A Not So Queer Dream

A Not So Queer Dream

“Gosh! That was a weird dream!” Quoba Quinn exclaimed as she, yawningly, pulled herself out of her bed. Stretching, she slipped over to her dresser to grab some clothes for the day.
Pulling out some garments, Quoba made her way over to her bathroom to take a shower and her other activities that made up her morning routine.
Stripping from her pajamas, Quoba couldn’t help but wonder what her dream meant. It had been quite peculiar… Quoba shrugged and stepped into the shower. Turning on the hot water, Quoba waited, expecting refreshing water to pour from the nozzle. Instead, she found colorful bubbles exploding out of the shower head.
“What the-!” Quoba exclaimed in shock “Why are--? Where? How? HUH!??” Quoba quickly shut the shower off, stopping any more of the rainbow bubbles from pouring onto her.
Quoba shook her head, trying to make sense of that. “Maybe it is some prank my brother is playing on me….but it’s a little eerie because that happened in my dream!” Quoba thought to herself, deciding against trying to shower. Hopping out of the shower, she stepped over to the sink to wash her face and brush her teeth.

On her way down to breakfast, she noticed a strange fique plant literally growing from a step in the middle of the staircase. Choosing to not question why it was there, Quoba stepped around it and ran down the rest of the stairs and to the kitchen.
As she stepped into the kitchen, the sweet smell of homemade waffles wafted all around her. “MMMMM! Mom, this smells abso----“ Quoba began, but quickly stopped as she was greeted with a cold quietness. “Mom? Where are you?” Quoba called out, realizing there was nobody home. Glancing around, she noticed that there was a note taped to the fridge. It was a tad bit odd, for it was written in an unfamiliar handwriting, but Quoba took no notice of that. The note read:

Dear Quoba,
Went out to go shopping-took your Brother and your father with me. We Left early, so we made sure to leave you some waffles. I left you some money on the counter- have a nice day!

Quoba reread the note a second time before deciding to go with the flow, and once again, not question anything.
Slipping into her chair, Quoba quickly quelled her hunger. Quoba finished up her waffles in a matter of minutes, and hopped out of her chair and put her plate in the sink. Going over to the fridge, Quoba pulled out a quart of juice and drank some of it. When she felt she had sufficiently quenched her thirst, she grabbed her cell phone, her Ipod, her house key, and the money off the counter, and left her house.
Once she had her shoes on, locked and shut the front door, Quoba took a moment to stuff her items into her jeans pockets and count the money.
“WHOA! Five hundred bucks? For reals? Wow mom! Thanks!” Quoba gasped before hiding the money in her pocket.
Making sure she was all set, Quoba walked onto her front walk and looked around at her quaint, little neighborhood, wondering what she should do. Glancing to her right, she noticed a message in an old coca-cola bottle. On the outside of the bottle was a sticky note that said “Hey Quoba! Read me!”
“Hmmm, this is a tad conspicuous! Well, I might as well read it and see what it says…” Quoba thought aloud as she picked up the bottle and pulled the paper out from inside it.

Dear Quoba,
I have a little quest for you, full of adventure, action, surprises, and oddities. This quest is like a quiz of your knowledge, for sometimes you will have a direct query to answer or a riddle to solve to get to your next clue. If you accept this challenge and get to the end, you will be awarded with a prize. Have fun!

Clue #1:
Th8ere are many of us-
We are the sam6e, but diff9erent-
Usi2ng positive dig3its, there are only 7 ways to add to our number-
We are quite 4rare-
We a9re Human-
+If you want to find us, find a quadrangle

“Hmmm….this could be fun!” Quoba exclaimed, sitting down onto her lawn to begin figuring out the riddle.
“Okay, well, this riddle has to do with the number 5, because there are 5 lines with dash symbols after them, and if you look at all the numbers placed in the lines, there is a 5 missing,” Quoba quickly figured out “So, 5 plus humans equals what? WAIT! I HAVE A SET OF quintuplets at my school! AND the main area is also called the quad because it is shaped like a quadrangle!”
Quoba grabbed her house key out of her pocket and ran inside, snatched a small backpack, relocked the front door and closed it. Quoba swiped the bottle and message off the ground and put them into her bag.
Quoba stepped around her house into the backyard, pulled her bike out from the shed, and zoomed off in the direction of her school.

“Hey Tabby!” Quoba called out, spotting her friend and quintuplet, sitting on a table in the quad.
“Hey Quoba! I’m guessing you’re here for your next clue, right?” Tabby greeted, giving her friend a quick hug.
“Yep! By the way, do you know who is doing this?” Quoba asked.
“Nope, sorry! Well, here’s your clue! Catch you later!” Tabby waved to her friend, walking away.
“Later!” Quoba called, before turning to the new clue.

Good job on figuring out the first clue! Although, be forewarned! Not all clues will be so simple to solve!

Follow the yellow glove road until you stumble upon a fairy tale!

”Follow the yellow glove road? But when I came in, I didn’t see any gloves, much less yellow ones!” Quoba exclaimed.
Suddenly, she felt something being thrown at her. “Yellow sponges?? What the?”
Quoba looked to her left to see if she could see who was pelting her with sponges, only for the sponges to stop being thrown at her, and see the yellow glove ‘road’.
“Okay then…” Quoba deadpanned as she hopped back onto her bike and followed the queer path of yellow gloves.

As she followed the trail through the town, Quoba was very aware that Tabby was the only person she has seen all day. Usually the town was very busy, but there wasn’t a soul in sight.
While Quoba was looking around, she hadn’t noticed the strange figure standing in her path until she had run right into them.
“OH MY! I’m soooo sor---“ Quoba froze as she saw she had run into a giant chicken/person/thing. The chicken thing looked up, and gave Quoba a very scary look.
“Sorry!!!” Quoba screeched as she quickly pedaled away on her bike, trying to get away from the chicken.
Peeking over her shoulder, she screamed; the chicken was chasing after her! Quoba began pedaling like an insane Lance Armstrong.
Once she was sure she lost the pissed-off chicken, Quoba stopped her bike to take a moment’s rest.
“I wonder where these gloves are taking me!” Quoba breathed, as she looked around her at the gloves she was following.
Quoba jumped out of her skin at the sudden noise.
“Psssst, over here!” Quoba looked in front of her and to her left, to see a garden gnome peeking around a strange purple bush with blue polka dots. Quoba pointed at herself, causing the gnome to nod.
Quoba walked over to the gnome and squatted down to talk to it. “I thought garden gnomes were inanimate objects?” She inquired.
“Psh, that’s what humans WANT to believe! But anyways, are you Miss. Quoba Quinn?” The little gnome asked.
“Yes I am- were you given a clue for me?” She asked the gnome.
“My name is BushTableShroom, and I’ll give it to you only if you help me with something” BushTableShroom stated.
“Okay sure! And it’s an honor to meet you, BushTableShroom!” Quoba replied.
“Okay, follow me.”
Quoba grabbed her bag, deciding it would be too hard to drag her bike through the thicket, and wandered off after BushTableShroom.

As she followed after BushTableShroom, Quoba noticed that there were many piles of quid scattered about. “I haven’t seen this much quid since Uncle Bobby decided to clean his house!” Quoba muttered to herself, beginning to wonder where this garden gnome was taking her.
“Alright, we are here!” BushTableShroom announced as the pair stepped into a clearing full of little mythical creatures rushing around.
“Ummm… okay….Uh, BushTableShroom, why did you bring me here?” Quoba questioned, as she watched in amazement.
Suddenly, a drum was hit and everyone froze, and looked up at her (she took note that she was maybe 6x bigger than them).
“I have found the Queen!” BushTableShroom proclaimed; Quoba looked about questioningly looking for the queen. After a moment the crowd erupted into choruses of cheers. A couple fairies flew up to Quoba and placed a flower chain onto her head.
“Hold up a second, Buddy! I’m no queen!” Quoba told BushTableShroom, panicked.
“Oh yes you are! We have been waiting for this day since you were born! Today is your 16th birthday, and the day you will be crowned our queen!” BushTableShroom informed her.
“Uhmm, alright, just give me a moment to think this over!” Quoba said, before dashing back in the direction in which her bike was. Sensing the mythical creatures chasing after her, she pedaled harder away from it. Spotting her bike by the yellow glove trail, she rushedly got on and sped off, following the trail once more.
“SSSSQQQQUUUUUAAKKK!” Quoba heard from behind her.
“OHHH GREAT! I THOUGHT I HAD LOST YOU!” Quoba shrieked. Too terrified to look, already knowing it was the chicken from earlier; she pedaled as fast as humanly possible away from the mob and the chicken.

“Fantastic!” Quoba groaned as she fell over on her bike, hopping off simultaneously. Her legs were very sore for all that biking, and she was now at the final glove, and there was no clue!
Quoba sighed and tugged her bag off her back so she could get a bottle of water. “Heyy, this weighs tooo much…” Quoba complained, pulling the bag onto her lap and unzipping it.
Reaching in to grab the water bottle, Quoba’s hand hit an unfamiliar object. “Huh?”
Pulling the object out, Quoba found that it was a pretty worn-out book of fairy tales!
“Well, I hope you have my next clue!” Quoba told the book, not even pausing to wonder where the book had come from or how it had gotten into her bag.
Turning to the first page, Quoba found a note addressed to her.

Well, you have come to the end of the yellow glove road! Congrats! If you are hungry, there is a plate of edible berries and a poptart next to you!

Quoba stopped reading for a second to see that there really was a plate of berries and a yummy poptart sitting next to her.

So, by now you either really want your next clue, or you want to quit. If you want your next clue, check your socks.

Quoba questioningly stared at the page “Check my socks??” Quoba shrugged. So far today, there has been weirder things than a clue showing up out of no where in her sock.
As she reached down to her sock, she saw the bush in front of her quiver. Ignoring it, Quoba reached into her sock and pulled out a piece of paper.
Opening it, Quoba sat in shock and confusion. It was a list of groceries and her favorite TV shows. At the bottom of the paper it read: Wrong sock, check the other. Quoba rolled her eyes and pulled a different piece of paper out of her other sock.
The bush in front of her quivered again. Quoba took note that this bush was half orange plaid and half ice cream pattern. Okay then.
Turning to the new piece paper, Quoba unfolded it.

Alright Then!
Clue #3:
Check the Quivering-spaz-bush

“Well, at least it was straight forward this time!” Quoba muttered, moving to kneel in front of the quivering bush.
Quoba parted the branches, but fell back as something latched on to her face.
Reaching up, her fingers circled a small, quivering object. Prying it off her face, Quoba held it in her hand to examine it.
“Hahahahaha! I got’cha!” The object laughed, its whole body shaking. It unrolled itself to reveal a small cherry.
“Well, I guess you did!” Quoba grinned. “Okay then! This isn’t weird! Nope! Not in the least!” she thought to herself, sarcastically.
“HI-ya! My name is RedCheer! What’s your name?” The little cherry exclaimed exuberantly, a big smile on its face.
“My name is Quoba,” She replied, watching as the little fruit did a couple twirls on her hand.
“Well, Quoba, I was sent with your next clue, and to be your new traveling companion!” RedCheer explained, looking up at Quoba.
“Awesome! I’d love to have some one to talk to!” Quoba grinned at RedCheer.
“Sweet, and now for your next clue!” Red Cheer stopped moving, and stood at attention in the center of Quoba’s palm.
“Well, I sent you a little buddy! No worries, only 2 more clues to go!
If you want to look across the forest tree tops, Where should you go?”
Good luck!”

When RedCheer finished reciting the new clue, she sat down on Quoba’s palm.
“Thank you RedCheer! Now, I have a question for you,” Quoba said.
“Sure! I love to help!” RedCheer said energetically.
“Can you take me to the tallest tree in the forest?” Quoba asked hopefully.
“Sure!!” RedCheer cheered happily, racing up Quoba’s arm and onto her shoulder. “I’ll just sit up here and give you directions!”
“Alright! Hang on tight!” Quoba grinned, gathering everything back up into her bag, and slinging it over her free shoulder.
Getting onto her bike, RedCheer gave her her first set of directions.

“WOW! THIS TREE IS AS TALL AS THE SKY!” Quoba exclaimed as her and RedCheer reached the tallest tree in the forest.
“You bet! Hey look at that! That might have the next clue!” RedCheer shouted, pointing at a basket hanging from a rope that was tied to one of the trees branches.
Quoba pushed her bike over to the basket, set it on the ground, and grabbed the basket.
“What’s inside? What’s inside?! What’s inside!? Tell me please!” RedCheer said excitedly.
Quoba giggled, and lifted the cloth off of the basket to see a piece of paper and a glass of water. RedCheer saw the water and raced down Quoba’s arm to get a sip while Quoba read the next and final clue.

Good Job with directing Quoba here, Redcheer!
All good Things must come to an end sometimes.

“What does that mean?” Quoba asked tiredly. RedCheer shrugged, and took another sip of water.
“This is what it means, my dear,” A new, but familiar voice rang out. Quoba did a full 360 and didn’t see anyone; she couldn’t even figure out how she knew the voice.
“Up here, silly” the voice called, chuckling. Quoba did not know who or what to expect when she looked up, but she was so completely astonished by what she saw.
“Nice to see you too, Quoba” Zak Saturday grinned.
“Hi Zak! I think you got her real good!” RedCheer giggled.
Zak hopped out of the tree and landed right in front of Quoba.
“B-b-b-bu-bu-but you’re a cartoon character!” Quoba murmured, still in shock.
“Not really, this world is just a figment of your creation. You belong with me, in my world,” Zak said, taking her hand.
“This must be a dream, a really really queer dream! How did I get here if I really belong in your world, and why don’t I remember anything?” Quoba asked, trying to make sense of all of this.
“Well, we had been looking for a certain cryptid underground, when all of a sudden the cryptid showed up. It took us by surprise, so before we could react, it knocked you out, and threw you into some portal it had made. We have been searching for you for 2 years now, Quoba, and everyone else was about to give up, when somehow our computer detected you in a world that the cryptid had made out of your imagination. I must be a cartoon here as a memory, a way your mind created to make sure you wouldn’t ever truly forget where you truly belong.” Zak explained, taking Quoba’s hand and leading her around to the other side of the tree. “The fact you lost your memories, well, they may return with time, or even when we get back to our world. Now come on, it’s time for us to go.”
Zak tugged her over to what appeared to be a portal. “Is RedCheer coming with us?” Quoba asked tentatively.
“Yep! I don’t want to leave my new best friend!” RedCheer answered.
Quoba looked at Zak for a moment, hopelessly lost and trying to get a grip on the situation.
“Zak?” she whispered.
“Yeah?” he replied, smiling gently at her.
“Thank you. I’m not sure why, or for what, but thank you” Quoba whispered, knowing, unsure of how she knew, that this boy in front of her was her savior, best friend, and her most important person.
Zak gave her a reassuring smile and squeezed her hand. “No problem! Now, its time to go back- everyone has missed you and is excited to see you once again!” Zak grinned, pulling her into the portal.
Just before she walked into the portal, Quoba decided that this never quite was her home world, but was glad she was given a chance to meet new friends and live in this dimension.
With one final look about, Quoba determinedly walked into the portal towards her future, away from her past, and into the beginning of the rest of her life with her life with her (old and new) best friends.
“I guess it wasn’t such a queer dream after all!”
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you enjoyed my story! If you wish, please comment!