Status: Finished.

You'll Never Lose When I'm Around

Paper Chase

I enjoyed having dinner with Will, and then the whole playground swings thing was so funny, I just couldn't help laughing! When you saw him in a music video or on stage, you just wouldn't think he'd be like that. But, ah well, so goes the joys of life. I was risking a lot with this date though. A lot.

When Will pulled me into his lap on the swings I stiffened immediately. It was my normal reaction, but it wasn't from him.
"Is everything okay?" He asked me, and I nodded, trying to smile. I didn't want him to think I didn't like the closeness. I didn't want to hurt his feelings.
After a moment I relaxed, and we swung back and forth as high as Will could push without making me fall.
The air blowing at my face was nice, making my raven hair tangle in the wind.
"Am I hurting you at all?" I asked, looking around and Will. He was just so skinny!
He laughed.
"I'm fine. I'm stronger than I look."
We sat on the swing for a while after that, until the darkness set in. I saw a flash of yellow that disappeared immediately.
"Fireflies!" I cried, but I didn't move, reluctant to leave Will's arms. He got up just the same though, and soon Will was fumbling around trying to catch some lightning bugs with me.
We huddled together, cupping the bugs in our hands.
"How many did you get?" I whispered breathlessly, looking up at him. He looked back at me.
"I think," He whispered back. "Five."
"Good job," I complimented brightly, and we both opened our hands at the same time, the bugs spiraling away.
Soon we were both on our backs, looking at the night sky. I wormed my way closer to him, and laced my hand through his. He smiled at me.
"So what do you want to talk about?" Will asked, and I thought for a moment.
"Your music," I finally said, and Will's smile got even bigger.
"Well then," He said, grinning. "What are some of your favorite songs?"
"Oh jeez, that's going to be a long list. Can I give you my top five?"
I thought for a moment at all the songs I had back on my CD's at home.
"Coppertone," I said, which was my favorite. "Ghost, The Phrase That Pays, His Girl Friday, Paper Chase, Slow Down, Classifieds..." I trailed off, and he laughed.
"That was more than five," I smiled at his words.
"I liked the music video for Slow Down. That must have been fun at the end with the pool," I turned my head over towards him, our eyes meeting. I was stunned by his eyes. Now that I was closer, I could actually see how warm they were.
"Yeah it was," He replied, not noticing my awed gaze. "We just kind of got to do things our own way with that one."
I laughed lightly. "Your lips were so red, though, it looked like you were wearing lipstick."
He grimaced at that, and I laughed even harder.
I began singing, just because I wanted to see if he would join me.
"My life reads like the classifieds.
Pages of what's for sale; what's on the auction block.
Attention bidders! It's Lot 45.
He's got a decent voice, he's got that crooked smile."
He finally sang along with me, and the song sounded just right with his voice. We both sang the next lines together.
"Hold on, you haven't heard the best yet.
He writes good storylines, he's got those honest eyes.
So take him home for just $9.95.
He'll sing the songs you like, he'll keep you warm at night."
When we were done he looked at me, and I snuggled closer to him, lifting our entwined hands up to my head.
"Shouldn't you be getting home soon?"
"I live alone," I replied, not being entirely truthful. "We've got a long time before you need to go.
"Do you think I could see your place?" Will asked, and I thought about that for a moment.
He was most certainly not there today, or he would've called my cell phone an hour before.
"Sure," I replied lightly.

I unlocked the door and stepped inside my small apartment.
"Sorry it's so messy," I said, embarassed, but it didn't look like Will cared. He just smiled and plopped himself on my couch.
I walked into the kitchen and leaned against the counter, closing my eyes. I reached my hand up to my forehead, sighing. I brought out two cans of Mountain Dew, sitting down next to him. It was then that I realized what he was reading.
"Hey!" I tried to grab the notebook from him, but he held it over my head. His arms were so long! "Give my lyric notebook back!"
"Nuh-uh," He teased, sounding like a little kid.
"You big bully," I laughed, finally letting it go. I curled up close to him, and he put his arms around me.
"You know these are actually really good?" He looked down at me, and I could feel the pink creep into my cheeks.
"Can I hear a song?" Will asked, and I nodded shyly, running into the other room to get my guitar.
I sat back down, further away from him now.
"What song do you want to hear?"
"Uhh," He thought, and I absentmindedly played random notes. "The last one you played before the shop closed."
"Oh," I replied, stunned. "That's my favorite one."
"I like it too," Will replied, and I smiled.
"It's called Broken."
Will didn't talk anymore, and I started strumming the guitar. It wasn't as loud as it could have been with an amp, but I knew he could hear.
The melancholy notes creeped over our ears, and I ignored his eyes on my face, not thinking, letting myself go to the music. Like I always do.
When my song came to an end, I looked anywhere but at Will. He clapped excitedly.
"Can I use the guitar for a moment?" Always the gentleman. I handed it to him, and he adjusted the straps.
He began strumming and singing. I recognized 'Coppertone', and smiled. After a while my eyes were having trouble staying open, and I leaned against his shoulder. The music cut off and I felt his arm around me. I inhaled lightly. He smelled good. I felt the ground disappear beneath me, and I blinked sleepily. I was being carried by him bridal style in to what he assumed was my room. It took him three tries, but in the end he set me lightly on my bed, tugging the quilt over me.
"Goodnight," He whispered softly, turning. Before he could leave I reached out and grabbed his wrist.
"Please?" I asked, looking up at him. He smiled down at me and crawled under the covers. I wormed my way into his arms, my forehead against his chest.
"'Night Billvy," I murmured, and I thought I could hear a chuckle as I was enveloped in darkness.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ahhh I liked this one. I'n quite proud of myself. =] Whenever my co-author does one it's in Mr. Beckett's perspctive, and whenever I do one it's in Allison's perspective.
I hope you guys enjoy! :D