Sequel: Forever and Always

All Your Sorrows Crumble in My Arms

Breaking Rules to Mend Broken Hearts

"I can't believe you'd bring them into my house! Get to your room now! You have a lot of work to do." This was my mom's scream as soon as she stepped in the door. Matt stood up. I grabbed his hand to stop him but he shook me off, however gently.

"Mrs. Nordstrom, I'm not exactly sure where you're getting your information, but . . . we're not the kind of kids you think we are." He was so calm, but his tense forearms and balled up fists said that was a lie.

"Yeah, Mrs. Nordstrom, we're good kids. You should at least know I'm not a trouble maker. I've lived next to you all of our lives." Johnny's wide-eyed innocent act was convincing.

Brian smiled, "We like hanging out with Daniellea because she's the kind of girl you don't see often."

Mom's eyes blazed at that, "She puts out, she's easy, and she does drugs like the rest of you is that it?"

Zacky's mouth gaped open, but he was speechless. Johnny made a face, "I personally don't go for those kind of girls. You know, like all the cheerleaders and stuff."

"No offense, m'am, but your daughter's no cheerleader." Matt shook his head, "I can't see one fault in her and I think it's really unfair that you treat her the way you do."

"I'm very lenient on Daniellea compared to how I should be. Oh you've had me fooled thinking because you were a good student and oh so smart that you weren't doing anything bad-"

"I don't do anything bad, Mom! I am a good kid. I don't do anything like Rodney does." I felt tears welling up but held them back. I'd cried enough today and the boys had purposely tried to cheer me up since they saw my room. I wasn't going to fall apart on them now.

Matt felt me trembling and unthinkingly put his arm around me. Mom practically roared and ripped me away from him, "Don't you touch my daughter, you scumbag little punk."

Matt paled even more than he normally was and Brian stepped between him and my mom, probably worried about Matt losing his temper. None of us knew him well enough to know who he would hit and who he wouldn't. "Mrs. Nordstrom, please calm down. None of us would ever try to make Daniellea do something that wasn't good for her and no she doesn't put out. Not for any of us. We all have girlfriends, well except Johnny, and it's not like that. We care for who we're with." He left out that Matt didn't have a girlfriend either. He'd probably know that if he mentioned Matt, she'd go off again.

After a minute, Mom muttered that I should go to my room. Timidly, Johnny asked if they could help me clean up. She relented that he and Brian could. I stared at her, "What about Zacky and Matt?"

"I don't want them in my house." She glared at me then at them.

Matt tugged Zacky's arm, "Let's go, man." He looked back at me with a look that said he understood this wasn't my fault and that he'd call me later.

Brian took my hand to lead me into my bedroom. As soon as I was there, I couldn't hold it in any longer. Johnny wrapped his arms around me and stroked my back.

"What did I do to make her hate me?" I hadn't realized I said the words aloud until Johnny reassured me that my mom didn't hate me, she just had the wrong impression and that it wasn't my fault. I really wasn't all that concerned about it after a few moments, I was just hoping she hadn't run Matt off completely. I was just starting to really like him and I think Mom could tell that. That's what irked her about him more than anything, I supposed.

Johnny slid away to wipe my cheeks, "Are you okay?"

I nodded, sniffling.

He chucked me under my chin, "You'd better be. Matt'll break us like fine china if we fail at cheering up his princess."

I laughed a little and nodded again, "I'm okay."

"Alright, so . . . where do these go?" Brian asked, holding up a pair of my panties.

I flew across the room to rip them from his hand, "Far away from your eyes."

He laughed, "Hun, I'm more into the boxer wearing type, don't worry about it."

My face was red anyway and I just laughed as I put them in my drawer, looking around for more. I had to admit even if my mom hated them, I had the best friends someone could ask for.


"Huntington Beach High wins! Matt Sanders wins the game!" The announcer's voice rang through the speakers, over the football field. I clapped as fierce as everyone else and grabbed Johnny's elbow to pull him down to the edge of the field. Zacky, Lorrie, Brian, and Jimmy followed us. Matt fought his way through the crowd of teammates and cheerleaders. He was almost to us when a pretty little blond cheerleader jumped on him, smashing her mouth to his. We all stopped dead and Brian laughed loudly because Matt pushed her off. Lifting his eyes, they met mine and he crooked his finger at me.

I smiled at the guys' joking catcalls and walked slowly toward him. He wasn't having that though. He closed teh distance between us and picked me up off the ground. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my lips touched his, both of us laughing a bit. I backed up, "I'm proud of you."

"Even if it does make me a preppy jock?" He teased, readjusting us so that my legs were around his narrow waist.

I laughed again, "Show me a preppy jock who listens to Pantera and not some sort of rap."

"Good point." He pecked my chin, then my lips, "Where are we going?"

Jimmy answered for me, "Zacky's!"

"Cool. I'm going to go change. Ride with me?" He asked, setting me on my feet.

I nodded, "But Johnny has to take me home."

"Who said you were going home?" He smirked. Ooh, tempting.

"We'll talk about that later. Go change, you smell." I stuck my tongue out at him and he leaned in to kiss me again before letting me go. he moved toward the locker room and I went back to where the guys were, only to see the boys all looking pissed and Lorrie's face was tight, angry. I nudged her, "What's up?"

"Jenna Fowler." She muttered, pointing.

I followed her finger. Aha, blondie that'd pounced on Matt, "What about her?"

"She's the jealous, retarded type." Brian said, slinging his arm over my shoulder, the other twining around Jimmy's waist. The more slender guy leaned into Brian's somewhat muscled frame as he talked, "She's also a homophobic whore."

I felt myself tense, "What did she say? Did she say something about you guys?"

"Yeah, and you. Forget about it." Jimmy shook his head.

"No, god damn it. I want to know. I could handle my brother starting shiit and his little minions following but for some fuccking little bit.chy skank to say it for no other reason than she wants someone who she can't have-"

Johnny's hand covered my mouth, "Let's all note that once we pry your mouth open, you get viscious. Look if you really want to know all she really said was that Matt only wanted you because he enjoyed having threesomes. Then she saw Brian kiss JImmy and she added that she was surprised we didn't all just have a giant fuck fest, complete with two dykes and five fags. Okay?"

I removed his hand, "Thank you. I'm sorry, guys." I walked away from them and toward Jenna.

I hit her hard on the shoulder as I passed.

She swung around, "Oh, ew!"

I cocked my head at her, "Just some advice-you come across as stupid and afraid. I'm neither. Before you say shiit to my friends, I suggest you go earn yourself a brain and open your pretty little eyes. There are far more people like me in the world than you realize and saying shiit like you said will get you hurt. "

She simply stared. I smirked and turned to walk away but a thought occurred to me. I
whipped back around and punched her, feeling her nose snap with the slightest force.

Surprise, surprise, it was fake., "And keep your lips off of Matt."

Soft chuckling and arms folding around me from behind calmed me. Matt's voice rumbled in my ear, "Thanks, princess."

"I know I didn't have a right to do that but-" He cut me off with his lips touching mine.

When he backed off, making me crane my neck over my shoulder, he mumbled against my lips, "Yes, you do. You're my girlfriend aren't you?"

I cocked my eyebrows, "Am I?"

"Yes." He nodded.

"Then I guess I am then." I smiled and turned so I could wrap an arm around him.

I got no time to bask in the fact that we were finally official because Zacky whined, "My house now?"

Matt huffed, "You just want to go bone your girlfriend."

"Yes!" Zacky nodded.

Lorrie laughed and fell into step beside of me, "That rocked, by the way. I didn't know you had it in you."

"Yeah, seriously!" Johnny piped up.

I felt myself blush and shrugged. Matt gave me a squeeze, tugging me toward his car. As soon as we were in, he cleared his throat, "Before we get there, Zacky told me earlier that if we went to his we'd probably be cracking open beer and Jack. If you'd rather I didn't drink or you want to go home-"

"Matt, it's fine. I'm not a baby. I can take people drinking. Just let me have the keys?"

"Sure, princess. Wait, do you even have a liscense?"

"Permit." I admitted.

"Good enough for me. So as long as I don't get piss drunk, we're cool?" He lfashed his dimples at me.

I couldn't resist. I leaned over and kissed him as he turned the key. He placed one hand on my face, framing it, as we kissed. Unfortunately, we were interrupted.

Johnny rapped on the passenger side window, "They took my car!"

"Who?" I frowned, rolling down the window.

"Brian tackled me, took the keys, and him and Jimmy took my car."

"Then who's driving his?" Matt asked.

"They left it at Zacky's because he drove." Johnny sighed.

Matt did too, "Then get in munchkin."

Johnny hopped in back and I could tell something was up between him and Matt. Matt didn't look happy to have to drive Johnny, not even for a minute. I frowned, "Johnny, how do you have a car anyway?"

"My parents figure a permit is the first grade of liscenses and gave me a car. " he grinned.

"Lucky bastard. My mom won't even let me use her car to take the driver's test."

"You can use mine." Both boys chorused.

I felt Matt's hand cover mine. I leaned over ot peck his cheek, "Thanks, love. Thank you for the offer, Johnny."

"No problem" he mumbled.

A few moments later, we were at Zacky's. It seemed like we all lived in nice neighborhoods but Zacky, Brian, and Matt lived in the richest part of town. Zacky had a little brother and a nice mom, who said a quick hello and ushered her youngest son upstairs. He grumbled about it and I felt bad but Zacky seemed more than grateful to see him gone. He locked the door to his basement den and strode across to unlock a cabinet and open a minifridge.
Matt's eyes widened and he caught the beer Jimmy tossed to him. Zacky opened to bottle of JD, handing one to Brian and keeping one for himself. Lorrie grabbed two sixpacks and tossed one ot Johnny, "There, kid."

I arched my eyebrrows and she grinned, "At his age, with his body weight, six is enough. Want one?"

"No, she doesn't." Matt said, slinging an arm around my shoulder, "Princess doesn't drink and we're keeping it that way."

Zacky gazed at me, "Are you saying you've never been drunk?"

I nodded, "And don't plan on it either."

"Oh . . .okay." He settled down on the floor and Lorrie straddled his legs.

Matt's arm slid from my shoulder to my waist and he squeezed me before we both turned our attention to everyone else. Jimmy and Brian were sharing a joint between sloppy kisses and long drags out of the bottle of liquor. Johnny was flipping through channels on the tv and finally settled on The Simpsons marathon. I noticed as the night went by alcohol wrough changes in everyone. The cartoon became funnier and more interesting to my best friend. Zacky and Lorrie were practically fucking on the floor. Jimmy abandoned the alcohol to cut lines of coke and Brian watched him wide-eyed. Matt became more touchy with every beer he drank. Not badly, more of a sweet touchy. Eventually, he murmured for me to move onto his lap and I did so hesitatntly. His fingers grazed over my hair and down my back, pullling me close. I snuggled my face into his neck, breathing in his muskier all male scent. He murmured near my ear, "Stay with me tonight?"

"I can't, Matt. You know how mom is." After meeting all the guys it was agreed that I could hang out with Johnny and Brian. Zacky had too many piercings for my mom's taste and she simply hated Matt, obviously because of Rodney.

He nodded, kissing the skin beneath my ear, "Tell her you're staying with Lorrie."

"She'll never buy it and she'll want to talk to Lorrie's mom."

"Tell her we're all staying at Brian's. Me, you, Lorrie, and Brian and that his mom is asleep." Johnny slurred. I glanced at him to notice only a beer was left in his pack. I guess Lorrie was right.

"I . . .okay." I shook my head and nudged Matt, "I'll call from your house, okay?"

"Okay. Umm, I'm tired." Matt's head fell to my shoulder. I ran my hand over the smooth skin on his shoulder, lenaing into him, "Want to go?"

"Sure." I stood and waited on him. He told everyone bye and Johnny gave me a messy kiss on the cheek.

Matt rolled his eyes, "Johnny, man-"

I cut Matt off, "He's drunk, baby. Fuss at him tomorrow."

He paused and nodded, "Kay. You have the keys?"

"Yeah." He'd slipped his broad fingers into my pocket, depositing them there, when we first got to Zacky's. I pulled them out and a few minutes later we took off, Matt cranking on the heat because for October in California it was chilly.

I glanced to the right for a second and noticed he was staring, "What?"

"You're concentrating so hard." He chuckled a bit.

I laughed too, "You have an expensive car and I'm not about to wreck it."

"Bleh, don't worry about it. It was a gift." He murmured.

"From who?" Pretty nice gift!

"My ex's dad."

If I hadn't been driving fast, I'd have stomped on the breaks, but since I was, I just slowed down to stare at him, "What the-?"

He shrugged, "I dated her since we were kids. When he found out we were breaking up, he was relieved. She wasn't, so he told her to make it easier for us to remain friends, he'd buy me a car I could come see her in."

"Oh." How often did he go see her?

"I can tell you don't understand. Um, we got in an argument one day. She had such a temper and I'm not the brightest person you know. It was over stupid stuff. She left and started walking home. I tried to catch her and make her ride with me. Didn't happen. I'd just pulled up beside of her when this bullet passes by the widshield and shoots her right in the stomach. After the funeral, my mom ddecided when her son's girlfriend gets shot right in front of him, it's time we move somewhere better, nicer. She chose here." He said it all so calmly as if he didn't have demoans about it at all. I pulled over and climbed over the seat into his lap. His arms went around me and his head fell against my shoulder, "I was over her as a girlfriend. It just wasn't there anymore, you know? But she was more than that, she was my best friend."

"I bet you miss her."

"So much."

"Have you been back to see her dad, visit anyone?"

"No, my mom would have a cow." He ran his hand across my back, "Now maybe that I'm 18 and school is settling down. I'll go."

"Just tell me when and I'll be there if you want."

"I'd like that. We'll go soon." He sighed.

I kissed him softly before getting back behind the wheel.

Mom bought my lie hook, line, and sinker. She didn't even ask for Brian's telephone number to call and check on me in the morning (thankfully). Matt fell across his bed almost as soon as we got in the room. I leaned over and kissed him, just barely on the cheek, "I'm gonna borrow a shirt to sleep in, okay?"

"Okay." He mumbled, his eyes shut. He wasn't kidding about being tired.

I pulled a shirt down blindly, not caring which one because I knew he didn't and debated. i didn't want to wake his parents by stumbling to the bathroom in the dark or turning on lights. I just reached over and turned off the light before changing. I slipped under the covers next to him and jumped when he spoke, "You know, that'd been better with the lights on."

"Matt! I thought you were asleep!" I poked his stomach.

"Nope. Hold on okay?" I felt him get up and clothes rustling. A minute or so later, he laid back down beside of me, "That was your chance to peek you know."

His arms wound around me and I realized he'd stripped down to boxers. I curled into his warmth, "Yeah well, not all of us are perverts"

"Nuh-uh. Watching my girlfriend get undressed doesn't make me a pervert. It makes me living the dream every guy has when he dates a girl." He chuckled.

I rolled my eyes in the dark, "Yeah, yeah, yeah."

His hand pressed me closer, "Baby, don't these things get annoying?"

"What things?"

He traced the lines of my bra, "This."

"Oh, yeah." I nodded against his shoulder.

Under my shirt his long, wide, but deft fingers stole and in mere seconds loosened my bra. I slipped it off and he flung it away, "Better?"

"Yeah, thank you." Despite my thanks, I could feel my face heat up.

"Definitely better." He muttered when a second later he rolled slightly, pushing me flush to him, our legs tangling.

I didn't say anything and in a few minutes he was asleep.