

''Anyways, we've introduced you to everybody, well apart from Sarah, so now tell us about yourself'' said Val.

Great another person to meet. I wonder why Matt didn't tell me about a Sarah.

''Well, I'm 16, I've lived in that orphanage since i was about 6 i think, My favorite colour is green. I love rock and i like colourful things'' i said smiling at the end of it.

''How come you got put in an orphanage to begin with?'' Asked Brian. This earned a slap from Val

''You don't ask people that!'' she said to him

''Why not?'' he asked obviously trying to see what he had done wrong

''Because it's personal'' she said in a 'duh' tone.

''Sorry, i was just wondering'' he said in a stroppy tone.

Lets just say Brian sounded like a 7 year old right about now.

''Its fine, seeing as I'm going to be living here you'll need to know a lot about me.
When i was about 5 my mum and dad started arguing over stupid things, like what i ate or what presents to get me, Basically they resented each other. I don't know why though because they used to be inseparable but it all changed. One night my mum and dad got into a huge argument, my mum accused my dad of cheating, so in conclusion he blew a fuse and shot my mum in the chest then shot himself in the head. I sat the and watched her die as well. So then i got sent to that orphanage'' i said to them.

''That must have been horrible'' came a voice i didn't recognize.

I looked behind me to see a girl around my age. She had blond hair and was wearing designer clothes.

''Yeah it was, I'm Chance''

''Ive heard already. Matt wouldn't stop telling us about you over the phone'' do i sense a bit of jealousy?

''I think he was just excited Sarah'' said Brian

''Whatever, do you know were my mum is?'' she asked

''She's inside with your dad'' said Brian

She simply nodded and walked inside.

''God ,she needs to stop getting so jealous'' said Val

''Who's her parents?'' i asked

''Jimmy and Leanne'' said Zacky.

''Well when me and Matt were in the car here he didn't mention her, i mean he told me about all of you guys and Jayden, but not her'' i said

''He doesn't exactly like her, she's a bit stuck up. I think its something to do with being in the Cheer leading squad'' Said Val.

I simply nodded my head and stood up to go find my dad.

I walked inside and turned to go into the lounge when Sarah came out and i walked straight into her, sending the drink in her hand all down her.

''Oh my god, i am so sorry'' i said trying to find something to mop up the drink with.

''For fucks sake. You did that on purpose you little bitch. My top is ruined now'' she let out a frustrated growl then pushed me out of the way and stomped outside.

I stood there shocked.

''What was all that about?'' said a voice from behind me

I turned around to see Jayden stood there with his eyebrow raised.

''I accidental bumped into her and she spild her drink down herself, she thinks i did it on purpose'' i said

''Ignore her, she's just a bitch'' He said

I nodded and took a seat on the couch.

''So did your dad tell you about school yet?'' he asked

The thought of school made my stomach flip.I hated school.

''No'' i said
''Your starting tomorrow with me and Sarah. You can hang around with me and my friends. I don't want you to get bullied or anything like that'' he said with a warm smile.

''Thanks'' i said

He was going to say something when Sarah came into the room and sat next to him.

''Foods ready'' she said looking at him

''Okay, i'll be out in a bit, I'm talking to Chance'' he said

''A bits not good enough, we don't want your food to go cold'' she said standing up and pulling him with her.

I haven't even been here one day and i already dislike somebody.

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Update woop

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