Status: Active....Writing Chapter Nine!!

The Darkest Dawn

Chapter Two

Looking down into coffee cup I couldn’t believe how much was left after only that short conversation, I was getting to dependent on coffee in the morning. Walking back out into the kitchen I poured myself another cup. Looking around the kitchen I could see into every part of the apartment and it looked like university students lived in it. I mean they did but it could at least not look like it, The living room had books shoved all over the place, on the table, on the floor and on top of the television. The television was caked in a inch layer of dust at least and the sofa had so many stains it was almost hard to count. The carpet was an ugly mold green color and spotted with coffee stains and stains we weren‘t sure where they came from. The Bathroom was completely disgusting. We tried not to spend much time in there, with mold and dirt layering the tube and in the toilet. Cleaning this apartment was something else to add to my list. Taking the coffee back to my room I placed it on the nightstand and sat at the window bench. It was a fairly sunny day but you could tell it was cold out. The window had a great view of the other apartment building. One of the rooms had been empty for the past few months and last night as some point the “For Rent” sign had been taken down and surprisingly enough someone had already

“Brrring Brrring,”

My cell phone was going off. Taking me away from my snooping. It was Nikko my lab partner,

“ Hello?”

“Hey Nova it’s me, Are you ready to head down to the library and do some research or should I give you a few more minutes? I am on the bus now and should be there in 10 minutes at least.”

“Well No I probably wont be ready but I can try to be. Come up to the apartment and knock I should be ready,” I responded to him.

Putting my cell back on the nightstand I grabbed the coffee, that had cooled down immensely and drank half of it in one gulp. I pulled on my Jeans and a long sleeved t-shirt that probably hadn’t been washing in a few days, I ran into the bathroom and quickly brushed my teeth. I splashed a little cold water on my face and dried myself off. Heading back to my room I drank the last bit of my coffee and grabbed my bag. Just as I opened the from door Nikko was there with yet another cup of coffee about to knock on the door.

“I see 10 minutes was just enough time,” Laughing he hand me the cup of coffee Looking at the coffee I smiled.

“You know this will be my third coffee since I got up right?”

“Yeah, Only your third? Are you cutting back or something?”

Laughing together I grabbed my keys out of the bag and lock the door. We make our way down four flights of stairs. Just as I was about to head out the door I was stopped by the landlord.

“Nova you and Audrina are 2 weeks late on the rent. Your two are good kids and I’d hate to see you out on the street again but I can’t let you stay here for free.”

I Looked at Nikko who motioned that he would be outside waiting for me. Embarrassment came over my face I could feel the burning in my cheeks. I watched as Nikko left and waited outside.

“I’m sorry Mr. Miles,” I said in a hushed voice. My eyes were lowed “But we don’t have the money right now. I should get paid Tomorrow can we pay you for the this month then?”

People who where passing in the lobby were stopping to see what was going on and whispering to each other. I didn’t look at them but I was getting more and more embarrassed by the second. Mr. Miles placed his hand on my shoulder and whispered into my ear.

“Don’t worry you can pay me tomorrow but I can’t keep doing this.”

When his hand lifted of my shoulder. I heading out the doors without a thank you or anything. Nikko handed me back my coffee.

“Is everything OK?” He asked.

Just as I turned to respond I felt my hand hit into a hard chest and then a warm feeling over my chest, then a burning. Looking down to my chest I see my coffee had escaped my hand and end up all over me.

“Fuck” I cursed under my “breath.

“I’m sorry Miss, I didn’t see you there” A strange voice.

Looking up all I could see was his face. His lips were succulent and very kissable, his eyes were a sea green color that almost drew you into them and made you imagine fucking him with the lights on, and his hair was long for a man. On his left ear I noticed three earring that on a man actually looked really good. Nikko came up behind me with some napkins.

“Well next time you should watch where you are walking.” He snapped to the man.

Nikko stepped between me and the man and as the man walked down the street my eyes followed him down the street until I could see him anymore.

“Are you OK?” Nikko asked