Mayby opposites do attract


Samantha Jameson

Age: 16

Clique: Skaters; Nobody

School: Gets an A average

Looks: Black hair that hangs on her shoulders, baby blue eyes, Tan complexion, Thin frame but still has

Dress style: Dresses in black, red and grey and sometimes other dark colours. She wears skinny’s, band T’s
and converse. She always wears a beanie and if she doesn’t she wears a hoodie.

Samantha A.K.A Sam is an only child that lives with her dad and mom. Her parents are wealthy but are very down to earth and love their daughter very much. Sam loves to skate and hang with her friends that are mostly boys but her best friend is a girl. People don’t know that Sam can skate better than most boys except her close friends and parents. Samantha skates in competitions and wants to go pro after school. When she skates she always wears her beanie and hoodie so that people can’t tell she’s a girl. At school she blends in and is shy/quiet, but at the skate park and with her friends she is loud and bubbly.

Tyler Pierce

Age: 17

Clique: Jocks; Most popular guy in school

School: Mostly B’s and sometimes C

Looks: Blonde surfer like hair, Amazing green eyes, Tan complexion, Has muscles but not gross like
body building muscles.

Dress style: Dress in white, green, blue, pink etc. (bright colours). He wears baggy jeans and pants, shirts,
sneakers (He almost always wears brand names)

Tyler A.K.A Ty lives with his parents and younger sister. Ty and his family are really close but they don’t always show it. Tyler’s dad is a business man and is wealthy and Ty sometimes flaunt this. Tyler loves all sport especially soccer, he is captain for the varsity team and is class president. Tyler is the best soccer player in school and is going to go pro if his coach has his way. The whole popular crowd is his friends but he has two best friends that know everything about him. When Tyler is at school he is self-centred, cocky and arrogant, but he is actually nice, polite and a gentleman (The perfect boyfriend).
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Please comment and tell me if I should make a story