Sequel: Forever and Always

All Your Sorrows Crumble in My Arms

The Secret's Out.

"That's gonna look great!" I grinned at Lorrie as she unzipped her dress bag to show me a dark, dark purple dress with black trim at the top, rhinestone straps and a thin strip of black around the waist.

She grinned, "Zacky will like it, I think. Let's see yours."

I opened my closet to show her it on the back of the door. She gave me a wide smile and hung hers up there too. She was going to get ready here but since it was only nine a.m. we had a while. Johnny's date would be here in a few, when we'd be meeting her for the first time. Heading into the living room where the guys were going to stay until they had to leave to get the flowers before getting ready, both of us were far more excited than we claimed.
Matt pulled me down to sit with him, being more relaxed because Mom was out town until noon and Rodney was still asleep. I kissed his cheek and he tensed, "Relax, I didn't touch your ear."

"I know," He said sheepishly, "It was an automatic reaction. They don't even hurt now."

"Oh really?" I smirked. A few days ago, Matt had had his ears gauged up the final bit he was going for and they had hurt a lot the first couple of days.

"Yeah, now they're just sensitive." He mumbled.

"How sensitive?" Matt's spot that could instantly give him a hard on was his ears.

"Extremely." He gave me a warning look. He didn't want to jack off in my bathroom, he'd already told me this.

I gave him a non-convincing innocent smile, "Okay. Besides it's just stored infor for later."

He rolled his eyes and gave me a squeeze. I turned to Jimmy, "Did they give you guys tickets?"

He nodded, "Without a problem."

"Aw our school system is no longer run by prudes. Now why would that have happened years ago?" Zacky sighed, burying his face into Lorrie's neck.

"Run by nuns or by 'free-love' hippies either one, they're not going to let you fuck in the hall, Zacky." Brian laughed.

Zacky stuck his tongue out but I thought the guy had a good point. For all of their bitching, and that whole Zero Tolerance policy that banned anything that might cause controversey, I had to admit they were being pretty cool about the whole homosexuality thing. Matt had told us that at his old school no people of the same sex were allowed to attend any school function together. This had made the guys really nervous when they went to buy tickets for the formal. What Matt had forgot to tell them was that his old school had been a Catholic one. I think he just wanted to watch them squirm.

He kissed my cheek, drawing me out of my thoughts and I smiled at him. He smiled back, rubbing his thumb over my cheek.

Lorrie aww'd and turned to Zacky, "Why don't you still do that? You use to."

"Eh. They're still new. Give Matt time to realize he doesn't have to impress her anymore and he won't either." Zacky shrugged.

Matt looked at me, shaking his head to show me that Zacky was wrong. I didn't need him to do that. I knew that Matt wasn't that type of person. As sweet as he was now, he'd continue to be later on in our realtionship. I snuggled into him but didn't get to stay there very long. Johnny came in with an adorable little blond clinging to one hand and holding a garment bag in the other. She waved at us when Johnny introduced her as Victoria. I smiled and motioned for her to follow me to my room. After hanging up her dress, she turned to me, "Johnny's been so anxious fo rme to meet everyone, especially you and matt."

I grinned, "I've been anxious to meet you too. Johnny was so excited that you all started dating. Nice shirt by the way."

She was wearing an Anti-Flag shirt. She grinned, "I torment people with them."

I nodded understandingly. The best music was the kind the person next to you couldn't stand. We both headed back toward the living room to find Rodney was awake and had taken my spot on the couch-well, when I wasn't dragged onto Matt's lap anyway. I rolled my eyes and slipped back onto Matt's thigh. He rubbed my back, the pressure of his hand increasing when Rodney asked if his legs could support Mt. Rushmore.

Brian groaned, "Dude, lay off! She's your sister. If I had a sister-"

"Your mom would have two daughters." Rodney quipped.

Jimmy sat on Brian quickly as the raven-haired boy started to rise, "Down, baby. Not in his house. You'll get your chance."

I turned to Rodney, "What time do you have to pick up Malibu Barbie?" If he could attack my friends, I could attack his girlfriend.

Lorrie laughed while Rodney simply smirked at me, "I have no clue. She's at a beauty parlor. Not that she needs it, unlike some."

"No some girls are natural beauties. Others need plastic surgery." Matt shook his head, his hand coming up to play with my slightly damp hair.

"Yeah lyposuction included." Ouch. Couldn't he just play fair?

"What, did they suck fat off her ass to shoot into her lips or some shit?" Zacky asked. The odd part was he actually seemed curious, not disdainful.

We all laughed except for Rodney who scoffed and rolled his eyes. Apparenlty he didn't appreciate being surrounded by people hwo didn't hate me. he stormed off, muttering something about going to his best friend's house. As soon as he left the room, I turned to Brian, "Bri, I'm so sorry-"

"Hey, no." Brian gave Jimmy a slight push off of him and came over to hug me, "Don't you dare apologize for that creep. I'm not stupid. I know how he is. As long as none of you feel that way, then his opinion doesn't matter."

"Yeah, princess. It's mind over matter. We don't mind because he doesn't matter. " My boyfriend murmured near my ear.

"Aw." Victoria smiled at us.

I smirked at her, "Don't aww me!" She didn't have room to. Johnny was sitting on the floor giving her his usual seat, and his head was on her lap.

After a couple of hours, during which we watched Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (which Matt sat entralled through. He'd read the book and loved the movie), Brian pulled me aside, "I have a favor to ask you."

"What's that, hun?" I smiled at him because he looked nervous.

"Tonight, if you're around Jimmy, can you kinda talk to him about maybe staying sober? I'd like to have one good date, preferrably tonight, that I know it's him and not some drug riddled shadow of him." Wow Brian had a way with words.

"Sure. I can do that. Now can you do me a favor?"


I pulled him down and whispered in his ear. He nodded rapidly, "I'll get it done one way or another. Okay?"

"Thanks, Brian." I beamed a smile at him and went to the fridge to pull out the drink I'd convinced Mom to keep stocked for this crew-Mountain dew and lots of it. He took some of them off my hands, going into the living room behind me.

After passing them out, I plopped onto the couch, noticing they'd put in Matt's other favorite movie-Natural Born Killers. He smiled at me as soon as I sat down, "You forgot your Diet Coke."

I groaned, "Damnit."

He patted my thigh, "Drink a regular. You won't curl up and die, I promise."

I made a face. It'd been a really long time since I drank a full regular pop and I didn't want to start to do so now. He saw that and got up, "I'll go get it for you."

"You don't have to, besides it's at your favorite part of the movie." I shook my head and attempted to pull him back down. No dice, it was like trying to move a mountain. he just kissed my cheek and moved into the kitchen.

Zacky snickered and Johnny grinned but neither opened their mouths. when he came back, two of my sodas in one hand, he flipped them off because it was obvious they were poking fun at him.

As soon as the movie was over, I noticed it was almost noon. I mumbled that to matt and he went to sit in the floor on the other side of the coffee table. Victoria started to say something and Johnny muttered that he'd tell her about it later.

We all started talking about what time we were gonna start getting ready and all that. I'd just suggested we girls get started soon, maybe eat lunch before, when the door opened. It was my mom with groceries, "Some help please?"

Matt was the first one to grab some of the bags. I knew he was trying to show Mom how nice-sweet-he could actually be so she wouldn't be as mad about tonight. Mom smiled hesitantly as he took most of the bags in one hand and a few in the other. I went to open the kitchen door for both of them. Mom kissed my cheek, "I knew all these hooligans would be here. This is all for you guys. I'm going to go pick up the corsage for Rodney's date. Should I pick up these and the boutinere's for the boys?"

Mom offering to do this shocked all of us before we started to agree. She wrote down all the names and did the math in her head, "How come you and Jimmy are going solo, Matt?"

I coughed, "Mom, actually-"

"Brian and I are going together, Mrs. Nordstrum." Jimmy said quietly.

"Oh." Mom frowned but a tiny smile slipped through, "That's sweet. Now-"

"Who want's mac and cheese?" I asked, digging through the bags.

"Ooh, me." Zacky grinned at me.

Brian poked him in the stomach, "Of course you would, tubby."

I cringed, "Brian!"

"Sorry, kiddo." he hugged me from the side as I unloaded the bags.

"Alright, I'm gone. I'll be back in a few moments." Mom hurried out.

As soon as she did, I slumped against Matt's chest, "She's so . . .curious! Eh!"

He kissed me gently, "You should have just told her."

"I want to actually wear the dress I spent forever picking out, thank you very much. Especially after enduring her torture that entire time. Besides, she's just gonna ground me from dating you still so I'd rather it be later than now." I looked over at Johnny, "She's trying her damnedest to push me and you together." Fuck! I should have kept my mouth shut!

Matt tensed and Johnny winced. I looked up at Matt in apology and he looked away before going back into the living room. I scrubbed my face with my hands and turned to go back to my bedroom. Victoria and Lorrie followed. Victoria took my desk chair while Lorrie and I both flopped back onto my bed.

"Whoa drama." Victoria muttered.

Lorrie nodded, "We're a regular soap opera. Instead of Laguna Beach-Huntington Beach."

I sighed, "And sadly a lot of it comes from me."

"What's the deal with your mom?" Victoria wasn't the least bit shy. I liked that.

"She hates Matt. Here lately she's been trying to get me to date Johnny, even after us all telling her Johnny has a girlfriend."

"And that bugs Matt because of the whole kiss thing right?" Victoria asked. I just stared at in her in surprise. She gave me a tiny smile, "Yeah, he told me about it. Johnny's been honest with me from the beginning. Give Matt some more time. He'll get over it."

I knew she was right so I just nodded. After a few moments, we heard, over the Pantera coming out of my stereo, a few voices calling out bye from the living room. Victoria and Lorrie decided it was time for them to start getting ready. I laid down again, watching their nervous gestures. I was in no hurry to get ready now. Matt was mad at me so who knew what was happening with me and him tonight.

They'd just slipped their dresses on before sitting down to do each other's hair when mom knocked on the door. We all called come in. Mom smiled at them, "You both look so pretty already. I'm sorry, dear. I'm Alana, Daniellea's mom."

"I'm Victoria. Hi." The blonde lifted one hand in greeting while the other twisted some of Lorrie's hair.

"Hi. Daniellea, what are you doing?" Mom turned to look at me, "You should be getting ready yourself."

I shrugged, "I'm not sure if I'm going, Mom. My date's sort of mad at me."

She sighed and came over to sit with me on the bed, "You know, I ugess that Matt kid can be okay sometimes. I still don't like or trust him, but I guess it's not me who has to deal with him if he's exactly the way I think he is. So if you don't care-tell me honestly who you're going to this formal with."

"My boyfriend." I sighed.

"Who would be one Matt Sanders?" She asked.

I nodded.

She did too, "I thought so. well, if you're so sure that's who you want, I don't approve, but I'm not going to stand in your way anymore. But if I see one sign of you becoming like him-piercings, tattoos, drugs, or alcohol you'll not be with him."

"Okay, Mom." Not that it mattered now. Why couldn't she done this and realized of that hours, hell, days ago? Some help it is now.

She left the room and Lorrie excused herself to go to the bathroom. I turned over to face the wall, turning my stereo up some. two songs passed before I felt my bed sink and a thick arm slid over my waist. A kiss to my cheek and then Matt's raspy voice said near my ear, "Baby, I'm not mad. It's not your fault your mom felt that way. I was sitting over there a little disappointed that you didn't tell her because I thought that meant you were ashamed of me. Brian talked some sense into me. But I was never mad."

I sighed and practically melted into him at his words, "Okay."

"Okay. So get up and put on this dress I've been hearing about. Get even more gorgeous." His lips fell to my neck and I frowned.

"Put your lip ring back in."

"Okay. I just thought you wouldn't want it in tonight. I'll put it back in here in a moment. No, don't turn around. Aren't we surprising each other?"

"Yeah." That'd been Brian and Jimmy's idea.

"Yeah? Alright. I'm going back to Johnny's." Okay. I waited until the door shut before sitting up and starting to rush to get ready. Damn me and my insecure stupidity for wasting time!