Take This to Heart

Moving day

Daisy pressed her vanilla lip balm to her smiling lips. She watched Josh struggle with carrying three boxes. Josh was well over six feet tall and the three bigger sized boxes were sitting on top of each other. He couldn't see one thing but he was trying his hardest to carry all three of them. When he tripped over his own feet and recovered from the fall without dropping the boxes, Daisy went to help him.

"Let me help you," She laughed and put her hands on her hips.

"No, I can get this."

"Josh you almost face planted it into concrete and I have expensive things in the top box," Daisy lied. The top box was labeled 'towels' but she wanted Josh to make it through this day without a sprained ankle.

"Oh alright," He sighed and lowered his body so Daisy could reach the top box.

At this rate Daisy and Justin would be moved in before it was dark. The two got a lot of people to help them: Daisy's friends, Justin's friends, Dennis, all the guys from Every Avenue and family members of Daisy and Justin. There was only one more truck to unload.

Daisy had everything organized on the boxes. She wrote what was in the box and what room the box should go to. It made everything easier for everyone. Instead of piling all the boxes in one room, they were in their desired room. However the apartment was on the edge of chaos. Everyone was getting in each others way and people were starting to trip over boxes. Daisy was beyond appreciative of everyone helping make the move a success but she was happy there was only one more truck to unload.

"Where does this box go?" Jimmie asked Daisy as they walked into the apartment. The last thing Jimmie wanted to do was bother Daisy but he didn't want to put the box in the wrong room. This was the first box that Jimmie picked up and it wasn't labeled.

"I'm not sure," Daisy said with all honesty. "Justin must have packed that box."

"Blame it on the boy," Jimmie jokingly shook his head.

"I swear you guys don't think sometimes!" She laughed. "Just follow me into the spare bedroom and I'll open up the box."

"Sure thing, boss," He smiled as he said it. Daisy rolled her eyes with the same smile on her face.

Jimmie couldn't understand how Daisy was keeping her cool. She didn't show one ounce of stress or annoyance. The apartment was packed with people moving boxes and eating the pizza that Justin ordered. Wherever Jimmie went he felt in the way but he didn't want to leave. He wanted to help a new friend out.

"You'd think he'd help," Daisy mumbled and shook her head as she glanced over at Justin. He was sitting on a box and drinking a beer.

Jimmie barely heard what she said, "What's that?"

"Nothing," Daisy said and set the box down once she reached the spare bedroom. "Okay lets see what's in here."

She watched as Jimmie tore open the box. His hair was all over the place. His black short-sleeved shirt brought attention to all of the tattoos that covered both his arms. His pants were the type that people would pay fifty dollars for. They had random rips up and down the legs. Daisy knew that Jimmie wouldn't pay over twenty dollars for a pair of jeans, especially ripped. She knew that Jimmie had unintentionally put the rips in his pants. She found his appearance adorable and cute.

"Oh picture frames," Daisy nodded. "I packed this box last night and told myself I'd label it in the morning. I completely forgot. It can stay in this room."

"And you were gonna blame it on Justin!"

"Well...sometimes he doesn't think."

The two laughed and Daisy decided to take a seat on the floor. She had been running her ass off since the morning and all she wanted to do was sit. Her back was crying for a massage but sitting down was the best she could do.

"Sit with me," She more so told Jimmie rather than offering.

He listened and took a seat on the new carpet. He almost didn't want to sit on it because he felt like he was going to get it dirty. Everything about the apartment was so brand new and perfectly set up. The apartment looked better than Jimmie's house.

Justin and Daisy didn't choose the apartment complex, Justin's dad did. His dad surprised the two and paid the first full year of rent as a present. Daisy didn't think twice about it because of how financially stable Justin's family currently stood. She was ecstatic when Justin's dad told them about the apartment. She didn't expect him to go that far but she wasn't complaining. She knew she was ready for this. At least she thought she was ready.

"You tired?" Jimmie rubbed his fingers on the carpet and looked at Daisy. She had been moving boxes all day and still looked flawless. Make up was still in place, hair was perfectly curled and there wasn't a spot of sweat on her.

"Yeah, a little bit," She admitted. "You're probably tired. You and Dennis helped move all of the furniture."

"Eh," He shrugged. "It wasn't too bad."

"Thank you for doing it. I could see Justin complaining if he had to do it," Daisy laughed. She found herself having a short fuse when it came to Justin today. She didn't really understand why. He seemed in a different mood today. Ever since last night all he had been doing was complaining about everything. It wasn't like him at all.

"It's not a problem," Jimmie re-assured her.

"Taking a rest?" Josh entered the room and leaned against the door frame.

"Pretty much."

"Bunch of pussies," Josh barely said without a smile on his face. He almost found it pathetic how he always laughed at his own jokes. He could never keep a straight face.

Daisy felt like hanging out with all of the guys. She knew that they'd be able to get her mind off of Justin. She didn't expect the move to be like this, it was the last thing she wanted. She expected it to be fun and enjoyable. Justin would have been by her side the whole time talking about how amazing it was to be getting an apartment. They'd talk about the ridiculous amount of boxes they had and laugh about it.

Instead Daisy watched him drink with his friends the whole day. His friends barely helped at all. They moved a grand total of five boxes, one per person. The rest of the day was spent watching everyone work their asses off to get everything moved. Maybe Daisy was being selfish but she wasn't used to Justin acting like this.

"THAT WAS THE LAST BOX!" Daisy heard her dad's voice echo through the apartment. A bunch of hoops and hollers filled the rooms.

"Awesome," Daisy whispered and stood up. Her, Jimmie and Josh walked into the living room where everyone was located. She immediately walked over to Justin.

"How about we get everybody out of here?" Daisy whispered to him. She could smell the alcohol on him just by standing next to him.

"I guess," He shrugged.

"If you want them to stay longer that's fine," Daisy didn't want to power struggle with Justin. The last thing she needed was for them to fight in front of everyone. Especially since they weren't a couple that fought often.

"Nah, I'lllll get 'em out," He agreed and tried to stand his ground. He knew he wasn't shit faced but he knew he was a little past the point of being tipsy.

Daisy floated around the room and thanked everyone again for their help. After that they all left without Daisy or Justin asking. It took maybe fifteen minutes for everyone to leave. Once they were gone Daisy started to pick up empty soda/beer cans, plates and pizza boxes. They were scattered between the kitchen and living room. Justin sat on the couch with both of his hands on the back of his head. All he wanted to do was rest.

Justin wasn't an obnoxious drunk unless he was surrounded by his friends. Even then it took him a lot to be obnoxious. He was the type that got very lazy and defensive at certain times but not every time.

"Can't we just clean up tomorrow?" Justin mumbled as he sat on the couch.

Daisy surprisingly heard him, "I don't want it to stink up the place or stain anything."

"Please, Daise," He said to her. "I haven't seen you all day it seems. Why don't we just go to bed?"

Daisy listened and stopped cleaning up. She knew that she had a problem with saying no and doing her own thing. Then again she didn't want to get in a fight with Justin, she avoided it at all costs. She wanted their first night at the apartment to be half enjoyable.

Daisy walked over and waited for Justin to stand up. He put his arm around her shoulders and they walked towards their bedroom. Daisy didn't have much more to clean up besides a few soda cans. She suddenly wasn't too worried about it.

"Shit, w-we don't even have sheets or anything," Justin laughed when they entered the room. The room was packed with boxes, a dresser, a night stand and their mattress that was on the floor. The two knew that's where the mattress was going to stay, neither of them were going to set up their bed tonight.

"Don't worry, I know where they are," Daisy walked over to a box and opened it up. She pulled out pajamas for Justin, herself, three pillows (Justin slept with two) and a big comforter.

"Damn, baby. You have everything so organized," He tried to focus on her. He felt himself almost swaying.

"I tried," She handed him the pajamas. "Need help?"

He smirked, "Well now that you mention it..."

She shook her head and let out a laugh, "Pervert."

"We could make this one hell of a memorable first night in the apartment."

"You already have," She pulled her shirt off and un-hooked her bra. She didn't feel like going in a different room to change and she knew Justin wouldn't mind. She felt one hundred perfect comfortable with changing in front of him. By the time she got her pajamas on Justin had managed to make their bed as best as he could.

"What do you mean?" He asked and attempted to get comfortable on the mattress.

"Hold on," Daisy ran around the apartment to shut off all the lights. She quickly locked the door and headed back into their room. She knew the apartment wouldn't get much more organized than it already was within these next few days. Both Justin and herself had work and school. She hoped that by the weekend they could set up more things.

She shut off their bedroom light and crawled into their bed. The only light in the room was coming from the moon. It was at a perfect place to shine just the right amount of light. Any other night Daisy would have made conversation with Justin about how beautiful it looked, but at this point she just wanted to sleep. She was on the verge of exhaustion.

"I just didn't think you'd get slightly drunk today," Daisy laid down and starred up at the ceiling.

"I didnnn't either. The guys just got mmme goin'," He gently grabbed Daisy and pulled her over so that she was closer to him. She rested her head right between his arm and chest. She knew within a matter of minutes she'd fall asleep. "I'm sorry, Daise. I'll make it up to you."

"You better Mr, or else," She barely mumbled.

"I promise," Justin said and felt his stomach turn. He looked to his side and realized there wasn't a bucket next to him. "Shit, I'll be back."

He flew off of the mattress and into the bathroom that was attached to their bedroom. Daisy huffed and stole one of his pillows to get comfy. Their day wasn't the best but Daisy knew that Justin felt bad and was truly sorry.

She only hoped that the days from here on out would be better. She hoped that this apartment wouldn't get to Justin's head. The two now had more freedom then ever. She could only hope that her and Justin made the right decision about moving in together.
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Holy shit long time no update! I forgot how much I love this story. This wasn't my favorite update...but oh well. I can't believe that tomorrow is the last day of 2009. That just boggles my mind. 2009 was a great year for me and I'll never forget it. I know 2010 will be just as amazing if not better.

I hope this update didn't disappoint you. Leave me a comment and tell me what you think :)