
Laughter of a Lifetime

Daisy's Point of View

The conversation between Carslie didn't start back up again. I began to grow very impatient of the speed of a car. Even at 97 miles, it wasn't fast enough.I glanced back over at Carslie and peaked at his golden eyes. I wonder if they are all that way. I grew up around normal vampires, with their blood red ones. This idea replayed in my head long enough for us to make it to our destination.

"Well, this is home," Carslie spoke smiling. We pulled up in front of a big glass-looking house. 'Very roomy' I thought. He led me out of the car to the front door. What I saw, I wasn't expecting. With a swift turn of the knob, we were inside. A woman with short brownish hair smiled at me. "Daisy, this is my wife Esme."

"It's a pleasure to meet you ma'am."I say laying the politeness on thick, "You have a lovely home."

"Thank you. It's wonderful to have you here." She smiled again and pulled me into a hug. i hugged her back. She just had a motherly vibe to her. When I pulled back a girl with a pixie look stood behind her.

She stood a bit taller than me and looked me in the eyes. "Pretty eyes. Nice to meet you Daisy."

This must be Alice. "You too Alice. And thank you." She also pulled me into a hug. OK, way too much touching in this house. I have a feeling I'm not done hugging either.

"Finally someone you're taller than Alice." A knew voice spoke. Alice let out a silvery-bell like laugh. Suddenly my nervousness was gone. Carslie said someone controlled emotions. Jasper. "Hello Daisy."

He gave a wave from his position on the stairs which I was grateful for. No more hugging. "Hi Jasper."

Two more people entered the room. One had the quite steps of vampire, while the other were louder and more human like. Then I smelled it, it was a human. I turned to see a bronze haired boy that had a protective arm around a human girl. I quickly scoped their minds and found out a few things.

"Hello Edward." He gave a quick nod in agreement. He was a secondary mind reader, the more common kind.

The girl on the other hand was a shield, and by the looks of it didn't know it. Her shield was strong enough to keep Edward out, maybe even Aro, but not me. I got enough information to learn her name and what she was thinking at that exact moment. "Hello Bella. May I call you Bella?" She nodded quickly, "Don't worry. I vow to never harm you or another human. Scouts honor." I even held up my fingers for the scout sign.

She tried to ask, "How did you-?"

"-Know what you were thinking?"I finished. "Your shield id good, but I'm better. I can teach you how to control it sometime."

A jealous thought filled my head from Edward. The fact I could read his girlfriend's mind and he couldn't bothered him. I turned and cocked and eyebrow at him

Then a deep laugh filled the house, that seemed to echo off the walls. The laugh reminded me of someone I once knew. I felt a pang at my once beating heart. Even though it doesn't beat, it still hurts. I tried not to turn around because I'd still expect to see him...and nothing.

Suddenly hazy memories filled my head, i knew Edward could see them too. They were of me when I was still human. I was wearing his baggy shirt and my hair was a mess. Of all things I was outside spinning around in the rain. I knew they weren't my memories, because they were looking at me. Only one other was there.

I turned around to see him. Emmett, my Emmett. The man that took my heart with him when he left. The man who broke it. Well, there he was my Emmett, with his arm around a pissed off blond.

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OK Aliyah, calm down. I was too busy getting Brady's shit outta meh house. For all that wonder, Daisy looks like Rachel McAdams in the Notebook. But shorter.