
A New Beginning

Chicago 1930's

"When you find yourself, come back to me." I whispered softly against his broad shoulder. He just pulled me in for one last kiss as my fingers tangled in his dark curls. "You better write. I love you."

"Of course, I loved you too Daisy." Emmett promised as he let go. I watched him go down the drive letting one tear slip.

Emmett kept to his promise as the letters came in quickly, telling me all of the places he'd seen. Then they came slower, and slower, till suddenly nothing.

Months went by without a word and I slowly began to lose myself. I know I shouldn't be this bent up over a man, especially one who left, yet I was. He meant everything to me. Somehow I found myself in a dark alley one night. I kept hearing a ruffling sound and felt as if someone's eyes on me as I walked. I turned around plenty of times, only to find nothing there. Suddenly I was pinned to a wall with a cold hand at my throat.

"You ready to die?" The voice sneered.

I thought of what he said. Was I ready to die? Everything that I valued walk away from me. I put to much faith in that damned man. So yes. I was ready to let go. "Yes, please make it quick."

Suddenly a pair of black eyes were boring into mine. Something in his face clicked as he said, "No, I shall give you life instead." Pain began to rush through my body, like a fire, starting at my neck. I let out one blood curling scream and it all faded to black.

Present Day: Italy

"Daisy, you don't have to go." Marcus's voice rang clear in my head. Marcus. That is the name of the man the murdered and saved me. All those years ago he bit me. I am now one of his kind, a vampire.

Of course when he brought me back to his coven, the others were outraged, but calmed upon learning my 'gifts'. Apparently Marcus doesn't speak so when I heard his voice that night, it was in my head. I can pick apart people's thoughts for information I need. A new breed of mind reader. If that didn't Impress them than my other gift did. I can shift, as they put it, into any animal I chose. I even learned to master it to where I can take on certain people's appearance for a time. Only one thing doesn't change, my eyes have always been a chocolate brown color. Of course being a vampire they grow black when thirsty, but remain brown after. No amount of blood effects them.

Here recently I've decided the sheltered life with the voltri needs to be escaped for a while. Marcus, being the father figure I've come to love, was against it from the start. Ever since he's tried to talk me out of it. "Marcus, I need to go. See this beyond these walls." I said thowing my hands up.

"Fine, if you must. Aro set it up for you to live with a coven in Forks, Washington in America. Carslie and his family were delighted to have you upon hearing your, um, diet." He thought. My diet is strictly animal blood. Killing a human just replused me. Aro jokes it's my conscience. "You leave in the morning. I'll miss you little flower hopefully it's returned."

Marcus was right, I would miss him. It makes me think of why we get along so well. We have one thing in comman, a broken heart.
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First chapter. I hate intoductions, yet the must be done. Comment please?
