Status: the.. end?

30 Days

Day 7

Chris has kept my hand in his for a moment longer, lingering perhaps.

I don't know, all I do know is that I wasn't complaining in the least bit. The gentle touch sent fantastic tingles ricocheting through my being. I looked up to find him smiling down at me, ever so sweetly I thought I felt the docile ache of a cavity coming on.

Or maybe it was the overwhelming urge I felt to move up that few inches and do what i've wanted to for who knows how long.

It was most likely choice two.

His eyes began to sparkle when our gaze reached the one minute mark and I couldn't help but grin.

Even more so once he sunk down to the floor to be on my level.
My mouth almost hurt when I could make out his could-be slides for eyelashes perfectly.
It was already a full blown smile when those green eyes almost disappeared beneath shockingly white lids.
I could almost taste it when my eyes closed soon after his.

The smile slid off like a slate when I heard the front door echo an open and close.
"Hey Stace! ... Stacey? It's Grahm!"

Christofer's sigh was almost inaudible under Stacey's loud greeting.

"You might wanna get back," he whispered to me, the fact that his feelings has just been shot evident in it's tone.

The smell of stale smoke and caffeine lingered in front of me and, quite frankly, I couldn't get enough of it. Although, after a few moments it dissipated and I opened my eyes to find myself alone in the room. His presence almost all gone except for his long shadow that was retreating out the door.

Going... Going... Gone.

I tilted my head back in the rocking chair, a slight knock sounded as the wood and wall clicked together.

"Did that really almost just happen?" I thought to myself, oddly giddily. I smiled to my thighs when I answered my own question exactly the way I hoped.

Although my thoughts were, annoyingly enough, interrupted by a voice.

"Hey there lovely ladybug, I got a little worried when you never responded to my text." he grinned forcibly at me, "What 'cha smiling at?"

I looked up to find Grahm looking at me. Actually, no. Looking isn't what he's doing. Staring, glaring me down. That's the more appropriate term.

Definitely not the way Chris looked at me.

I felt a small frown set on my lips.
"Nothing, nothing at all.."

The changes in my features didn't faze him in the least bit.
Although, it seemed there was already something on his mind.

"So..." He continued awkwardly, glancing around the room.

I sighed, already agitated with my boyfriend-

My mouth set into a fierce line.

Tell me that yesterday and it wouldn't have meant a thing besides 'Grahm.'
Tell me now, well...

"I have a question, ladybug."

I looked up at him expectantly, eye brows cocked and mouth still drawn straight.

"I've seen you with that Trist kid quite a lot lately-"

"It's Chris, not that hard to remember." I cut him off rudely.

A smug grin spread across his face and he crossed his arms,
"I knew it..."

"You always do!" I threw my hands up frustrated, "When do you not fucking know!"

He held his hands up in feigned surrender,
"Whoa, there ladybug," a slight chuckle made my face red, "You don't even know what I know about."

I didn't dare open my mouth, just a quiet 'humph' through gritted teeth to make him continue.

"You like him, don't you?"

I let my jaw swing slightly down, the tingles made my eyes water and goosebumps to sprout down my limbs.

Christofer: 3 minutes earlier

Mr. Handsome's voice rang out loud and clear.

My face was inches away from her own angelic.

I sighed when Stacey called a loud hello across the flat.

I looked down then to find he eyes still dreamily closed, their lids glittering in the streaming sunlight.
She was beautiful.
Fuck it, she is beautiful.

I grinned lopsidedly down at her unresponsive figure, and whispered ruefully to her that she might want to get a move on to her new... I couldn't even say it.

I then leaned back on the balls of my feet and started out the room. I could feel her eyes on my back as she finally came back into reality. I didn't dare look back.

Although, there wasn't enough time to even consider going back and finishing what almost started when I heard Mr. Handsome's shoes clicking on towards Amelia's room.

I quickly jumped into the coat closet and closed the door so I could peek out through a sliver of air.

He walked into the small pink room and stood in front of June.

"Hey there lovely ladybug..."

I couldn't catch the rest of his sentence as I slowly opened the door, careful not to creak. I tiptoed to the wall next to the door and pressed my ear as close as I could get, clinging onto each and every word uttered.

"I have a question, ladybug."
I sighed, wishing he would stop calling her that.

"I've seen you with that Trist kid quite a lot lately-"
Right then and there was about ready to walk in and give him a piece of my mind when June cut him off with a snide correction.

"I knew it..."

"You always do! When do you not fucking know?!"
I raised my eye brows at that, her uncanny talent at making the dirtiest words sound ever so poetic.

Of course he had to ruin it.
"Whoa, there ladybug. You don't even know what I know about."

A small sound came from June.

Then Mr. Handsome stepped on the largest land mind in my mental battle ground.

"You like him, don't you?"

Sputtering could be heard from June, an incoherent pattern of incomplete 'what's and 'but's.

Although, there wasn't enough time to answer when a brrrrrinnngg! sounded from his blackberry.

"We'll talk about this later, ladybug."

Clicking could be heard again and I sped into the closet until I heard him yell a goodbye to Stacey and close the front door.

I slipped out the door and pressed my ear to the wall once more.

Nothing but breathing.

I stepped back and sped to the front door.

Stacey caught me on my way out
"Oh, hey Chris. Where are you going?"

I was already half way out the door,
"I'll be back in a little Stace!"

I followed Mr. Handsome down the hallway, and stopped when he rounded the corner and sat on a waiting room couch.

"Hey, Lauren? Sorry, babe, I was hangin' out with her. You know, gotta keep up the image."

What the hell..?
"Oh, hush. You know I love you more.."
♠ ♠ ♠
SUPER DUPER SORRY i haven't updated in a month,
and that was a super duper crappy chapter )':
but i was super close to getting a C in science
-__- no offence but studying was my concentration before my story,
as painful as that period was.


and i updated(:

comment if you still love me,
ex out if you learned how to hate.

i'll still love you for giving me a chance (:<3