Status: Will be going on holiday for 6 and a half weeks...sorry...

Just Another Crummy Teenage Fantasy

It's raining it's pouring, while the fucking asshole is snoring.

Oh don't mind me you douche. Who cares if your 'best friend' is walking through the rain. Who cares if it's all because of you? Who the hell cares?

I just wish I could fast-forward time you know? I wish that I can skip all this bullshit and see what it's like when I'm older. I wish I knew whether I would have a happy life. I bet anything is better than right now.

I'm 14 years old for god's sake. I'm not suppose to have these problems. I'm not even sure it's that much of a problem. But hey, if it's caused me to be walking out in a thunder storm at 11pm then I guess it's pretty serious. That or at my early teen years I have already become delusional.
  1. Singing In The Rain
    The thunder storm that would change her life forever.
  2. Flashbacks and Tears
    Go through the highs and lows of this persons' life.
  3. Getting Away
    Waking up in an unfamiliar place just got more dangerous.
  4. Wrong Diagnosis
    Opening up to her current life couldn't get so wrong.
  5. How Romantic!
  6. The Offspring
  7. Maddie the Explorer!
  8. Vibrant Blue
    There is a lot of cleaning up to do.
  9. Attack! Attack!