Status: Was called Rising Sun, turns out thats so popular that there are about five others so i changed the name to Angels Falls

Angels Fall

Legendary Slayer Leah O'Brian has her hands full not only is she preparing a war against a band of wild vampires, she's coming to terms with her fiance being turned into one as well. Then there is the matter of project Iris, a government lab in which Alias, a genetically engineered superhuman soldier, has escaped from. Leah nor Agency Ellipses know nothing about Isis or Alias, but reports indicate that this enhanced killing machine has run aground on their territory and it has the Sherwood Forest Werewolves going crazy for answers. Blackwood Private School is supposed to be a safe haven for everyone but whispers are escalating that their school is just a penetratable as any other despite protection from wolves, friendly vampires and a slayer. New girl Kia has a secret, she's really fast and strong and doesn't know why, when she crosses paths with a wolf she gets involved with stuff she never thought possible.