

As soon as i got to school i wanted to go home. There were too many people. I took in a deep breathe and follwed Jayden to his group of friends like a lost sheep. I hate feeling like this, having to follow people around instead of being independent.
I took a look at Jaydens friends and realised he fit in with them perfectly. Skater types. I must admit they were hot though. But they did look a lot like each other. Same hair and same style.

''These are my friends'' said Jayden to me ''That's Luke, thats Tom, Adam and that is Jake'' he said pointing them out.

''Hi ,im Chance'' i said shyly. At this moment in time i wanted the ground to swallow me up. They were looking at me and i hated it. I tried my best to try and make myself unseen by standing behind Jayden.
My little plan went down the drain when Jayden moved out of the way and put his arm around my shoulder.

''She's a little shy around new people, arent you?'' he asked looking at me

Is he for real? im not five. So why is he talking to me like i am.

''I can be sometimes'' i said with a smile.

''Are you two an item?'' asked Adam

''Excuse me?'' i asked

''Well you look like a couple'' he said looking at the both of us. The other three nodded in agreement.

''Nah were not, remember i have Sarah'' he said with a smile.

Whoa, whoa, whoa they go out? when the fuck did that happen.
I realised his arm was still over my shoulders so i shoved it off and shuffled away from him.

I can't beleive it. Im so stupid. I did like him and i thought he liked me. I mean he did talk to me more than her, he acted like he didn't like her.

Boys are so confusing.

''I thought you were going to get rid of her?'' said Jake. Get rid of her? Was he going to dump her or kill her? I hope he was going to kill her. I know i don't like her but i wouldn't like him being sent to jail for murder.

''Yeah i was going to but i didnt really talk to her over the weekend'' he said ''I was busy getting to know chance'' He looked at me and i saw an unfamiliar emotion in his eyes.
It was definately not anger, sadness but a look of happines mixed with something else.

He was going to say something to me when the bell rang and interupted us.

''I geuss we should go get your schedule then?'' he said motioning me to follow him.

This day is going to be long.
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Sorry i havn't updated in a while. Ive had a major case of writers block =[ But i got ideas now :D