
Things are shapin' up to be pretty odd.

I look out the window at the overly bright sun thinking about everything that happened over the weekend. I wasn't expecting Bronx to remember the night before I left or confess that he had feelings for me. A honk from the drive way pulled me out of my thoughts, McKenzie and I had decided that she would pick me up for school to relieve Ryan from a duty he disliked.

"Hey." I said while sliding into the leather passenger seat. I hugged my jacket closer when the cold air seeped inside the car with me. "Ready for an exciting day at Topanga High?" I rolled my eyes and leaned back to rest my head on the seat.

McKenzie smiled and hit the radio switch, soothing voices escaped from the speakers.

"Oh my gosh, they are following me." McKenzie bewildered expression almost made me smile but my lips merely twinged. "Ryan has been listening to different types of music to try and distress from this weekend. This songs sound just like the annoying girl's voice on the cd."

"Is he not any better? He seemed really off on the plane ride." McKenzie drummed her fingers on the steering wheel after switching the radio station to something alternative.

I shook my head and allowed my eyes to drift close until we pulled into the school parking lot.


English class proved to be as boring as ever. Mr. Akers wasn't even even in the room long enough to do roll call before he left to get dough nuts from the teacher's lounge. To pass the time I drew an evil version of the blonde clique putting on makeup. It was quite amusing till Lizzie saw and ripped it up, then it became hilarious.

Gym wasn't much of an improvement except McKenzie was there to suffer with me. Volleyball doesn't seem to be one of my strong points, well any sport really. The highlight of class was when Kenzie spiked Ty in the head. Lizzie rushed over to nurse his head trauma and shot us dirty looks as we rolled on the floor. (Not literally, of course.)

My whole life was altered drastically once I stepped foot in the World History room. Desk were already being pushed together and kids were chatting away. Some had their head slumped like there were ready to kill over. I took a deep breath and sat down at one of the remaining desk not sure if it was originally mine. Jude was at a desk a few feet away from me so I scooted closer.

"Pst! What are we suppose to be doing?" He barely looked up but shrugged, perfect example of the students contemplating suicide. I huffed not satisfied with his answer and was about to raise my hand when the teacher began to talk in her deep manly accent.

"Today we are starting our heritage assignment! Each group will have two members and you both will have to find something your heritage has in common. Now pair up with the person closest to you."

I looked up from the paper I was scribbling her every word on to see that Jude was still in front of me. I wasn't sure if I should be pleased to be his partner or worried that we might not get along well in the end.

"Well, looks like you're stuck with me." He mumbled and grabbed my paper to copy what little notes she gave us about the project.

I pursed my lips but tried to stay calm. "We could meet after school at my house today. We'll only have about a week to do this."

"See, that's one thing you got to learn about Ms. Dirt bag over there. A week really means about two months." Jude reclined in the desk and propped his feet on an empty table next to us.

"Hey! Be nice, she's like 65 years old. Have some respect. Besides I'd rather get this done now instead of putting it off." I argued and shooed his feet away.

"Elle, Ms. Juahs just turned 50." Jude cracked a sarcastic smirk that made his eyes light up and instead of seeming unappealing it drew me in more. I adverted my eyes when his facial expression changed to taunting signaling that he realized I was looking at his face for more than a normal amount.

"So, I'll meet you at yours house around 4." Jude got up just as the bell rang as if he was psychic or had an internal alarm clock.

I hurried to try and catch up with him but was too late. McKenzie was already leaning against my locker with a pleased expression.

"You must've had your Wheaties today." I laughed when Kenzie's eyebrows knitted together.

"No!" She stressed the "o" into a singing tone. "Avery is my new lab partner!"

"Jude's friend?" I became just as happy as she was at the mention of him.

She laughed but nodded. "How did you know that?"

I shrugged and tried to play it off. "I saw them talking in gym one morning."

"I've liked him since 5th grade." She hid a laugh with her hand.

I gave a conceited look before whispering. "Today must be a our lucky day."
♠ ♠ ♠
Woo! Things are really going to start picking up now!
I don't want to give to much away too soon, but yeah. :)
I'm upset some people didnt get an email D:
Hopefully you will on this one :)

Day 3 outfit!