Status: the.. end?

30 Days

Summer Fun Under the Sun

July 15th, 2008
It's been half a year since I met him. And I'm pretty sure it's been the best six months of my life.
We’ve been hanging out non-stop from the moment we met. He showed me a special place he goes to escape from the world, and I told him all of my secrets and plans for the uncertain future.
We knew everything there was to know.
Then, he went and asked me out today. Our first time actually going out, going out.
I'm a nervous wreck.
Flattening my hair like its going out of style, and adjusting my shirt every five seconds occupied my attention for the next few hours.
Stacey swatted my hands away from my head, and held them for a moment.
"Love, you look perfect. This isn't the first time you two have gone out together. This is no different."
I nodded, really hearing only a few words, the rest passing over my head and out Stacey's apartment window.
She made me practice the relaxing breathing women do before birth.
"Okay, in.. out.. in.. out ..i-"
Ding! Dong!
My eyes widened, "Oh, Stace, I can't do this!"
She rolled her eyes, and pushed me towards the door.
My hands didn't know what to do.
Groaning, Stacey switched the lock and flung open the door.
And there he stood, eerily the same as the picture etched in my mind.
With a shy smile he reached out his arms to me.
Still slightly shaken, I didn't know what to do.
He laughed and pulled me in,
"Arms are for hugging, my dear.."
I exhaled a portion of my nerves,
"Yeah, I know."
We held on a little longer then necessary.
Someone cleared their throat.
"Hey.. Third wheel wants to get funnel cake before the freaking sugar's gone!"
I laughed.
Letting go, he kept one arm around my waist, holding me close.
Which wasn't really letting go, but I wasn't complaining.
"Chris, Stacey. Stacey, Chris." I grinned at both of them, gesturing to one another.
"You've met before."
They hugged, my grin grew wider.
Relief swelled inside me, and that last bit of anxious blew away like the seeds on a dandelion.
Next thing I know, we're making small talk in the elevator.
"Okay, movies." Christofer's eyes roamed the small metal box, the dark brown orbs landing on my own vibrant greens.
He winked.
I blushed.
"Erm..the classics are always the best. I'd say 16 Candles or The Breakfast Club."
I spoke softly, smiling at him all the while.
Stacey laughed next to me.
"Right there with you, sista!"
She high fived me.
We all laughed.
Suddenly the silver doors opened with a metallic 'bing!'
Chris put his arm out,
"Ladies first."
He smirked as we walked past.
It was quiet for a moment, until we reached the doors of the apartment building.
All of a sudden Stacey pushed it open and broke into a sloppy run, turning her head to yell back at us,
"First one to the car gets radio control!"
She didn't even finish 'control' when the two of us took off on at a sprint.
For a moment, It was straight running.
Then, Stacey's 2009 Prius was almost in reach, with Stacey bent over mid-parking lot doing her heavy breathing, and Chris a few yards behind me, I reached out my arm.
My fingers brushed the left passenger door when a thud was heard next to me.
I turned to see Chris smiling brightly, one hand in the air , the other on the window, next to mine.
"Oh.. Darn."I smiled, swinging my arm and snapping.
Truth be told I wasn't disappointed at all.
But you could probably tell that much.
This gave me another chance to hear him sing along with the radio.
Stacey finally caught up with us, and hopped into the driver's seat.
Chris claimed shot gun, leaving me alone in the backseat.
Stacey pulled into drive, and Chris pressed the FM button on the radio screen.
"Ooo, This is an SOS don't wanna second guess this is the bottom line. It's true, I gave my all for you, now my heart's in two. And I can't find the other ha-"
Chris lunged forward and clicked AM.
We were launched into 10-10 WNS.
He sunk down in his seat, and sighed, pretending to brush sweat off his forehead.
"That was close!"
I blushed from the backseat, a guilty pleasure having been shut off.
Stacey's high pitched giggle erupted from behind the wheel, knowing about the collage taped beneath my desk, she put her head down momentarily.
Her head shot up.
The beeping stopped.
That earned us angry glares from around the carnival parking lot as the car horn resounded across the acre, and three teenagers stepped out, laughing.
An old string and wood fence bordered the acre that held the carnival that arrived in the same place every year.
We stood in front of the entrance, between two flag poles, from which a green banner with white print hung,
Welcome to the Mid Summer's Carnival 2008!
Stacey squealed and ran towards the concession stands.
“Don’t eat too much!”
I yelled after her, a vain attempt.
Christofer took my hand and began swinging it.
We started to walk in the opposite direction.
“Don’t really think that’s going to work.”
He looked down at me and smiled.
I felt my stomach churn.
In a good way!
My hand was tingling in that way only he can make.
Not that pins and needles way, when your arm goes numb,
But those love-y dove-y spark like ways.
I was addicted to it.
For a while we were just walking around, playing the few games that caught our eyes.
I’d won a stuffed banana and Gigi the Giraffe.
Chris had a sailor hat, that he would not take off his head, and a green carnival mug, he planned to give away to the first person that complimented his hat.
 "Come on, you think it's cute. Just say so!"
He nudged my arm, repeatedly.
"You look weird! Seriously, are you five?"
I smirked up at him, flicking the visor.
Stacey emerged out of the crowd, hugging a white paper bag to her chest. Through the oil stains I could see round pieces of dough, and on her face white powder was lining her lips.
She walked up to us, and sat down next to Chris on the bench.
"Dude, want one?"
She whipped out a swirly piece of dough dipped in sugar powder.
Wiping his shirt of the sweet dust he shook his head, no.
"Thanks anyway."
She shrugged and polished it off in record time.
Dusting off her hands in front of her, she glanced around.
Her dark eyes landed on Christofer's head.
"Oh, my gosh. I love your hat."
His eyes widened, "Thank you!"
He turned around and held the mug,
"Here, take this!"
He looked me in the eye the entire time, smiling.
Stacey squealed and thanked him before running off, yelling something about free refills.
I creased my eye brows, playfully of course.
He poked my side.
"Psst.. Are you mad?"
I laughed, then abruptly stopped.
I brushed his arm away, the tips of my fingers tingling where we touched.
I felt my cheeks heat, and turned my back to him, trying to keep up the charade without my face giving me away.
I heard him move closer.
His hand on my side and his mouth to my ear.
I froze.
I could hear him take in air like he was about to speak.
That's when the blow horn went off.

"Damn.." he whispered so quietly it was almost just a breath.

I wasn't complaining, though.
The blow horn meant the sun was setting.
The blow horn meant you grab a blanket and a friend and watch the sun paint the sky spectacular.
It was my favorite part of the year.
Wordlessly, I grabbed his hand and tugged on it.
Silently saying, come with me.
We walked slowly to the field behind the fences, just enjoying the feel of each other's hand, and the silent company.
Soon, little girls in pretty dresses and baby boys in corduroy pants and tucked in shirts were close to the horizon, playing in a patch of sunflowers.
Stacey sat in their group, tying together the budding flowers, creating little crowns for the children laying around her.
I felt a familiar arm wrap around my waist again, and I turned his way.
He seemed to glow as the sun turned his outline golden with its rays.
He smiled at me.
Suddenly, various ooh’s and ahh’s were heard, as people got their first glimpse of the sky.
A bright pink and orange painted the fading blue canvas, with no white spots to be seen.
Its almost ridiculous how perfect this is.

"Isn't this wonderful?"
I whispered, trying to keep the silence intact. 

I turned to find his gaze already on me.

I peeked out from beneath dark lashes, unsure how to continue.
I whispered once more,
"Are you sure?"

He leaned down slowly, keeping our gaze locked.
His breath moved slowly across my mouth.

I heard him mutter something before closing the distance between us.
His lips now on mine, all I hear in my head is that one word.


I woke up with a start. My skin felt clammy, and my hair was sticking to my neck.

Our first kiss.

Christofer had been so great that day.
Hell, not just that day, but that entire year.
I turned over, and stared at my bedside table.

Reaching over, I pulled open the drawer and dug underneath a pile of papers.

I let my fingers slip over it's smooth surface, and I grasped it.

The photo was so strange to me now. If I had touched it before, I would have passed it by, just another photograph.

Now, I reach for it. Needing to see it, craving what it holds.

Now, that day is here in my hands, we're staring at each other after we pull away.
We're smiling, if I remember correctly, laughing even.

My heart beats fast, and I feel my face flush like it had almost 2 years ago.

I shake my head.
I breath deep.
This isn't real.
This is after shock from a very realistic dream.
This is not right.

For a second I'm fully convinced.

But, why would I sleep with my fingers on my lips; searching for the feeling only Christofer Drew Ingle can give me?
♠ ♠ ♠
Is he wearing June down?
We'll see!
p.s. there was a reference to another story
I'm writing.. Let's see if you can find it!
(p.s. its in a Jonas FF)