Status: just started.

John Deere Green

Lucas The Cowboy

It was now 4:00, and my dad had gone to town to get groceries and a few other things. I was left alone to explore the house.

After unpacking some essentials I once again found myself in the chair by the open window in my room.

I was starring at the house across the street again, sort of hoping that boy would come outside.

I was looking at his red truck when I heard three knocks on the front door.

I stumbled my way down the wooden staircase and opened the large door.

Standing there holding the screen door open was the boy from across the street.

"Hi," I said as my heart slammed into my ribcage. He saw me spying. Oh my god. I bet he was coming over here to tell me to piss off.

"Hey," He said with a thick southern accent. He looked surprised. "Uh, my mom told me to come over, and you know, greet the new neighbors." He mumbled fiddling with the hem of his grey t-shirt.

"Oh, well my dad isn't home... he went to town." I said smiling.

"Uh, okay. Well I'm Lucas, I live across the street." He introduced himself.

"I'm Amelia, but call me Mel. No one calls me Amelia anymore." I said.

"So you're not from around here," He stated smiling.

"Nope. I'm from Maine." I said opening the door wider. "Do you want to come in?" I asked feeling awkward just standing in the door.

"Sure," Lucas said stepping inside. He followed me to the living room that only had some kitchen chairs in it.

"Our furniture hasn't come yet," I explained.

He laughed, "Yeah. So Maine is a long ways from Mississippi, why'd you move?" He asked settling into his chair.

"My dad got a new job out here." I said blankly.

"Cool, so you're gonna be goin' to Clairmont High?" He asked with a hint of hopefulness.

"I think so, that's the school right around the corner, right?" I asked pointing down the street where my dad had said my school is.

"Yep. What grade?" He asked looking at me.

"Eleventh, you?" I asked.

"Same." He smiled widely.

"So is it just you and your father?" He asked starring at me with his blue eyes.

"Yep." I said not wanting to get into details.

"I gotcha. So if you want a break from un-packing sometime, come over and see me." Lucas said standing up.

"Um, sure." I said stuttering as I followed him to the front door.

"See ya around Mel." He waved as he walked back down my drive way.

"I hope so." I said to myself as I closed the door.
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so short chapter's are easyer sometimes. i write them faster, and it makes more. :P