

I awoke from my peaceful slumber by the sound of footsteps outside of my door. Obviously everyone was getting so that ment i would have toget up before someone was sent to my room to get me up them people could be Brian or Jayden and i think it would be best to stay away from them as im confused enough about my feelings for both of them, well i don't see how im going to avoid Brian today seeing as he's taking me to school in like 2 hours.

I let out a growl seeing as my plan just went down the drain and got out of bed and walked towards my dresser to brush my hair. Once my hair was brushed i then made my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I brushed my teeth then walked out of the bathroom and bumped into the guy that i wanted to avoid. Brian.

''Hey'' he said with a warm smile '' Have a good sleep?''

I couldn't help but notice how handsome he was, even though he had just woken up. There i go again. This guy is impossible to ignore, he's just too attractive and kind.

''Hey, yeah it was ok i guess'' i said with a smile walking around him to get downstairs.
''Good , be ready for 9:30 cause we have to be there for 9:45'' he said with a warm smile following me downstairs and into the kitchen were everybody was eating breakfast.

''Morning'' i said to everybody earning muffled ''Mornings'' or ''heys''. I walked over to the coffee machine thing and made myself some coffee. I added sugar and milk then put some bread in the toaster then took a seat inbetween zacky and Matt.

''So ive come to the decision that even though Sarah needed a smack, im going to have to ground you'' said Matt

''You can't ground me!, im nearly 17 and i'll be in the house on my own when your at the studio'' i said pouting at him.

''I know but you have to be punished for your actions, plus the school says you need to be disaplined'' he said putting a spoonful of cereal in his mouth ''Besides'' he said swallowing his cereal '' Your not going to be alone all of the time, Jimmy and Brian are usually home, and if one isn't the other is'' he said shoveling another spoonful into his mouth.

I let out a sigh then got up to get my toast returning to my place after.

I ate my toast in silence whilst catching Brian glancing at me and smirking.

This is going to be a fun day.
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Okay im sorry this ones sucks ive had a really bad weekend, i got dumped by my boyfriend of 6 months and found out about 20 minutes ago that when we were going out he fucking cheated on me >:( guys can be such tools.