Status: Finished.

You'll Never Lose When I'm Around

About A Girl

I was still amazed that Will hadn't left yet, that he would still put up with all this craziness for me. Nobody had ever done that before. Nobody. And I was willing to live on a stinky bus with the others to stay with him.
After the grand tour, I sat down at the small table, eating a pop-tart next to Andy.
The bus lurched forward unexpectedly, and I jumped a little, making them both laugh.
"Shut up, it wasn't funny," I bit into the pop-tart again.
"Meh, I think it was," Will teased. "So, what's on the agenda for today?"
"Ah, we're on our way to sound check I believe," Chizzy replied.

And that's how I was standing on a giant stage with lights shining down on me harshly. I didn't really know what to do, so I just paced around for a minute before I felt someone's hands on my shoulders and then a massive weight knocking me down on my stomach; someone had tackled me from behind.
"Ah! What the hell?!"
"Haha," Sisky laughed, looking down at me. "It's your turn Allison."
My nervousness got the best of me.
"What am I supposed to do?"
"Oh not that much," He shrugged. "Just play one song or two and they make sure everything sounds alright."
"Oh okay."
Sisky got off of me and I walked towards the microphone. I saw Will, who gave me a small smile. I took a deep breath, and began the intro with my guitar.
Soon I was lost into the music and my song was over. It wasn't that bad, I thought. Then I remembered the concert, and realized that the seats in front of me would be full of people, all here to see The Academy Is... and Hey Monday. Not me.
I walked back again, setting my guitar down. I was conscious of the others talking about me and ducked my head, blushing.
"Damn Bill," Sisky said in awe. "I thought she was good in the coffee shop but wow."
If possible, I blushed harder, just in time for Will to peek around and smile at me.
"See? Even we think you're amazing."
"Thanks," I mumbled. "But you're obligated too, since I'm going to be living with you guys and all."
He laughed, and a tall guy came out towards us, small headphones on his head.
"Guys, you've got about 10 minutes," He said walking away.
I began shaking, and Will patted me on the back.
"You'll do fine. They'll love you."
"Sure," I said nodding. "Right."
He squeezed my shoulder, and soon, too soon, it was time for me to go on. Will gave me one final hug before pushing me out on stage. I walked up to the microphone trying to not let my nervousness show.
"Hey everyone, I'm Allison Parker. Who's pumped to see The Academy Is... and Hey Monday?"
The responsive cheering might have damaged my hearing for life.
"Unfortunately, you'll have to put up with me first. So here goes. This one's called Masquerade."
I played the first few chords, letting the sound wash over me. As the sound became more and more layered I started singing, and soon I was onto the next song. I didn't shake; I was enjoying myself now.
Soon it was over, and I had to get off so Will and everyone could get on.
We passed each other and I stood on my tip-toes to reach his ear.
"Kick some ass."
He chuckled, clapping me on the back.
I set the guitar down, and leaning against a wall in the back, watching them.
The crowd was absolutely out of control when Will finally popped out on stage.
"Hey everybody," He said, and the crowd screamed in response. "We're going to perform two of our songs on our new album: Fast Times at Barrington High. This one is called About a Girl."
The song started, and if Will thought my small part in the concert was amazing, then his part had no words to describe it. I watched him on stage; he looked so animated. So happy. My favorite words of the song washed over me. "To be loved, to be loved, what more could you ask for? To be loved, to be loved, everyone wants.."
I abruptly realized the truth. That Will had still stuck with me, through the whole craziness that had gone on. He still wanted to be with me. And I wanted to be with him, if he was willing to take me. The man on stage singing his heart out, still stayed. He still stayed with me.

Soon, they played The Test, and then they were done. Hey Monday came out, and I had to admit, they were pretty amazing too.
Will and the others walked back out near me, their faces covered in sweat.
"Whew," Andy said, collapsing in a chair. "That was sweet."
Will walked over towards me, hugging me, but I pulled away, wrinkling my nose.
"What?" He whined. "I don't get a hug?"
"Well no offense Will," I started, laughing. "But you do stink, a little."
He laughed too. "I guess you're right."
Just then somebody shoved a hairy, and not to mention sweaty armpit in my face. I backed away, horrified.
"Ewww! Sisky! That is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen!"
Sisky was laughing, and he lowered his arm. Andy slapped him on the back of the head.
"Oh yeah Andy?" Sisky was immediately chasing him around, trying to show him his armpit.
I watched with wide eyes before turning back to Will.
"Are they always like that?"
"Yeah," He sighed. "You learn to love them though."

Hey Monday finally finished, and I got to meet everyone. I knew the band, but I didn't know their names. The singer came up to me, immediately hugging me.
"Hey Allison, I'm Cassadee. You can call me Cass. It's so good to finally have a girl on tour."
I laughed. "It's nice to meet you too."
She pulled away and pointed at the other band members behind her.
"That's Mike, Alex, Michael, and Elliot. They're all okay."
Everybody else was giving high fives and hugs and shaking hands. Cass pulled me off to the side, grabbing my shoulder.
"So," She said mischievously. "Touring with a bunch of guys, huh?"
I could see where this was going, and blushed.
" have your eyes set on any of them?"
"Uh, and Will have kind of been...and item for a while now," I glanced at him. He was talking to Andy and Alex from Hey Monday.
Cass laughed.
"You don't have to be embarrassed. I think it's good Will found such a cool girlfriend."
This made me blush even harder.
"So...have you kissed him yet?"
My head would have exploded if it got any hotter.
"N-not yet...but...I mean..."
She looked over at Will.
"Huh...Well then I've got a plan."
"What?! What are you going to do?"
She smirked again, calling Andy over.
"Andy, we have a problem. Allison here says she and Will haven't kissed yet. I wanna make that happen."
I hid my face in my hands, humiliated.
Andy laughed. "Alright, what do we do? And why don't you want Sisky to help?"
"He can't be trusted. He'd blow it all. Here's what we do..."
She shoved me away before whispering ecstatically to Andy, whose smile got wider and wider.
"What are you guys planning?" I asked meekly, knowing they wouldn't answer.
"You just wait," Andy said, grinning over at me. "You'll like this."
"Oh God..." I muttered.

"Come on everyone! Let's play truth or dare!"
We were all cramped into our tight bus, even Hey Monday. I had a feeling Cass would want to see what happened. We all sat down in a circle, an old coke bottle in the center.
"I'll go first," Sisky said, spinning it. It landed on Cass. "Truth or dare?"
"Truth," She replied, and Sisky groaned.
"But truth is always so boring!"
"Hey, you asked."
"Fine. If you had a chance to make out with one of the members of Hey Monday, would you?"
Cass laughed. "Sure."
"What do you mean sure?!"
"My turn!"
Cass spun the bottle, and it landed on Andy.
"Truth or dare?"
"Dare," He replied, grinning.
"Hmm...Alright then. I dare you to go outside and dance around in your underwear."
"That's it?" Sisky asked, disappointed.
"If we do some of the dares you do Sisky, someone's going to end up in the hospital."
"Yeah," Andy replied, quickly stripping down and going outside.
"I've got to see this," Will said, and we all went to the windows.
Sure enough, Andy was outside, streaking around in his underwear. By the time he came back in, he was laughing, and we were rolling around hysterically.
"I-I didn't...k-k-know you could d-dance that well, A-Andy," Cass stuttered out in a fit of laughter.
"Yeah I'm totally a pro."
After the whole laughing fit, we were all back in the circle. As Andy took the bottle, dread and nervousness took over me. I glanced over at Will, who seemed to be having fun. What were Cass and Andy planning?
The bottle spun around twice, before coming to a stop at Will.
"Truth or dare?" Andy asked, a smirk coming up on both his and Cass's face.
"Oh no..." I groaned quietly.
"Dare," Will replied.
The two devil's smirks widened.
"Oh no..." I repeated.
"How about....Seven minutes in heaven with Allison?"
The whole circle was soon spouting out whistles and cat calls.
"Oh n-no, I m-mean..." I was too embarrassed to the point where I could barely talk. I was sure my face was red by now. "I-It's-"
"I think we should."
I looked over at Will, who was smiling slightly now.
"Y-you do?" I asked, looking around at everyone, who was smirking and grinning around at everyone else.
Cass and Andy got up, shoving us both to the bunk area.
"Alright you guys, we're going to be nice and not bother you. We'll even give you an extension."
A burst on snickers and laughs behind me made me lower my head.
"Have fun," Andy mocked before closing the door behind us.
My hands were shaking, I could feel them. I could also feel Will next to me.
"Did you not want to do this?" Will asked quietly.
"T-that's not what I meant...I mean...with everyone listening...and..." I trailed off, and someone pounded on the door.
"Less talking and more smooching you two!"
I groaned at Sisky's words, but Will was closest to the door.
I heard a slight movement, and Will's arms were on the wall, around both sides of my head, pressing my back to the wall and trapping me. I looked up at him, his brown eyes sparkling. My breath hitched in my throat at how close his face was. Even in the dark, I could still see a little. I felt his warm breath on my face, and I knew I was shaking. He leaned in closer, until our lips met.
It was gentle at first, and then his arms snaked down to my waist, pulling my closer to him. I reached my hands up, winding my fingers in his messy brown hair. He sighed, and I felt his breath in my mouth. He moved his mouth down to my jaw, and then the side of my neck.
"You have no idea how much I've been craving to do this," He whispered, his breathing heavier. This was a whole different Will. He was still being gentle, but there was a hungry edge to his voice. And, I realized, I liked it.
His lips stopped at my neck, and he bit down on the sensitive part. I moaned, clutching his hair tighter. His mouth went back up to meet mine, and soon, too soon, I was conscious of Sisky's fists pounding against the door once more.
"That's it guys. We even let you have an extension. If you don't open the door in 30 seconds, we're coming in."
"Shouldn't we stop?" I whispered to Will, breathless. "They'll see..."
"Do you care if they see?" He replied quietly. At this moment I didn't care that they would come in and see anything. I wanted to continue kissing Will.
The door opened and Cass, Andy, and Sisky gasped. I knew we had an audience, and I heard the smack of Cass and Andy's hands clapping together in a high five.
"We did it!" Cass said enthusiastically.
"Yes!" Andy cried.
Will pulled away from my face, his eyes sparkling. He tried to re-adjust his hair, running his hand through it, and we walked back out to spin the bottle.

By the time the night was through, we had gotten Sisky to drink 3 cans of Monster, and I was leaning sleepily against Will's shoulder, fighting to keep my eyes open.
"It's almost over," He whispered.
I felt someone carrying me to the darkness of the bunks, and I was set down gently, the covers pulling up over me. I didn't have to look to see it was Will. He sat down on the edge of my bed. I peeked open one eye; he was smiling. I smiled back.
"Thank you," I said, and he knew I didn't just mean carrying me to the bed.
"No problem," he chuckled. "I enjoyed it immensely."
"So did I."
He leaned down to my face, giving me a quick kiss on the lips, letting it linger for a moment, and then he pulled away, closing the curtain around me.
"Good night Allison," He said softly.
"Good night...Bilvy....hmm...saurus."
I heard the curtain pull back, and his face peeked through.
"What did you call me?"
"Bilvysaurus," I replied smirking.
He laughed, closing back the curtain. I thought I heard him mutter to himself before I sunk into dreamland.
"I'll have to thank Cass and Andy sometime..."
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes, yes yes, I loved this chapter. =3 I decided to make it long because I'm cool like that. I hope you liked. I know I did, lol.
Bilvysaurus says hi! =]