You Got Me Laughing While I Sing

Chapter Two

“ Can you bring the Jonas’s up to my office please?” Abbey said, into a speaker on his desk. I bounced up and down in my chair.
“ Casey, calm down.” My mum said to me, putting her hand on my shoulder. I smiled at her and stopped bouncing.
“ Im not a princess, this aint a fairytale.” I sang quietly to myself. Abbey’s head shot up to look at me.
“ What was that then?” He asked me. I shrugged my shoulders.
“ A song I wrote. Its not finished yet.” I told him. He looked at me and smirked.
“ It was good.” He praised me. I smiled and lifted up one shoulder.
“ Sing as far as you got for me.” He asked me. I looked at him.
“ I cant, I don’t have a guitar.” I said, playing with my ring. Someone tapped me on my shoulder. I turned around to see Nick Jonas holding his guitar.
“ Here, use mine.” He said, placing it in my hand. I nodded, speechless and started to play the chords.
“ Say you’re sorry,
That face of an angel
Comes out just when you need it to.
And I pace back and fourth all this time,
Cause I honestly believed in you,
Holding on
And days drag on
Stupid girl,
I should have known, I should have known

I'm not a princes, this ain't a fairy tale
I'm not the one to sweep off her feet,
Lead her up the stairwell
This ain't Hollywood, this is a small town,
I was a dreamer before you went and let me down
Now it's too late for you
And your white horse, to come around.”

I sighed and handed Nick back his guitar.
“ Its not finished.” I said, slightly embarrassed.
“ It was good.” Mr Jonas said, smiling at me. I smiled back at him and stood up.
“ Hi im Casey Brooke.” I said, shaking hands with him. He nodded at me.
“ Hi im Paul Jonas. These are my sons Kevin, Joe and Nick.” He said, pointing to them. I nodded.
“ I know.” I said, really embarrassed. The four of them laughed.
“ And we know who you are.” Joe said, hugging me so tight I couldn’t breath. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket as Joe let me go to breath. I smiled and pulled out my phone before anyone hugged me.
What?! I know you still love me. Give it another go? Please, Casey. I screwed up and I know that… please? I love you – Drew.
I growled and through my phone against the wall. Everyone was looking at me. I smiled, apologetically.

“ Sorry, ex-boyfriend problems.” I said, shrugging my shoulders. Nick laughed softly.
“ Hi, im Nick.” He said, walking over to hug me.
“ Hey.” I whispered into his ear as his arms wrapped around my shoulders.
“ Dude, stop hogging her. I wanna hug too.” Kevin complained, pouting. Nick sighed and let go.
“ Thank you.” Kevin said, smiling at his younger brother and attacking me into a hug.
“ I wanna hug my favourite Jonas back.” I said, making everyone laugh. Kevin stuck his tongue put at his brothers.
“ See, im the favourite Jonas.” He said, proudly. I laughed and shook my head.
“ Actually Frankie is.” I told them. The three of the gasped at once, which made me burst into laughter. Abbey cleared his throat.
“ Lets talk about the tour.” He said, smiling. My mouth dropped open.
“ Im going on tour, with these?” I said, pointing at each Jonas. Abbey nodded.
Sweet, I get to met the Bonus Jonas.” I said, dancing around the room.

I looked at the clock that was on the wall. 2:45pm
“ Mum! We need to pick up Leah from school.” I yelled at her, making Nick, who was sitting next to me, jump. Leah was my little sister, who was 8 years old. I sniggered and paid attention to mum. He had his hand on his heart, breathing heavily.
“ Oh shoot. We haven’t finished talking. Can you go and get her please, Casey?” She begged me. I nodded and smiled at her.
“ Yes, sure. Can I have the car keys please?” I asked her, pouting. She sighed and went to say something but Kevin cut her off.
“ We could take Casey to pick up Leah if you’d like, Mrs Brooke.” Kevin said, very politely. I turned around to glare at him.
“ Yes that would be nice of you Kevin. And you could get to know Casey some more.” Mr Jonas, suggested. My mother nodded.
“ That would be nice.” She said, winking at me. I gave her a sarcastic smile and shoved my phone in my pocket, which, surprisingly, worked.

I walked out of Abbey’s office with my bag slung over my shoulder. The Jonas’s were following me. I stood in front of the elevator, taping my foot.
“ I hate these things. They take forever to come up. Its really annoying.” I complained. Nick laughed at me and I stuck my tongue out at him.
“ Shh.” I said to him, covering my lip with my index finger. Joe rolled his eyes and pushed past me to get into the elevator. Kevin smiled at us both and walked in after Joe. I shoved Nick, lightly and walked right in. Nick glared at me then we both started to laugh. He was really cute, and his eyes are magical… I thought to myself as I looked into his eyes. He gave me a wink and I blushed.
“ Casey, why are you blushing?” Joe asked, nudging me with his elbow. I shook my head.
“ No reason.” I replied, too quickly. I felt my phone vibrate again.

Casey, don’t ignore me. Give me another chance? – Drew.
I sighed really loudly.
“ God, why are boys such JERKS?” I complained. Then I realized who I was talking to.
“ Not you guys. You are perfect. But other boys?” I said, making no sense what so ever.
“ What is going on with you and your ex? If I may ask.” Nick said. I smiled at him. And he was so polite.
“ Well, we were going out for a year…” And the elevator stopped on ground floor and we all stepped out and I carried on. “ And I found out from my best friend that he was cheating on me with some slapper. So I ended with him and know he wants me back. Good luck to him.” I said to them. Nick have me a hearty-smile.
“ Don’t take him back.” He blurted out. We all turned to look at him as we walked out of the front doors. People around us, stopped and stared.
“ Erm…what?” I asked Nick, slightly worried.
“ Never mind…” He mumbled, shaking his head.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and put up a new text.
Leave me alone, Drew. You cheated and I moved on. I don’t want you back; there is no you and me anymore. – Casey.
I sent that with a smile on my face. Kevin waved his arm towards us.
“ The car is this way.” He said, pulling his keys out of his pocket. I nodded and followed the boys.
“ SHOTGUN!” Joe yelled, with a triumphant grin on his face. Me and Nick looked at each other and shook our head.
“ So immature.” Nick mumbled to me. I laughed.
“ So is.” I agreed.
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Well, I Liked The Come Back To This. :)
Here Have Another One. :)
The Song Is Taylor Swift, White Horse.