You Got Me Laughing While I Sing

Chapter Nine

I stared at Nick as he put the ice pack to face. He had confused me by saying It’s worth it. What on earth did he mean? I jumped onto the kitchen counter and Nick sat on the chair. Pressing the ice pack against his face, I squirmed. My dad had gone, fuming, after Drew, which made me slightly nervous. Not for my dad’s health, are you kidding? My dad could knock that kid for six.
“ Casey, you okay?” Nick said, pulling me out of my daydream. I looked at Nick, concentrating on his face. I nodded, putting a smile on my face.
“ Im fine. How’s the face?” I asked, hopping off the counter and walking over to him.
“ Meh...A little stiff, that’s all. Im dreading going out in public if it swells.” He replied, taking the ice pack off and trying to stare at his lip.
“ Look, im really sorry for that. Drew can be…” I stopped, lost for words. There was just too many to describe Drew.
“ Over-protective? Sensitive? Insane?” Nick said, laughing. I laughed as well.
“ Insane is a good word.” I muttered, sitting next to him. Nick chuckled. I sighed.
“ This was all my fault, Nick.” I said, after a minute silence between us. Nick looked at me, his face serious.
“ Casey, I didn’t have to get out that car earlier. I didn’t have to kiss you. It was all up to me. I did it. Its my fault.” Nick said. I bit my lips, nervously. Nick nodded to himself.
“ I wanted to.” My head shot up.
“ What?” I just about stuttered out. Nick moved his head closer to mine.
“ I wanted…” He went to finish his sentence when Joe and Kelsey burst through the door. I glared at Kelsey. I was so going to get her later. I smiled, sarcastically, moving my head away from Nick’s.
“ How’s the face, dude?” Joe asked, moving closer towards Nick. I sighed, leaning back into the chair.

I closed my eyes. I was lying on my bed. I was confused, about everything. The things Nick was saying made no sense at all.
“ Hey, what are you doing up here?” Kelsey asked, walking into my room. I opened my eyes and sat up. Looking around, I didn’t se Joe attached to her hip like he was a lost puppy. I smiled.
“ Just to get away for a while. To think.” I replied. Kelsey lifted up one shoulder, sitting on my bed.
“ I wish I could sit and think. No one has time to think everything through.” She said, lying down. I lied down next to her.
“ I just have way too much things to think of.” I replied. Kelsey shuffled around, so she was lying on her side, facing me.
“ What?” She asked me. I sighed, facing her.
“ Nick. Drew. Life.” I told her. She sighed back.
“ Joe. Mason. Life.” Kelsey replied. I laughed.
“ What’s going on with you and Joe?” I asked her, jumping up so I was sitting. Kelsey sat up, rolling her eyes.
“ Honestly? I don’t know. I mean, we are flirting with each other and everything. And I think I like him, but I have Mason.” She said, running her fingers through her hair.
“ Mason’s a douche. Just like Drew.” I replied. Kelsey laughed, rolling her eyes again.
“ We better go downstairs, little kid.” She said, nudging me in the ribs. I rolled my eyes, getting off my bed.
“ Im only a year younger than you.” I said, sticking my tongue out at her as we walked out of the room.

“ Where did you two disappear to?” My mum asked; as we walked into the living room, laughing.
“ We just needed a girl chat.” I replied. My mum nodded, and smiled.
“ Life that difficult?” Kevin asked us, laughing. I huffed, rolling my eyes.
“ Kevin, dear. You do not know the half of it.” I said, sitting down next to Frankie and Leah, avoiding the seat next to Nick. Everyone chuckled.
“ What, you are like 16? Life can’t be that hard, sweetheart.” My dad said. I laughed, not wanting to say anything about Drew in front of him.
“ Dad, try being a girl.” I replied. Denise, my mum and Kelsey agreed with me.
“ See? Every woman in this room agrees with me.” I replied, cocky. My dad rolled his eyes.
“ Darling, you aren’t a woman. You are still my baby girl.” My dad said, smiling. I scoffed.
“ Nope. Im a big girl now, daddy.” I said in a baby voice. Everyone laughed again.
“ Im your little girl.” Leah yelled, throwing herself into my dad’s arms. I laughed as Frankie looked at me, like she was crazy.
“ Mum, when are you going to tell her you got her from the zoo?” I asked, winding Leah up. She stuck her tongue out at me, like it was some sort of insult.
“ You want to come on tour with us?” I asked her, raising both eyebrows. Leah nodded, frantically, jumping from my dad and landing in my lap. She buried her head into my neck.
“ Yes please Casey.” She whispered in my ear. I laughed and nodded.
“ Nick really likes you, Frankie told me.”
♠ ♠ ♠
What Is Going To Happpen? :)
Im Hyper, Excuse Me While I Dance Around Like The People On Strictly Come Dancing. :)