Sequel: Forever and Always

All Your Sorrows Crumble in My Arms

Colds and Bruises.

The answer to that was . . .something I don't think either of us figured out. Several times through the night there was a datish moment. Like when I became tucked under his arm on the couch while we channel surfed. Arguing playfully over who was paying for the pizza we'd decided to have delivered. And the big one? Laying on my bed while Matt sang along with an acoustic version of Patience by Guns 'N' Roses.

We spent a lot of the next few days like that, when the guys didn't butt in that is. Neither of us mentioned that normal friends didn't usually snuggle in bed or call each other pet names with this underlying tension like one of us was waiting for something. But what it was, I couldn't tell. Depending on if it would destroy the precarious bond we were slowly forming between us, I wasn't sure I wanted to know what it was.

One thing about Matt was that he made me feel a good sort of different. Everytime I was insulted, put down, and hurt he went from tough, laughing, metal-head football player to sweet and gentle. His main pet peeve was my brother calling me names for no reason. Both at school and my house, he nearly broke my fingers trying to hold himself back from hitting him. One day, however, I missed school because of a bad cold. Rodney came home sporting a nearly broken nose and black eyes.

He glared at me from the door to my room, "Your overgrown baboon of a boyfriend is going to get it!"

"Wad are boo talkin' 'boot?" I sniffled. I hated being sick.

"That Sanders guy! I'm going to kill him!" He slammed my door and wondered off. I rolled my eyes and crossed to the window. Johnny was already waiting for me.

"Wad happen?"

He stifled a laugh at my stuffed up nose and bit his lip before answer, "Apparently, Matt heard someone say you were out because you were going to the doctor over an STD you caught from a girl. When he tried to correct them, they told him that's what they heard from Rodney. So he confronted Rodney. That's all I got from Matt. he said to tell you to get online about six when he gets home from praicte, he'll talk to you."

"Danks, 'Ohnny. Sdupid boys . . ." I shook my head.

He cocked his, "Want me to come lay with you?"

I debated. Johnny was nice, sweet and all, but snuggling had really become my and Matt's thing. I could use the company though, "Otay."

"Awesome. I'll be over in a second."

I nodded and went to put a shirt on over my wifebeater. I smiled when I spotted Matt's shirt and pulled it on. It smelled like him especially since he'd deemed it our shirt and gave it back to me every time he wore it. I'd just laid down when Johnny came upstairs looking like he was trying hard not to laugh.


"Rodney looks funny." He let a small laugh escape and stretched out beside of me. He put an arm around me and winced, "You're burning up."

" 'm sick, 'Ohnny." I stated the obvious.

"Yeah, but I mean your skin feels dry. Are you drinking stuff to keep from getting dehydrated?" when I just blinked at him, he sighed, "I'm taking that as a no. I'll go get you some orange juice, okay?"

I nodded and he left the room. he retuned with the whole jug and a glass, "Trust me, you'll need it. Drink."

If I'd been more up to it, I woul have teased him about being Nurse Johnny, but I didn't. I just complied and, three glasses and some whining later, he piled back onto to the bed with me, "Fine."

I snuggled my head into my pillow and a few moments later, I was dead to the world. what woke me up was quiet talking and an ache in my throat. I looked up to see Matt talking to Johnny. Matt jerked as soon as he realized I was awake, "Yeah, I know, Johnny, but I really like-hey, princess. Do you feel better?"

I shrugged as he moved closer. I shivered and laid my head over onto his warm shoulders. he rubbed my back, "I came in and you two were really .. . I don' know, but you were sleeping hard. Was Johnny taking good care of you?"

"Yeah." I croaked.

"Good." He murmured, reaching to hand me even more juice. This time it was icy cold and better tasting than what Johnny got me. I downed the whole glass and set it off to the side.

"Danks. Dank you for shnugglin' wid me, 'Ohnny."

"No problem. Give me some love and I'll leave you two alone." He said with an implying tone.

I snurled my nose up at him but gave him a soft smile right after and a hug. He kissed my forehead, "Feel better."

I just nodded while he climbed out the window.

Matt pinned me with his intense gaze, "You and Johnny are getting awfully close."

I shrugged, "Best f'iends."

He made a face, "Aw I thought I was your best friend."

Truthfully, I was hoping he was more, "I can'd hab two?"

His lips quirked and he leaned froward to peck my lips, "As long as I'm the only one who gets to do that, you can have as many as you want."

Like anyone else would want to! "Ob course."

He snickered, "You sound so weird. Come 'ere." He held out one long, muscled arm.

I slid under it and laid my head onto his chest. He pecked the top of it, sighing. I slid my hand over his lower stomach. His grip on my shoulder tightened but he didn't say anything. After a few moments of comfortable silence, I looked up at him, "Danks for takin' up for me taday."

He grinned. Glad he found my goofy stuffed up nose amusing. "No problem. I'm just sorry it had to be Rodney I hit."

"Why are boo sorry?" I pressed my hand flat to the tense muscles right above his waist band.

Gently he slid my hand up, "Dangerous territory. And I'm sorry because I don't want your family to hate me."

"Too late." Rodney quipped from the doorway.

Matt's whole body tensed but nothing more was done because my mom was standing behind Rodney, "Daniellea, go get cleaned up. Your father wil be here in an hour or so to pick you up."

"Otay, Mom." I nodded.

Matt sat up fully, "I guess I'll just go-"

I caught his hand as he stood up from the bed. His smile widened, falshing deep dimples at me, "Call or IM me later, okay? Bye, princess."

I pulled him down to return the salutation and kissed his cheek before turning to my closet. Mom came farther into the room and sat on the edge of my bed. Inwardly I groaned but I asked, "Wad does Dad wan'?"

"He has big news for you and Rodney and he wants to talk to you. So do I, 'Ella."

"Wad 'boot?"

"That boy's trouble. All of them are."

"Matt?" I stared at her for a moment, feeling shocked. Matt had always been super polite to Mom.

"Look what he did to Rodney!" She pointed in his direction and he threw me a smug grin.

I blew out a frustrated breath, "He was takin' up fo me." Okay the stuffe dup nose thing was really getting on my nerves so I ducked into the bathroom, pushing Rodeny out of my way. As soon as it was clear enough for me to talk easier, I sighed and sat on my bed, "Mom, Rodney hates me."

"Oh, he does not! You're his little sister." She protested.

Denial much? "Mom, all those times I've had black eyes, unexplainable bruises, came home smelling like ruined milk or stick with pop? those were all Rodney. He spreads rumors about me at school-" Ever wondered how hard a five-foot-two red-headed Irish woman smacks? I don't have to wonder. My head snapping to the side said it all along with some help from the sting in my cheek. I glared at her and she glared back.

"How dare you say those things about him? That's it! When you come back, you're not leaving this room except for school and back for a very long time. Now get dressed. Lester will be here any minute." Lester would be my father.

I scrubbed my hand across my face, pulled on some faded jeans and a t-shirt and slumped down at my computer to wait for my dad. Everyone was on but I only had one person in mind.

FromxthexShadowsxM says: Hey princess.
DaniXOEllaOX says: Hey, matt. Can you meet me at the park in about two hours?
FromxthexShadowsxM says: Well sure, but aren't you suppose to be going somewhere with your dad?
DaniXOEllaOX says: Yes. I'm still doing that. I don't have time to explain right now, but I will as soon as we see each other.

I had a feeling my bruise would do it for me.

FromxthexShadowsxM says: Alright, princess. I'll be waiting. Bye!
DaniXOEllaOX says: Bye!

My dad pulled up a few minutes later. he hugged me before opening the back door, "Ella."

"Hey, Daddy." I said quietly as Rodney just dropped into the front seat next to dad.

"So . . " he glanced in the rearview, "how's school going, guys?"

Rodney grunted.

"It's going good, Daddy. We're suppose to graduate this year." I said suppose to because who knew if Rodney would pass or not.

"I know! I'm so proud of you, sweetheart. Of both of you." He smiled at me. I couldn't help but smile back even if it probably resembled more of a grimace.

"Yeah, Right." Rodney muttered.

"I am! you're doing something neither your mom nor I did. You're accomplishing things." Okay now it's being laid on a little thick.

"Whatever. Where are we going?" Rodney peered out the window.

"I figured we could go and get some ice cream. Maybe go to the park." Score! i wouldn't have to do much to be able to meet Matt.

Rodney grumbled about not being two anymore, but didn't put up much of a fight. Soon we were walking downt he path toward this bench. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Matt parked on the other side of the park. I settled onto the bech beside of Dad. For a few moments, he stared at the swings before he started to speak, "Do you guys remember back before I married Anna when we came here every other weekend?"

"No." Rodney snapped at the same time that I said yes.

Dad sighed, "I miss those times."

I did too. Not that I didn't like Anna, she wasn't an evil stepmom, I just liked it before. Rodney use to be nicer around Dad then.

"But I guess we can't go back and I have to let go. Rodney, you're getting so much older. I hope you take care of Daniellea."

"Sure I do, Dad." He smirked. Yeah and Satan goes hand in hand with Frosty the snow man.

"Good. Ella, you'll be going off to college soon. A lot sooner than your mom and I ever anticipated. There's so much I haven't done with you guys and I regret that now. I've missed out on so much. I know you hate me, guys, but I want to tell you this. I love you both." He reached over to put an arm around me and attempted to put one around Rodney. He moved away with a noise.

I didn't. "I don't hate you, Daddy."

"Me neither. I hate her." Rodney glared at me.

Dad jerked, "Rodney."

"It's the truth. She took my father away. Nothing's been the same since she was born. She's nothing but a fat, dykey loser." Rodeny stood up and stepped closer to me, "A fat, dykey loser whore!"

Dad pinned Rodney down with one arm, "No, son. no. Nothing's been Ella's fault, or yours. I think you and I need to go talk, man to man. Why don't you go wait at the car for me and Ella okay?"

Rodney nodded and Dad let him up.

After he trudged toward the car, Dad hugged me, "Are you okay, sweetheart?"

"I'm fine, Daddy." Honestly, that was mild for Rodney.

"Okay. Daniellea, your mom called me last night. She's very worried about you."

"I just bet she is."

"We have raised such bitter kids. Beautiful," He stroked my hiar, "but bitter." When I didn't say anything he sighed, "She thinks you're mesing around a lot and with 'some over grown hoodlums' to use her exact words."

"I have friends, Daddy, and they are eccentric looking. Maybe even a little scary. But they're not hoodlums. Come on, I'll let you meet one."

"Okay." H efollowed me across the park. Before we got in earshot of Matt, he asked, "How old is he?"

"Seventeen." Liar. He was eighteen, but Dad didn't need to know that.

"He's huge. He could snap you like a twig, Daniellea." Dad's eyes went large.

I shrugged, "He's a different kind of person, Daddy. Matt!" That really wasn't necessary.
Despite the sunglasses resting on Matt's face, I could almost feel him staring at me.

His lips curved, a shiny ripling catching my eye. How come I'd never seen that before? "Hey, princess."

I nudged Dad, "Matt, this is my dad, Lester Nordstrom. Dad, this is Matt Sanders."

Dad stretched his hand out and Matt took it. Obviously, my boney dad was a little apprehensive of what Matt could do with one hammer-like fist. i fidgeted from foot to foot, "So . . .awkward!"

Dad laughed, "Just slightly. Are you sure you're okay, Daniellea?"

"Yeah, Dad. I'm okay. Can you try to convince Mom that my friends aren't drug-laden Satanists, please?" I said softly, eyeing the ground.

"Of course, sweetheart. I've got to go talk to Rodney now." He pecked my forehead before turning to Matt, "Sanders, right?"

Matt lowered his glasses, "Yes, sir."

"Right. Take care of my daughter." Dad shook his hand again.

"Of course." Matt's slight smile widened but then faded into a frown. I realized he could clearly see the side of my face that Mom hit.

Dad kissed my forehead, "Bye honey. I'll talk to you later in the week."

"Okay. Bye." I watched him walk away. I could tell he knew what I was doing and he didn't mind, not after meeting Matt. I climbed into the car with him and we drove off without a word.