Status: Active....Writing Chapter Nine!!

The Darkest Dawn

Chapter Four

I met Nikko when I started university. He was also majoring in Psychology so we ended up in many of the same classes. We had gotten paired together for a paper in one of our classes and ever since we became close friend. Nikko was actually the guy who got us into the apartment, it was his old one until he moved to the south end. Nikko was one of the sexiest Asians I had ever seen. He was one of those guys that you would see in a movie or a hair and underwear model. From what Nikko had told me his father was a true blue all American kind of guy which was funny cause he was a Canadian but I guess that didn’t matter. On his mothers side they weren’t sure what he was. His mother was part Chinese for sure but she didn’t know what her father was so they guess Vietnamese. Either way those mixed together created a very sexy man. There were many times time when I would have loved to tie him to my bed and let our imaginations run wild. There where actually times we that it almost happened. Nikko was well build, very muscular and lanky, he could actually be considered a bodybuilder among Asians but was almost half the size of an American bodybuilder. He had a six pack that was really well defined, his shoulder where the perfect size to rest your head on. Around his neck he would wear a tiger tooth necklace one of the only things he had left from his father. Nikko’s face was oval shaped and his lips were perfect for kissing, they were the kind that if you kissed you could tell they would be soft and eat your lip but in a good way. His nose was a good size for his face not to large and not to small it was perfect like the rest of his body. Nikko’s eyes were deep set into his face and they had a soft yet strong look to them. As for his hair it was spiked up about three or four inches.

Blinking like I was coming out of a dream I smiled at him

“Yeah Nikko, I’m fine.”

I looked down at my jacket and then at my empty coffee cup.

“Don’t worry I’ll get you another” Nikko laughed.

Getting on the bus it was packed Nikko and I ended up standing. It was a short bus ride to the Library about fifteen minutes but it seemed like long on the days that we had to stand. Nikko was always a little protective he’d wrap his hand around my waist every time we had to stand so that I wouldn’t fall. It had happened so often now that I had stopped blushing. Now I am not saying that when I blushed it would have even been noticeable I had pretty tanned skin. Not the lightest for an African Canadian but in the winter I could be considered a tan Caucasian and a light African in the summer.

Nikko tugged on my bag strap

“Come on or you’ll miss the stop.”

I ran off the bus and caught up to Nikko. The bus let us off at right at the front of the library. It was a huge library, at one point I think they had said it was a large church that was converted into a library because there was no more room in the city to build. Nikko held the door open for me as we entered. There was a table at the far end. That was where we normally sat. I placed my jacket on the chair to dry and pulled out some paper and books.

“I know I missed Ms. Armstrong’s class last week on Abnormal Psy. Do you have those notes?”

Nikko pulled out a large binder and went straight to the day and class. He was so organized, the complete opposite of me. I started to copy Nikko’s notes and noticed that the more I copied the closer to me he got. Pretending not to notice I kept on taking notes. When I had fined the page of notes Nikko gave me I noted that his arm was around the back of the chair and his mouth was so close to my neck that I could feel his warm moist breath on it giving me the shivers.
“Your getting Cold Nova, Maybe you should head back to your apartment and I can warm you up’

I laughed at him

“So I take it this means you got high this morning you?”

He only seemed to express his feelings for me when get was high or drunk. The last time he told me he wanted to “warm me up” he was drunk and I think there was a noise complaint. It was pretty early in the day and Audrina should still be in class I thought. That would have been enough time for at least a quickie