Status: Finished.

You'll Never Lose When I'm Around

Everything We Had

Life is strange. Sometimes my mind would play back that memory, looping it over and over, like a broken record. Of course, there were days when I didn't believe it myself. But it was real, as real as it could have been.
* * *

I leaned against the warm counter, the smell of coffee enveloping me. Today was a slow day, but I had brought my guitar anyway. A burst of giggles turned my attention away from my thoughts.
A cluster of girls were crouching behind a bookshelf, notebooks and pens in their hands, staring at a group of boys lounging around in a booth, sipping their coffee. It wasn't like I was stupid, I knew who they were. Or more particularly who one of them were.
I watched the group of girls slowly start towards them, giggling.
"Uh...H-hi," The leader started, smiling nervously. "C-could you sign this?"
She held out her notebook and pen, and with much fake enthusiasm on their part, all of the boys signed it.
The girls quickly left the shop, laughing.
I hated girls like that, but you couldn't really blame them. We didn't usually get famous people in our small town.
A couple more people came in, and Katelynn marched over towards me, her green eyes glittering evilly.
"C'mon Allison, we want to hear you play," I groaned at her words, picking up my battered guitar case. I walked up the few steps to the stage and took my guitar out. I walked up to the microphone and tapped it. In an instant, there was silence.
"Hey everybody. You guys aren't very new to this, so..yeah. But this one's a new song I wrote called 'Masquerade.' Enjoy."
I smiled lightly, and then looked down, strumming the fist few notes lightly on my guitar. Soon I was enveloped in the music, and as I sung the words, I didn't feel anything else besides the strings of the guitar beneath my fingertips.
Soon my song was over, and I went to take a quick break before returning to the stage. I quickly got drinks for everyone that had waited patiently, and I leaned back against the counter again, closing my eyes.
"Uh...excuse me?"
I turned around to the sound of a voice and looked up into the most mesmerizing brown eyes I had ever seen. Quickly, I caught a hold of myself.
"Yes? What would you like?"
"I was wondering if you were planning on playing some more."
The response surprised me.
"Yeah, I just have to get everyone's orders ready, then I'll be back up. Why?"
"Oh nothing," He smirked. "You're just really good."
He walked away, and I was left blinking stupidly to myself.

Soon later, the store was nearing closing time, and I finished my set. I began to pack my guitar away in it's case, before putting it behind the counter. I started to clean the tables and then noticed the cluster of boys were still sitting at the booth. I walked over to them.
"We're going to be closing soon," I told them, and the one who had talked to me before turned quickly at the sound of my voice.
"Really?" He sounded sad.
"Yeah, sorry. Is there anything you would like to order to go?"
"A date with you."
I blinked.
I could hear snickers from the others at the booth.
"Come on Billvy, she wouldn't want to go out with you. Hey," The one with disheveled brown hair turned towards me. "Don't go out with him, he's no fun, try going out with-"
"Hey! No stealing my date!"
I just kind of stood there, wondering what was going on.
"So," Billvy said, turning towards me again. "How about a date?"
"Uh...sure." I didn't figure there was a way I could say no.
"Excellent, I'll meet you here around 7 tomorrow."
Sunday was our day off, which was good. I didn't have to work.
"Yeah, alright."
I turned, but before I could go anywhere, his voice trailed back to me.
"And by the way, I'm William. William Beckett."
It was my turn to smirk.
"I know," I said, walking backwards slowly. "But don't expect any special treatment from me, Billvy."
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you like it so far. =]