

I. Hate. School. i would rather be back at the orphanage which must mean something because i despised that place. The reason i hate school in particular is because the majority of people that attend are complete dick heads. I was just minding my own business walking down the hall to go to my next lesson when all of a sudden a foot comes in my path and trips me up, and instead of helping me up they laughed and walked on with there friends.
The teachers are horrible too. they are extremely moody, well the ones i have for lessons are. Most of the people in my class are like sex craved as well. They sit there and make out with each other in class whilst the teachers there!.

I wanted to go home so bad but i still had about 3 hours left of school. At least it's lunch now but the problem is i don't know if Jaydon would actually want me sitting with him and his friends. Guess I'll have to find out. The bell for lunch finally rang and i made my way outside were Jaydon and his friends hung out. Unfortunately for me Sarah and her friends were hanging out near jayden. I put my head down as i walked near her feeling like that would actually make me invisible to her.
Unfortunately for me i was wrong.

''Hey Chance, were you in a orphanage because your parents thought you were too emo to be in there family, or did you just get blood on there carpets after you slit your wrists?'' she said with a sweet smile.

I just shook my head and went to jayden. I sat down next to him and he knew there was something up with me as all he was doing was staring at me.

''What's up Chance?'' he asked looking at me in the eyes.
''Nothing, why?'' i asked trying to hide the fact is was upset and pissed off.
''You just look off is all'' he said looking at me with sad eyes.
''Nah, I'm fine i guess it's just the first day of school wearing me out is all'' i said with a slight smile. H put his arm round my shoulder and gave me a bit of a squeeze.
''well you better get used to it cause your gunna be here for a while'' he said with a smile.

Oh how right he is, i know she's going to make my time here a nightmare.

The rest of the day flew by and it was finally time to go home. I walked out of school and was getting to the parking lot when i bumped into Sarah. Great. she intentionally walked into me.
''Watch were your going you fucking emo loser'' she said getting in my face. I shoved her to try and get her out of my face but all she did was shoved me back and pulled my hair.
I screamed as i felt the clump of hair tear away from my scalp, i looked at her and if looks could kill she would be 6 foot under. i ran at her and tackled her to the floor. I looked up and saw a crowd gathering around us. i was so distracted my focus was on the crowd and not her. Her manicured nails came to my face and scratched down my face drawing blood. I clenched my fists and pounded her in the nose hearing a little crack then her shrieks. i watched as she rolled around on the floor holding her nose whilst she was crying.

''You fucking whore!'' she screamed at me as blood poured from her nose and over her mouth, ''Just because i have Jayden and you don't doesn't mean you have to beat me''

''What! this is not because of Jayden!'' i yelled back

''Yeah your only saying that because you know he's stood behind you, i mean at break today you were telling me how i should watch my back and i didn't deserve him!'' she broke into fake tears and jayden pushed me out of the way and cuddled her looking at her nose and making sure she was OK. I can't believe she did that. She knows i like him and she lies trying to make me sound like a total bitch.

''I never said any of that at all!'' i said trying to defend myself.
Jayden stood up and strode up to me ''You are fucking ridiculous! i thought you were actually different but your worse than half the people here, see you at home and I'm sure Matt and Val won't be pleased with you'' he picked Sarah up from the floor and walked home with her. She looked back and gave me a smug smile. I let out an agitated growl and walked the opposite way from My mum and dads house. Four hours later and i was sat on my own in an abandoned park , it would have been nice and relaxing if it wasn't getting dark. The darkness brought this certain feel to the place i was uncertain as to what that feeling was, maybe neglect. I mean this place looks like it hasn't seen a lawn mower in years.

I waited another hour to go home then set off. I wonder if Matt and Val, or should i say mum and dad, would be pissed off with me for getting into a fight on my first day. I finally got to the house and saw only one car which i think was Brian's. I walked into the house and took my shoes of and dumped my bag near my shoes. I walked to a mirror and saw three cuts on my face and a bleeding head from wear the twat ripped my hair out.

I heard something behind me and turned around to see Brian stood leaning on the wall with his arms crossed. He was wearing a tight T-shirt and it made his biceps look like they were going to rip through his shirt. I never realized how good looking he was.

''So your finally home?'' he said walking towards me with a smirk.
''Yeah i guess i am'' i smiled
''Everybody's gone out looking for you and i dunno were jayden and Sarah have gone, by the way Sarah looks worse than you are'' he said sending me a wink and walking into the lounge.

I followed him and took a seat on the same sofa but further away from him.

He was looking at the TV looking pissed off.
''Whats up with you ?'' i asked concerned
''I dumped Michel'' he said looking at the floor
''Oh how come?''
'' she was cheating on me with some guy from her gym class'' he said looking disappointed
''Oh, she's obviously not worth it Brian, your an awesome guy and she doesn't deserve you at all if she's going to do that'' i said smiling at him
He looked up at me with a certain look on his face and said ''Really?''
''Yeah, any girl would be lucky to have you in her life'' i said with a big smile.

He smirked and looked me straight in the eye for a couple of seconds, then he started to lean into me. I was so confused i had not idea what to do should i slap him or should i let him kiss me. I'll let him kiss me.

NO! he's like your uncle think of how weird it'll be tomorrow.

Before i had time to object his lips met mine. Oh my god! he's amazing.

Reality came back to me and i pushed him off of me and left the room and went to my bedroom and sat on my bed confused to hell.
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Sorry about not updating for like half a year but hopefully this big chapter will make up for it
Comments=next update =]