Status: Finished



Jessi's POV

“Where are we going?” I whispered to Garrett as we tip toed down the empty corridors. We had a study class first thing today, but he’d met me outside the library and asked me to follow him.

“We’re skipping,” he whispered back, I frowned at his back as I followed him, what was he talking about we don’t skip, he led us down the stairs then towards the fire escape which led out to the back of the school.

“Wait Garrett I’m not sure about this,” I said before he opened the door.

“Come on it’s the last few days before we leave for good, no one will care,” he whispered.

“I care,” I muttered stepping back a bit.

“Why? You got your grades, this time next week we’ll be sitting through a boring graduation ceremony,” he said with a quiet laugh. It was true, and I for one couldn’t wait to graduate and leave this dump of a school.

I glanced at him and a slow smile began to form on my lips. Garrett smirked at me then his eyes wondered to the wall beside us, next to a fire extinguisher was one of those ‘incase of fire break glass’ buttons I knew what he was thinking and I shook my head furiously at him. He smiled mischievously as he pulled a pen from his pocket, then walked to the button and smashed it, before I knew what was happening the loud shrill alarm exploded around us, Garrett grabbed my hand and we bolted out of the school and off the grounds, we didn’t stop until we couldn’t hear the alarm anymore.

“You are insane!” I panted at him.

“I know, but do you feel this?” he took my hand and pressed it to his chest, his heart was beating so fast. He moved our hands and pressed them against my chest, although I could feel my heart beating quickly without my hand being there.

He laughed then let go of my hand and did a weird celebratory dance.

I laughed and pushed him ahead of me.

“Lets go play on the swings,” he said as we walked towards a kids park, there were a few little kids around with their moms but they weren’t near the swings. Garrett pushed me then ran ahead and jumped up on one of the swings.

“What are we gonna do when they take the register and we aren’t there?” I asked him when I reached the swings.

“Well I wasn’t actually planning on going back to school again,” he said jumping off the swing.

He held it for me and I sat down, he pushed me for a bit then sat on the swing beside me.

“You planned this didn’t you?” I asked.

“I did… but I know you aren’t angry so don’t pretend you are, you didn’t wana come to school this morning,” he said laughing.

“True, but I have a fucking perfect record!” I exclaimed.

“You still will, just sweet talk your Mom into phoning and saying you came home today cos you felt sick,” he said.

“And what if she doesn’t?” I asked.

“I’ll phone and pretend to be your Dad,” he said laughing some more.

“You have an answer for everything don’t you.” I stated rather than asked.

“Of course, I know fucking everything!” he said.

We both started laughing, he likes to think he knows everything, but there is one thing he doesn’t know, and he’s probably the one person I wished did know.

“Wana go home and watch a movie, I am tired after all the excitement,” he said.

“We can’t school doesn’t finish for another few hours yet.” I pointed out.

“We can go to mine, my folks are away remember,” he said happily.

“Sure why not, but can I borrow some clothes?” I asked.

“Yeah, but you know I love a girl in uniform,” he said wriggling his eyebrows at me.

It was comments like that, even though they were stupid and all a big joke to him, that made my heart beat like crazy, made me wish he was being honest and talking about me. But he was my best friend, and I know that was as far as it would go.

It didn’t take us long to walk to his place, and as soon as we got in we both made for his bedroom.

“Now the question is… do we veg out here, or downstairs closer to the food?” he asked seriously.

I looked at him, then pretended to be deep in thought. “I think downstairs.”

“Excellent choice!” He grinned then handed me a pair of his sweat pants and a hoodie.

“Hey dude this is my hoodie!” I said once I looked at it.

“I know, I’ve had it for nearly three months,” he said.

“I hate you! I’ve been looking for this everywhere,” I exclaimed. “Why do you have it anyway?”

“I… it looks better on me,” he joked.

I glared at him, but he just laughed then left his room. I quickly changed leaving my school uniform on his bed then went downstairs. He had a DVD on already, I found him staring at the microwave in the kitchen, watching the popcorn bag move round and round.

“Drinkage?” I asked.

“Fridge, grab me one too.” He said without looking away.

I grabbed Mt. Dew for us both then went and sat on the couch. The menu for Saw was onscreen so I hit play.

“It’s starting!” I called. I heard Garrett say something but I couldn’t make out what so I paused it. A few minutes later he appeared with a bowl of popcorn and some squirty fudge sauce, he flopped down beside me and I pressed play.

“I love this movie,” he said throwing a handful of popcorn at me.

“I know, but you know what happens, so it’s hardly scary anymore,” I said snatching the sauce off him and squeezing it over the popcorn.

“It’s creepy but… look at all the blood!” he said.

I laughed and turned my attention to the screen, yeah we had both seen this movie many times before but it was still good.

“You know what we should do,” Garrett whispered beside me.

“What?” I whispered back. Why are we whispering?

“Watch the other Saw movies after this?”

I nodded my head and grinned without taking my eyes off the screen. A few seconds later Garrett poked my side. I turned to look at him and he smiled.

“What?” I asked.

“Nothing,” he said shaking his head slowly. I turned my attention back to the TV but I could still feel his eyes on me. When he didn’t look away I looked back at him and our eyes met.

“You know what?” he asked me once he got my attention.

“What?” I asked.

“You are beautiful,” he said, still smiling.

“Huh?” Why did he say that? Was he joking?

“You are beautiful,” he repeated then laughed lightly.

“You are weird,” I commented.

He laughed louder, then shuffled closer to me, he set the popcorn on the floor then lifted my left hand and linked his fingers with mine. I didn’t say anything, just stared at our clasped hands, it wasn’t until Garrett moved beside me that I looked back at him. His eyes flickered across my face and rested on my lips, he licked his own lips lightly then lent in and kissed the corner of my mouth.

“What are you doing Garrett?” I asked softly as he moved away from me.

“Do you want me to stop?” he asked plainly.

I shook my head no, and he smiled.

I watched him cautiously, my heart beating furiously, my breath catching in my throat. He lifted our clasped hands and held them to his chest, I looked at them and felt his heart beating like crazy, just like mine. Then without thinking I moved our hands to my chest to let him feel my heart too. His smile widened and he lent closer to me, his eyes closed just before I felt his lips touch mine.