When there's nobody left

an unexpected turn of events

I sat down at my desk, a pen suspended over the paper where I was supposed to be writing a letter. * Write to your parents. Tell them what you are learning in class and about the important things going on in your life. Make sure to tell them you love them! ☺* The description of the assignment was written in bolded block print at the top of the page, followed by lines for us to write on.
This was a good assignment for me, easy, seeing as my parents were away on a business trip and I needed to talk to them anyways. They had been gone for about a month now, leaving me home with the housekeeper and nanny. My mom insisted that I have someone to keep me in check seeing as “I’m a sixteen year old girl with raging hormones and hot friends.” That’s just how my mom is though and I love her with all my heart. When she announced that, dad just snorted into his coffee and continued reading the paper. That statement was not unusual breakfast conversation.
Mommy dearest and daddykins,
I am writing this as an English assignment. We learned a lot this semester. We read (more like translated) Shakespeare. It was hell.
Anyways on to the more interesting stuff! The house is fine; Baily keeps it in check… along with me. There’s this really cute guy in my new science class called Jimmy! Mom, you’d love him. Me and Seth are close as always, nothing ever really changes in that department. Darren is a jerk and I hate him, but what’s new about that? Me and Cora… sorry, Cora and I are going to an All Time Low concert tomorrow night (Friday) and I Cannot wait! Alex is soo cute!
Bell is fine, I got her groomed so she looks pretty cute and amazing, like a little marshmallow that barks and has fur. I got blue streaks in my hair!!! But that’s really it about me.
How’s Iceland? I hear it’s gorgeous there! I miss you tons so you better take millions of pictures so I’ll feel like I was there with you guys. Bell misses you too. Oh did I mention she has blue in her fur? I got bored when I was waiting for my dye to sit. I miss you guys soo much! Take me with you on your next trip okay? Where ever it is I don’t care.
Well the bell is going to ring in about… three minutes so I gotta go! I LOVE YOU BOTH HURRY HOME PLEASE!!!
Yours forever and always,
Even when you’re dead you wont be able to get rid of me but that’s only cuz I love you a lot
Can I take the jet the week after you get home to New York because Cora and I really need new dresses for formal?

The bell rang and I was off to science to sit next to Jimmy, the guy I told my mom about. I sent my letter off later that day when I arrived home, sealed with a lip-gloss kiss, as always.
The next day in history when my teacher Ms. Banks was in the middle of a lecture the loud speaker crackled before a voice was heard all over the school. “Miss Larissa Brooks please come to the office, Miss Larissa Brooks.”
This was usual. I was on the cheerleading squad and a favorite among the faculty and staff. I was usually called out of class to do favors for teachers or extra activities for the squad.
“Bye Miss Banks, thank you!” I called as gathered my stuff and hurried to the office.
“Miss James? I was called over the speaker? Do you need me to paint a banner or something for the pep rally?” My voice was innocent and polite, the way I always talked to adults.
“Hello Larissa dear. No, um actually there is a gentleman on the phone for you. Use the one in Miss Austen’s office.” She directed me.
Well that’s odd. No one ever gets phone calls at school and they’re certainly not let out of class to take them. This must be either really bad or really good.
I entered the room and saw that the phone was directed toward the chair on the outside of the desk. I sat slowly and picked up the receiver.
“H-Hello?” my voice stuttered, which was very unusual. But hey, I was nervous.
“Miss Larissa Daphne Brooks?” The strong voice at the other end of the line inquired.
“Um… Yes…?” my voice was full of indecision and fear. What was going on? Who was this man and what happened?
“I’m Officer Owen with the Emerald City Police Department. Miss Brooks, I have some very hard news. I’m so sorry.” The officer said.
But what was the news? He only said he was sorry. He didn’t tell me a damn thing. I could tell he didn’t want to say more though. That meant it was bad, very, very bad.
“Officer, please tell me what happened. You’re scaring me.” I pleaded with the man on the phone. This was getting harder the longer he waited to tell me. I held tight to the receiver as my mind raced through hundreds of horribly, earth shatteringly painful things he could say to me.
“Miss Brooks, I’m sorry, but your parents’ jet crashed. Sources say they were coming home early to surprise you. They’re dead, Larissa. I’m sorry.”
I sat numb. That possibility had never even crossed my mind. My parents had been the only constant in my ever-shaking existence. My mom and dad had always been there for me. Whether it be through tough break ups or heart felt make-ups. They knew everything and they held me together through the hard times. They couldn’t be… dead.
I had a hard time even thinking the word to myself. No. They wouldn’t leave me alone. I had no one else. Seth was there always but I’m not sure he could handle this.
“Miss Brooks? Sweetie it’s okay. We’re sending someone to come get you to take you home ok? They left everything to you so you won’t have to leave your home. And you’re new guardian should be here any minute. Okay? Larissa?”
I could barley register anything. What Officer Owens said kept replaying in my head over and over again. “They’re dead Larissa. I’m sorry” I couldn’t focus on anything else. I vaguely heard him say that someone was coming to get me but right now I only wanted one person.
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Firsttt chapterrr!!! im putting up the next two right now. and just in case any of you didnt know... i love comments. constructive criticism compliments insults i love it all.... actually not insults but those can be turned into constructive criticism so i guess i do... Anwaysss I love you guys for reading! you just made my day!!! LOVE YOU! xxx.c