

I was woken from my peaceful slumber by my alarm going off. I looked at the time to see it was only 7am.
I can't even remember setting it, i don't even want to get up only to get judge by some assholes that are to prude to have kids of there own.

I heard my door open and my light was switched on making me hide under my covers from the light. I heard heels clicking on the wood floor then the comforter was ripped of me harshly exposing me to the cold morning air.

''I didn't set your alarm for you to sleep through it like you did last time, now get out of bed'' came Mrs Smith's voice.

I simply groaned and she walked out, but not before saying this.

''If your not ready in half an hour you can pack your bags and get out'' she snarled.

She had always hated me with a passion and for no reason. But i couldn't give a shit about what she thought of me.

I got up and took a quick shower then went back into my room to see Mrs Smith had set out some clothes for me to wear. I was definitely not wearing that crap. There was a Barbie pink dress that came half way up my thighs with black heels with a black cardigan. I growled in frustration and hung the clothes back up and got out a pair of black skinny jeans, a green tank top with a black and green studded belt and slipped on my black dolly shoes.

I brushed and straightened my hair making sure to make a side fringe and then did my make up, which was simply black eyeliner and mascara.

Once i thought i was done i grabbed my i pod and played Bullet for my valentine and went downstairs to see everybody in there best dress. Once Mrs Smith saw me she scowled but i just chose to ignore her and sit on the windowsill and look outside.

I saw an SUV pull up and two men got out and made there way to the door. I sighed and
just gazed out of the window wanting all of this to be over with as soon as possible.

They came in and everybody lined up, Mrs Smith came over to me and yanked me toward the line by my arm. I growled making her walk away once i was lined up.
As soon as she turned around i couldn't help but flip her the bird.

One of the guys laughed at me and i smile at him.

The two guys looked at people and i took this time to get a good look at them. One was really buff and had his lip pierced on the right side and the other guy was short with blond and black hair. All in all they were quite attractive guys.They both came over to me with warm smiles on there face.

''Whats your name?'' asked the really buff one.

''Chance'' i said

''Well Chance your coming home with us'' he said gesturing to the other guy when he said 'us'.

This surely could not be happening, especially to me of all people.

I never thought I'd see the day.
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Second update

Sorry there so short.

But as more members of A7X come into I'm sure they will get longer.

Comment and subscribe please. the outfit she was suppost to wear. what she rechanged into