A Little Thing Called Magic


"Star! Time to get up for school!" I heard my brother Yu yell to me. My sweet dream was interrupted by my wake-up call. I wasn't ready to get up only to go to my own personal Hell, AKA, school.

I heard a loud knock on my door. Then a squeak as my door opened. I stayed underneath the blankets, pretending to be asleep. "Star, are you awake?" came Yu's voice again.

I let out a soft groan. The bed made a creaking sound, alerting me that Yu had sat down. He pulled the blankets from my face. Sunlight glared in my eyes. I felt Yu smoothing my hair.

"Come on Star. You're going to be late," he said in his kind, gentle voice. I just groaned in reply. "Don't make me get Romeo to help!" he threatened.

Romeo obviously heard he was needed and walked in. He was carrying something I couldn't yet identify. "Cold water, shaving cream, or me carrying you out of bed; which would you like?" Romeo said with a cocked eyebrow.

"I'm up!" I yelled struggling to get out from under the blankets. My legs were stuck. I fell to the floor with a yelp and a soft thud. Both Yu and Romeo offered a hand and I accepted, letting them pull me up. They were laughing at me the whole time.

"Wow, Romeo, you know how to get the job done!" Yu said with a smile.

"I know," Romeo said proudly. He turned to me. "Now you hurry your little ass up," he said slapping my ass.

I grabbed my clothes off the floor and hurried into the bathroom. Quickly,I turned on the water and stepped into the hot, steamy shower. During my time to contemplate, I thought about my mom, my brothers, and the father I never knew. Like many other kids out there, my life was complicated.

I am 13 year old Star Deschanel, living with my twin older brothers, Yu and Romeo, and my mom, Katie. Yu, Romeo, and I didn't have a father. We practically didn't have a mother either. She was never home.

Yu and Romeo's friends, Strify, Shin, and Kiro were like family. They were constantly over at my house hanging out with me and my brothers. Even though we differed in age, we were extremely close because our whole lives we've only had each other. Surprisingly, Yu and Romeo's friends still didn't know what happened to my father.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. "Star, are you almost ready?" Yu asked through the door.

I quickly shut off the shower. "Yes, I'll be right out!" I yelled loud enough for Yu to hear me through the door.

I quickly threw on my black-on-black outfit. I put on my eyeliner, mascara, and thick, black eyeshadow. Then, I quickly smeared on some black lipstick. I fixed my long, black and red hair and my many cartilage piercings.

I slammed the bathroom door and ran downstairs. There was smoke coming from the kitchen; a sure sing that Romeo was cooking. Yu emerged from the dining room carrying my leather jacket and Marilyn Manson bag.

"Thank you," I said taking them from my brother.

"Sure, need anything else?" Yu asked, playing the part of mom... again.

"Um, I think so. I think I left my book for english class in the basement." I said, thinking about what else I could have forgot.

"The basement?" Yu asked me.

"I like the darkness and Romeo was watching a porn movie marathon on TV again." I explained. Yu nodded in understanding. "I'll be back. Hey Romeo! Want me to grab the fire extinguisher while I'm at it?!"

"I've got everything under control!" Romeo yelled. He grabbed a glass of water and dumped it on the stovetop. "Shit!" He yelled to himself.

"I'm going to go help Smart One put out his fire," Shane told me.

I ran down the stairs into the basement. My book was sitting on the chair in the darkest corner of the room. Krystal, my pet lizard, was crawling around her aquarium, which was located on the floor right next to my chair.

I grabbed the book and ran back upstairs. Yu and Romeo were both holding up the fire extinguisher they supposedly didn't need. Romeo held it up while Yu pulled the trigger. They doused the fire with the CO2 foam. "I thought you had everything under control!"

"It is under control! I'm using a fire extinguisher aren't I?!" Romeo yelled. The fire was finally put out and Romeo set the fire extinguisher down on the kitchen floor.

"Well I have to go, so clean this up before mom gets home! And don't start the house on fire." I warned them. Romeo stuck his tongue out at me and Yu just smiled. I giggled at them. "Bye, love you." I was about to walk out the door when Yu stopped me. He pulled me into a tight hug. We held on to each other for at least a minute, then broke apart. He grabbed me by my chin and gently kissed my forehead.

Romeo walked over and tousled my hair. Then he too embraced me in a hug. I smelled his strong axe cologne. He broke the hug and kissed my cheek. "Bye guys!" I said to my brothers.

"Bye sweetie!" They both said at the same time. Yes, they just called me sweetie. Stupid boys!

"How do you do that?" I asked referring to their talking in unison.

"We're twins, twins are special." Yu told me.

"I'm sure," I said walking out the door. I heard Yu and Romeo laughing behind me.