Status: On hiatus indefinitely.

This Night, Walk The Dead

"You don't look German" "Neither do you"

When I came to, there were two things that I became aware of. The first, being that I was lying on the ground, with my face pressed against the cold, wet asphalt, which was surely imprinting it’s pattern into my cheek. The second was, that yet again, I hadn’t died.

Which was really beginning to annoy me.

I rolled over, onto my back, and stared up at the dark night sky. You couldn’t even see the stars. What a crappy night this is turning out to be. I lifted my head off the ground slightly. There appeared to be someone standing at my feet.

“Are you alright?” he sounded almost shocked. Obviously he hadn’t seen anyteenage adult females throwing themselves out of cars travelling at great speeds.
I nodded and went back to looking for those ever-elusive stars.
“Uh, you want a hand up?”
“Not really, but I suppose it beats lying here in the gutter for the next few days, until somebody finds me by parking over the top of me. Actually, just leave me here. That sounds like it might work.” I looked around to see if there was a good chance of another car coming past here. Hmm…an abandoned industrial estate. Not bloody likely.
“So do you want me to help you up or not?” he asked again, but not impatiently.
“Yeah, that’d probably be a good idea. I’d get up myself, but I’m pretty sure I’ve torn something.”
He paled. “Will you need an ambulance?”
“Ah… lets see…. No. I’ve torn my t-shirt in two, so anything you could do to help there…?”
“Oh.” He cleared his throat and removed his jacket, handing it to me. “Here.”
Danke..” I pulled on the jacket and sat up. “What’s with the weird look?”
“What does dan-key mean?”
“Thank you.” He still looked at me strangely. “German.”
“You don’t look German.”
“Neither do you.” He had black hair and quite light skin, with quite a few piercings and tattoos. “Now are you coming or what?”
He didn’t answer me. Possibly it was because he didn’t know where we were going. Or it might have been that I didn’t really give him a chance to answer. Maybe he just hasn’t seen anyone quite this pale still alive.