Status: Active

Everlasting Love



"Whoa," I heard Bella whisper when she saw my car.

"Bella where's your car?"

"It's the red truck, Charlie gave it to me." Bella said pointing at an old car.

"Cool, how fast can it go?"

"You know that I hate fast cars."

"Then you're really going to hate my car." Bella's eyes got wide.

"Can you at least try to go slow," She pleaded.

"Okay, fine! I will go at a speed that is slow to me." Haha, loophole!

"Ugh!" I heard Bella say and she mumbled something that I couldn't understand.

We finally got to Port Angels. We got out of my car and started to walk toward something that looked like a cafe. We got inside and immediately got to assigned to a table. Ooo this place is pretty!

"Do you like it here?" I asked.

"I guess, I've only been here a couple of days, but it seems nice here. I just don't like that it rains so much."

"It's not raining now." Right when I said that there was a loud thunder outside. "Nevermind. So..." She knew what I was gonna say next.

"No I did not meet any cute guys here." I started choking. Which was weird I wasn't even eating or drinking anything. I choked on my own saliva. I drank some water that was set on the table. I looked at her my jaw dropped.

"What?!" I yelled out. Some people looked at me but I didn't care, I just continued yelling. "Are you serious?! No cute guys?! Am I being punk'd or something?! Where's Ashton Kutcher 'cause I so want his autograph?!" I continued to yell and more people looked at our table while Bella was trying to get me to be quiet. She knew that I wasn't going to stop until I calmed down so she covered my mouth with her hands until I stopped.

"You shouldn't just yell like that. People are looking."

"Who cares on what they think? But are you serious? No cute guys?"

"I haven't meet anybody yet except Mr. Black and Jacob Black."

"Oh, thank god! You had me so worried!" Bella chukled. "It would be so bad if there wasn't any cute guys here!"

"I'm sure it wouldn't be that bad."

"Yes it would cause you know why?" I didn't give her a chance to answer "I would be flirting with ugly guys!" She raised her eyebrows at me "I can't help that I flirt. It's so natural to me. I didn't even know that until 7th grade when my friends told me."

"Wow we are so different from each other."

"And that's why I am going to hook you up with someone." Her eyes immediatly went wide.

"What?! Why?"

"Because you don't flirt at all you need a dude in your life."

"No I don't." She mumbled.

"Either that or I'm gonna teach you how to flirt and make you flirt with every guy friend you have." She didn't say anything. "Okay it's settled then I will get you a boyfriend this year! Yay!"

"But what if no one wants to be my boyfriend." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh puh-leeze you don't give yourself that much credit." She was about to say something but a lady came to us.

"Excuse me ladies. You are being too loud. I'm gonna have to ask you ladies to leave."

"Fine!" I pulled Bella up with me. "The service was terrible!" I yelled when we were at the door. It was pouring outside! We ran to my car and got inside.

"Wait, so that Jacob dude is ugly?"


"So he's cute?"

"I'd rather not think that way about him he's just a friend." She turned on the radio and 'Just A Friend' was on by Biz Markie. How ironic!

"Haha!" Then I started singing along. "You say he's just a friend-" I didn't even get to finish because Bella changed the station. "Aw. You're no fun." She smirked.