You Got Me Laughing While I Sing

Chapter Nineteen

My mum rang me just as we were leaving the studio. I still had three songs to record, Catch Me, Change and I Wont Apologize.
“ Hello?” I asked. Nick and me were walking behind everyone, being too lazy to walk fast enough. He gave my hand a quick squeeze.
“ Hey sweetie.” She replied.
“ What’s up, momma?” I asked. She laughed.
“ Well we have to go back to your Grandma’s, and I know you probably don’t want to go as you and Kelsey have spent the whole day at the studio.” She told me. I nodded and rested my head against Nick’s shoulder.
“ We are completely knackered. Is it okay if Nick and Joe come round?” I asked, as Nick kissed my forehead.
“ That’s fine. As long as you keep an eye on the couple.” My mum warned me. I laughed.
“ Which one?”
“ Oh my, Casey. You and Nick are together?” She asked, excitedly. I laughed.
“ Yes, mum. We are.” I said, giving Nick’s hand a squeeze. We were at the entrance of the studio, where both Nick and me knew there was paparazzi. Nick gave my hand a squeeze and then dropped it, joining with his brothers. Kelsey sighed and stopped waiting for me.
“ Aww, baby. Right, I have to go. Love you, bye.” She said.
“ Love you too mum. Bye.” I said, sliding my phone into my pocket. I smiled at Kelsey.
“ The boys can come around.” I said. Kelsey smiled as Denise gave the boys permission to come around.
” I’m not coming. Im seeing my beautiful fiancé.” Kevin said, as we walked out. I laughed, shaking my head.
“ NICK! JOE! KEVIN!” The paparazzi called. I slid my glasses onto my face as the boys waved to them.
” WHO’S THE GIRLS? YOUR GIRLFRIENDS?!” They yelled. I giggled, linking arms with a hysterical Kelsey.
“ This is Casey Brooke, and her guitarist, Kelsey Gates. And she is going to be the next superstar!” Joe said, as he climbed into the car. I blushed and crawled into the car after Joe.

“ Joe. That was not funny.” I said, smacking him in the arm. He smiled at me.
“ But now everyone will know who you are, because of me. I’ll remind you to thank me later.” Joe said. I laughed and stuck my tongue out at him. Nick leant over from the far back, where him and Frankie sat. He wrapped his arms around my neck, and kissed it.
“ Hello beautiful, how's it going?" He sang, softly in my ear. I smiled and blushed as Kelsey and Joe made throwing up noises.
” Me? We aren’t the couple who made out on my bed!” I said, embarrassing the both of them. Kevin started to chuckle from in front of us, and Denise and Paul were trying to hold back their laughter.
“ I hate you, Case.” Kelsey said, trying hard not to laugh. I winked at her.
“ Love you too.” I replied, which set her off in a set of giggles. I smiled at her.
“ Casey, sweetheart. After you finish your album tomorrow, we will come with you for your photo shoot where you can choose the photo’s that go into it.” Paul told me, from the drivers seat. Big Rob was driving the car in front as they was too many of us. Also, I had to share Big Rob with the boys.
“ That sounds awesome. Gah, I can’t wait. Thanks for the opportunity, I am so thankful to all of you!” I cried, smiling. Paul laughed.
“ It’s a honour working with someone like you, Casey.” He said, making me smile even harder.

“ Ring me when you want picking up, boys.” Big Rob said, while we stood outside our house. Nick and Joe smiled and nodded.
“ Will do. See you later.” Nick said, ushering him away. I smiled and said goodbye to everyone, before opening my front door. We all took our shoes at the front door then walked into the lounge. I walked over to the couch and flopped onto it, Nick joining me.
“ Im so tired.” I complained, leaning my head against Nick’s shoulder. Nick chuckled and kissed my temple. I smiled, I could get used to this. We sat there in silence for a while till Joe opened his big mouth.
“ I love you.” He said, to Kelsey. Her head shot off his chest and she stared at his face. Nick and me watched the both of them, our mouths wide open. It was so cute; let’s hope Kelsey doesn’t screw it up.
“ I love you too, Joe.” She replied, kissing his lips. I automatically smiled and stood up. Nick looked at me, and I nodded to upstairs. He nodded his head, hopping off the couch, taking my hand. We walked upstairs in complete silence until we go to mine and Kelsey’s bedroom, which we had moved a bed into.
“ That was so cute.” I squealed, lying down on my bed. Nick smiled at me, climbing next to me. He entwined our fingers together and placed them onto my stomach. I lifted my head up and put it onto his chest.
“ My brothers can be cute sometimes.” Nick joked. I smiled.
“ And what about you, Nicholas?” I asked, turning my head up to look at him. He smiled.
“ I am always cute.” He replied, cockily. His face was dangerously close to mine. I licked my lips.
“ Oh, I know.” I replied, as he pressed lips against mine.

Nick was drawing on my stomach with his finger.
“ Tell me some more things about you.” He asked.
“ What about me?” I replied. Nick drew a question mark into my stomach.
“ Things other people don’t know.” He whispered.
“ Im scared of doing this whole singing thing. I don’t know if people will like me. I am afraid of going into the sea, because a jellyfish might sting me. My cousin is like the older sister I never had, even if she is six months older. I had always been in love with your music. Once, I slit my wrists because I wanted to know what the whole emo thing was about. My favourite place in the world is Regents Park, opposite my grandmother’s house in England. I promised myself I wouldn’t fall for another boy after Drew, then I meet you and it all changed around. I am actually petrified about Kelsey’s court date. And finally, Catch Me was about you and Joe.” I told him, without even thinking about it. I trusted Nick, with all my heart.
“ Thank you.” Nick said, pressing a kiss against my cheek. I looked up at him, confused.
“ For what?” I replied, narrowing my eyebrows. Nick smiled.
“ For trusting me.”
“ So Catch Me was about me and Joe then?” Nick asked, smirking. I rolled my eyes.
“ Yes it was. Don’t let it go to your head, honey.” I said, smiling. Nick smiled down at me.
“ Y’know, you are the first person to actually sing a song about me, which wasn’t slagging me off.” Nick said. I laughed softly and kissed his chin, as it was the only thing I could reach.
“ Expect more, Jonas. Because you are pretty good inspiration.” I smiled. My eyes fluttered, I was more tired than I thought I was.
“ Go to sleep, baby. I’ll be here when you wake up.” Nick said, kissing my lips. I groaned and closed my eyes.
“ I’ll be here, forever.” He whispered.

I opened my eyes slowly; it wasn’t light in my room anymore. I saw a mop of curly hair, looking down at me. Nick was lying on his side, his fingers slowly rubbing my arm.
“ What are you doing?” I asked, my voice rough from sleep. Nick’s eyes turned to look at me. He smiled.
“ Watching my girlfriend sleep.” He replied. I smiled back at him and snuggled up to his chest. He threw his arm around my waist and with his other hand he played with my purity ring.
“ Creeper.” I muttered, into his t-shirt. He chuckled.
“ Your parents came home about an hour ago.” Nick said. I sighed.
“ Great.” I rolled my eyes. Nick laughed again.
“ Just think, this Friday we go on tour. And then Saturday your album comes out.” Nick told me. I automatically smiled,
“ Sounds amazing. Im so excited.” I bounced on the bed. Nick moved with me, something that would of looked a little weird if someone walked in.
“ I know. I can’t wait to go back on tour, even though it means bunks and hotels. I get to spend it with you.” Nick kissed my nose. I smiled.
“ You are so cute, Jonas. Y’know that?” I asked him. Nick chuckled.
“ Yes, so I have been told.” He replied. I stuck my tongue out at him.
“ Lets go.” I shot off the bed, grabbing Nick’s hand and running downstairs.

We wandered into the kitchen, where everyone was sitting. Nick sat in the last chair so I sat on him.
“ Morning sleeping beauty.” Joe joked. I rolled my eyes at him and stuck out my tongue.
“ How was the studio?” My mum asked, leaning over and kissing my cheek.
” A lot of fun. And a lot of work.” I rolled my eyes. My mum laughed.
“ So what’s happening tomorrow?” My dad asked.
“ I have to record Catch Me, Change and I Wont Apologize and then I have to go for a photo shoot for the album.” I said, leaning my head against Nick’s shoulder. He chuckled as I rolled my eyes.
“ So in two days Leah, you are turning nine 9 in two days. What would you like?” My mum asked, winking at me. Her bump had got more noticeable, if you were trying to look for it. And mum had brought Leah a new ipod, which was unfair as she told me to go and buy my own.
“ I want a pony and a monkey and a dog and a hamster.” She listed off, making everyone laugh. She smiled.
“ Lee, can you wait till we go on your, you get to spend time with your big sister?” I said, laughing at myself. Leah rolled her eyes at me.
“ Can you wait? You get to spend 7 months with your boyfriend, you best friend…and Joe.” Kelsey said, laughing. I nodded, smirking.
“ My boyfriend? Amazing. My best friend? It will be awesome. Joe? Well im kinda worried about that bit.” I joked. Nick gave my stomach a squeeze.
“ Joe isn’t that bad on tour.” We all turned to look at Nick.
” Thank you little brother.” Joe smiled. Nick chuckled in my ear.
“ Well, if you don’t wake him up in the morning. Which we will be doing.” Nick whispered, making me burst into random giggles.

“ Hey, Joe. You wanna know something?” Nick yelled. We were in the garden, all of us, and me, Nick, Kelsey and Joe were playing football. Kelsey and me were epically failing.
“ What Nicholas?” Joe replied, tossing the football to Nick. I jumped onto Nick’s back, trying to pull out of his hands.
“ Catch Me was about us.” He yelled, wriggling so I would fall off his back. I tightened my grip around his neck as Joe chuckled.
“ Nick, I’ve know that since the day they wrote it. That’s why I got Kelsey quicker than you got Casey.” Joe smirked. Nick finally got me off his back as he making a run for it, Kelsey and me hot on his tail.
“ What? How did you know? And wanna know something, I kissed Casey even before you knew Kelsey’s last name.” Nick replied, as he put the football down, claiming he had made a touchdown. I rolled my eyes.
“ Nick, I didn’t need to know that about my daughter.” My dad yelled across the garden. I laughed as Nick’s face dropped.
“ He was trying to be funny, it never works. He likes you, I can tell.” I said to him. Nick smiled.
“ Well at least I know I don’t have to impress the parents.” I laughed, rolling my eyes.
“ That’s quite funny, Nick.” I smacked his arm and flopped to the floor. Kelsey was receiving a piggyback ride off Joe and they trotted around the garden. Nick fell beside me, lying on his side, looking down at me.
“ You keep doing that, creeper.” I smirked at him. Nick rolled his eyes at me.
“ Am I not aloud to watch my beautiful girlfriend then?”
♠ ♠ ♠
I know what you all are thinking.
Finally, she updated.
But to prove a point, I couldn't.
I broke my wrist, which wasnt clever. It's still in plaster now, so you are lucky you got this.

Stupid ice for making me trip...