Status: On hiatus indefinitely.

This Night, Walk The Dead

Keeping Your Head Above Water

Well that worked well didn't it?
I put both hands on my head, trying to hold back the scream.
I never made it as far as the bench. Didn't make it past a few steps.
I had to go back. But I didn't want to.
No that's a lie. I do want to go back. That's probably the thing I want to do most.
I let out a long scream, releasing all the pent up anger, sadness and frustration, and fell to my knees, facing the river.
"Why does it have to be like this?" I screamed, no longer caring about who would see me. "Why does it have to be me?"
I stared out into the river. At its widest point, it'd be too far to cross. So easy to just walk in and not come out the other side. Just a shame breathing hasn't been a problem in the last century.
I desperately wanted to return to Rayne. Right now. I'd run the whole way home. So fast that nobody would even see me at all.
So fast that I could run on water.
I looked back at the river. Something was struggling against the flow of the water. No, that's not right. Someone was struggling against the flow of the water. Someone, who looked like the person who had been on my mind the last few weeks.
Other than Rayne.
The body came closer towards me, the struggle slowing.

Not enough air to the lungs.
The blood is not being oxygenated, the heart begins pumping slower.
The organs and muscles scream in pain from the lack of oxygen.

I stood on the bank, listening to the heartbeats as they drew closer.
Then it dawned on me.
I could save him.
He was dying.
I could bring him back to life.
Get rid of the ghastly desire to never leave Rayne's side.
I slowly waded into the river; it's current trying to drag me along with it. The icy water had risen to my neck. I pushed off from the muddy bottom, attempting to float as the almost lifeless body came closer and closer.
Frank's body slammed into mine with all the force of a train, almost pushing me under as I wrapped my arms around him. I kicked back towards the surface, struggling without the use of my arms.
With my arms crossed over his chest, I felt his lungs slowly expand under my hands; his heart beat against his rib cage. All I had to do was a wait a little longer. Then just before he dies, I could save him.
The water had soaked my clothes through, and combined with the [almost] dead weight of Frank, was beginning to pull me closer towards the bottom, and along the river further. I pushed Frank up above me, then kicked back off the bottom again, clutching onto him once more, but tighter this time.
I felt him stir.
"E-" He choked up a mouthful of water. "Evie."
His eyes opened, unfocused, before suddenly staring deep into mine.
And I couldn't do it anymore.
I couldn't ruin his life just to improve mine.
I couldn't foist my own fate upon him.
Not when I knew how it felt.

Keeping our heads above water, I took in a deep breath, and pressed my lips to Frank's, expelling all the oxygen straight into his body. The effort made me dizzy. His lungs expanded once more, sending oxygen to his body, enough to kick start him into breathing for himself while I kept us alive. The river started flowing faster and faster, and in the next bend of the river were rocks. A lot of very large, sharp, and solid rocks.
I pulled my body further around Frank, as far as it could go, and turned our joined bodies, angling mine towards the rocks. I gathered my resolve, and closed my eyes.
Undead or not, this was going to hurt.