Sequel: The Federation

Legion Of Rockstars

Hung-Over Rockstars Galore

Everyone always dreams of waking up to a very sexy, scantily clad member of the opposite sex smiling and carrying a tray stockpiled with food. However, the morning after the Induction Ceremony—my first morning as an official agent—I woke up, not to an extremely sexy bare-chested stud, but a splitting headache and a churning stomach. I groaned and shifted underneath my sheets, and the movement worsened my headache by several degrees.

Cautiously, I opened one caramel-colored eye, praying that Pink hadn’t woken up already and turned the light on. I was met with darkness, however, and turned my head to look at my clock. Nearly eleven in the morning. I exhaled a deep breath before shoving myself up onto one elbow and looking across the room at Pink. She lay on her side underneath her covers, staring across the room at me as well.

“Welcome to the Legion, Agent Tallarico,” Pink said, a small smile gracing her lips. I smiled back and thanked her, even though speaking vibrated my head and hurt my throat. Then, not because I wanted to but because I had to, I rolled out from underneath my covers and walked towards the closet to find something to wear, since I still wore my dress from the previous night. It was rumpled and wrinkled, like I’d had sex in it instead of sleeping with it on. After grabbing random stuff from the closet that I hope qualified as an outfit, I dragged myself towards the shower, figuring it would help my hangover a bit.

I popped a Tylenol into my mouth and gulped it down with water from the faucet before stripping down and stepping into the cold water streaming out of the shower head. The freezing water instantly woke me up and made me more alert. My skin screamed in protest for me to please turn the hot water on, but I forced myself to stand underneath the cold water, knowing that it would make me feel better in the long run.

I stepped out of the shower ten minutes later, all washed up and surprisingly alert. My headache had even started to subside. I pulled my clothes on and pulled a comb through my hair, just leaving it to dry on its own. When I walked back out into the room, Pink sat on her bed with a pile of clothes in her lap, obviously ready to take my spot in the bathroom. I headed out the door just as she closed the bathroom door behind her.

I walked down the hall towards Amy’s room. Everyone I passed looked like I felt: worn out, tired, and extremely hung-over. A few of them recognized me and smiled, congratulating me briefly on becoming an agent. I thanked them, and we continued on our way. Finally, I reached Amy’s room—number 23, which I remembered since it was exactly half of my room number. I knocked and when I didn’t hear an answer, I stepped in.

I made out Amy lying on her bed, but Hayley’s bed was empty, the covers thrown back and the sheets rumpled. A slit of light poked out from underneath the bathroom door, which is where I figured Hayley was. With an evil smile, I reached over and flicked the light on, closing the door quietly behind me. Amy didn’t move, obviously still sleeping soundly.

I walked over to her bed and sank down on the edge of it next to her sleeping body. Gently, I shook her bare shoulder—she, too, had fallen asleep in her dress. Amy groaned and swatted half-heartedly at me with her hand before accepting the inevitable and allowing her eyelids to flicker open.

“Hey, Asher,” she croaked, stretching out her entire body underneath the sheets. She rubbed her eye roughly with her palm, peering up at me with the other eye. “Wha’ you doin’ ‘ere?”

“I came to check up on you,” I answered, noticing the squashed look of her curls now that she’d slept on them. “I was sort of surprised to find you here. Thought I might find you in Matt’s bed instead, naked probably, and sleeping not because of the alcohol but because of something else...”

Amy smiled dreamily and sighed, staring off into the distance with a lustful little glint in her dark eyes. I smirked. So she had spent some time with the Shadows himself.

“Any comments?” I asked, hearing the shower switch off in the bathroom.

“Long story short, his bed is very comfortable, except it squeaks. He is extremely well endowed, and I can’t believe I could walk after our time together,” Amy answered dreamily, still staring past my head into the distance.

“Is there a repeat performance in the future?”

The lust in her eyes faded, and she looked at me thoughtfully. Her dark eyebrows dropped low over her eyes, and I assumed she didn’t have an answer for that one.

“I don’t know,” she said. “I thought it was just a one-night stand, just to keep the edge off, but...hell, I’d be game for another performance.”

I laughed, and Amy smiled too. Hayley stepped out of the bathroom at that time, her orange hair dripping wet like mine still was. We smiled at each other and said hi before I turned back to Amy.

“Go take a Tylenol and a cold shower. That hangover should clear right up...mostly, at least,” I suggested. Amy nodded, and I stood up to let her roll out of bed.