set up to sleep on the couch.
“So, do you think everyone else will think that stuff you said about me?” Lily asked nervously.
“Yes, we hired you and haven’t fired you, so yes. We all love you,” I said with conviction.
“Thanks. I guess I need to be sure that I’m not just that pain that people are too nice to tell to bug off.”
“No problem!” I said as I gave her a big hug.
The next day we were found pacing the floor of the lobby of Sire Records.
“You guys did great in there. I’m sure you’ll land that spot. I mean ot only are you guys awesome, you also have the dedication a true musician needs….” And Lily carried on with her endless stream of encouragement to keep our self esteem up.
“OK everybody! We have the results. The band performing before Meg& Dia is…. Drum roll please… Vintage Lightning!” We started screaming. That’s us!
“Oh my gosh! That’s us! I’m so excited,” Lily screamed. She was more excited then any of us! And that’s why I realized why Lily loved music so much. It was her inspiration. She loved it. And we helped her push it farther then she ever had with solos and grouping together to help each other learn new techniques. We became a musical family. We were Lily’s musical inspiration.
It’s been three wonderful blissful months. We toured with a moderately well known band, and because of that we were working on our very own album! Lily has been offered 4 other bands, but she turned them all down. It’s the happily ever after to this wonderful fairy tale.
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