A Little Thing Called Magic


"Um, Yu, Romeo?" I yelled through the door. "Hello? Anybody?" Nobody heard me. "Yu! Romeo!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. They still didn't hear me. Hm, I'll make sure they get their hearing checked later. "Well, guess I gotta make a run for it." I muttered to myself. I wrapped the towel around tighter and safety-pinned it in place to make sure it wouldn't fall down.

I grabbed the door handle and turned it. It squeaked open. I popped my head out and looked both ways. Nobody was in sight. Guess it was now or never.

I ran through the hallway. My door was open. I slowed a bit. Music was playing in my room. I tiptoed and peeked inside. Romeo was folding my clothes and putting them in my dresser. He looked up and saw me standing there.

"Kiddo, put some clothes on." Romeo said, chucking a bra at me.

"Sorry! I kinda forgot to grab my clothes and-" I started.

"Distracted by the chocolate?" Romeo offered.

"Um... Sure. Anyways, I tried calling for you but you didn't hear me. So, as you can see, I ran here in a towel." I explained.

"Nice." Romeo said sarcastically.

"Can I just have some clothes?" I asked.

Romeo opened my dresser and grabbed a pair of torn jeans, black tank top, and some underwear. He handed them to me as I picked up the bra that he had thrown at me. "There you go!"

"Thanks," I said and turned to walk back to the bathroom. Romeo put a hand on my shoulder to stop me. I turned around to see him staring at me. "What?"

Romeo grabbed my bra. "You have big boobs for 13."

I snatched my bra and punched him in the shoulder. "Never mention my boobs again." I said as I turned to leave. Romeo laughed behind me and I couldn't help but smile.

* * *

I ran into Yu in the hallway, who still had some chocolate on his torso. I shrugged a little. "Sorry bout the... you know." I said nodding at the chocolate. Yu chuckled a little.

"It ain't a big deal as long as you're okay. But do expert that I'll be at school to give that prep a piece of my mind!" Yu said with an evil grin.

"Please don't!" I begged. Yu laughed. "Seriously, just wash off the evidence and we'll never mention it again. Like it never even happened." I patted Yuki on the head and walked down the hall with a smile on my face.

* * *

I walked into the living room and plopped down in-between my brothers. "Hey," Yu said.

"Hi?" I said questioningly.

"Was that a question?" Romeo asked.

"Yup!" I said with a smile.

"Okay then." Yu said.

"Hanging out with Darcy today?" I asked Yu. (Yu's girlfriend)

"Maybe, I'm not sure yet." Yu responded.

"So..." Romeo said.

"What should we talk about?" I asked.

"Chocolate syrup?" Romeo teased. Yu slapped him. "Not nice!" Romeo said. He reached toward Yu. I ducked. Sitting in-between them was usually a bad idea, but I did it anyway. Yu reached to block Romeo's arm and accidentally hit me.

"Sorry," Yu muttered then hit Romeo again. I slid off the couch and crawled away. They were hitting back and forth now. They were having a bitch-slap fight. I sighed and left them to slap. I walked into the kitchen and leaned against the counter.

"I hope Mom gets home soon." I muttered to myself.

"Why? Sick of us?" I turned around and Yu was standing there.

"Uh, nothing personal." I said quickly.

Romeo chuckled as he walked in. "Well, you got your wish. Mom's here." He said gesturing to the window. I looked and sure enough, there she was getting out of the car.

I ran to the door and unlocked it for her. She smiled as she walked inside. "Hi, how was your day?"

"It's been better." I said turning towards Yu and Romeo who smiled.

"Well, I hope things go better tomorrow." Mom said. "How bout we eat at the mall tonight?"

"Yeah," Romeo said grabbing my arm and Yu's too. I looked at him questioningly. "Can't we at least pretend we like each other?" My mom chuckled at that comment. Yu and I smiled too.

"I call shotgun!" Yu yelled.

"I call shotgun on the way home!" Romeo said.

My mom looked at me. "Even if I call it, they take it so what's the point?" I asked.

My mom laughed. "Last time Romeo did sit on you."

"Exactly my point!" I said.

"Why did I have to have twins?" Me mom said as she sighed.

"You were just really wild in bed." Romeo said with a smile and a nod.

"That's not why someone has twins." I said.

"Shut up, you know nothing." Romeo said walking through the door. My mom shook her head. "Be proud of your children!" Romeo yelled from outside.

"Well at least you two turned out okay." My mom said with a smile on her face. Yu and I laughed.

"I heard that!" Romeo yelled.

"Just get in the car." My mom said, pushing me and Yu out the door. I climbed into the backseat with Romeo and Yu sat in the front.

"Can I drive?" Romeo asked.

"What do you think?" My mom said sarcastically.

"So that's a yes?"